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~Welcome. Below are a few things I have adopted from The Site Fights and various other places. Click on the adoption certificate to go to the adoption site.~

~I am 5 months pregnant at the moment. I just love this mom fairy!!~

My birthday is in November, and my baby is due in October. So I got these Birthday Pixie's for both of us!

My Birthday
My baby's Birthday

Get a Bithday Pixie!

~Here is my Fire element Pixie Dragon~

~Here is my Guardian Pixie dragons, Midnight and Moonlight.~

Here are my Fantasy Fighter Wizards and dolls and stuff

Here are my team pendents

Here are some ribbons for various causes that I've gotten. Please click on them to find out more about them.

I was abused as a child from my mother. I no longer live with her, but I still have memories. If you know a child that has been abused, please contact your nearest Social Services Department.

Stop Child Abuse

I am 5 months pregnant, and one of the worst things I can think of is to have my baby die of SIDS (sudden infant death symdrome). Please, learn the symptoms early to prevent this from happening to your child.

The Silent Killer

~That is all for now, please keep coming back to check on new adoptions.~

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