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~Here are some of my favorite places to go. I only have one link up right now, but I will be adding more as I go along. Email me if you have any links you would like to see here, or leave your link in the guestbook.~


The Site Fights
~This site is wonderful for webmasters. Have a look for yourself.~

Vampire Radio

Vampire Radio
Great music, a lot of classics. Great shows too.

Ladies of Love is a great place for single moms. I am very proud to be a member of this group.

I have a super great goth doll I use in my dustings for TSF, but I can't put the link on my dustings, so I'm putting it here. They make GREAT cartoon dolls!

If you would like to link to me, copy this banner and place it on your site. Link it back to

Link to Me

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