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~Greetings newcomer. I welcome you to my Realm. I am Mystical Rose. Here you will find out many things about me. I have left my poetry, my information page, and even a picture. I am just getting started to make this my new home, so please, be patient with me. I hope you enjoy yourself. I hope you are not afraid of the dark.~ *dark smile*

And another note:
If you are currently in any site competion, I am looking for Vote Exchanges (VE). If you are interested, please state so in my guestbook or use the link at the bottom of this page to email me and tell me. I will look at your site (I am against blind voting) and I will send you the info I need and then add you to my TSFVEreminder e-list.

Click below to find out about me.

about me

Click here to read my poetry

My poetry

Click here to see the awards my site has won

My Awards

Click here to see my favorite links


Click below to look at my adoptions

My adoptions

Click below to see my friends

My friends

Click Here to see my Charm Sheet

Charm Sheet

Click here to see my Spirit Page Index

Spirit Page

Rain Angel sent me a special "You're an angel" video. click HERE to see it!!

I'm approved!!

Deputy DFrog approved me!!

Click here to email me questions and comments

Email me

Please take a moment to sign my guestbook

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The DEssence Webring

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"DEssence of DSpirit, I help spread the spirit!"

Sharing the Spirit WebRing D'Mystical Rose Fairy
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with TSF and DRealm.

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