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The Dragon
The Dragon

Small dragons

...Parts of this page have been made unreadable...


...As ordered by king Leonard II...

...Of all creatures that inhabit our world, dragons appeal the most to people's imaginations. Wise, powerful, aggressive, and cunning are all words that come to mind when contemplating their kind. They are the epitome of all that is beautiful in nature, and if one ever gets to see a dragon, one is considered to be blessed. (At least if he survives) ...

...Words that don't generally appear in descriptions of dragons are lazy, stupid, stinking and cowardly. Still, it is this author's deep conviction that the latter series is more fitting, especially when it comes to small dragons. I've had the displeasure of meeting several of them while venturing through the north, and I must say that everything I'd heard about dragons was far overrated...

...The rat which has been steadily going through my supplies this month is more intelligent than those creatures...

...Never before have I met a species capable of dialogue so dimwitted as the small dragons of the north...

...To all those adventurers preparing themselves to combat one of these creatures, I say, don't bother, you'll never ...

...The moment they'll sight you, they'll be flying to safety as fast as their little wings can, flatulating as they go. (The latter being probably the main reason why I despise them so much)...

...Since I know this will be met with disbelief by most of my readers, I did a little bit of research in order to back up my claims...

...The rulers of the north...

...King ... offered a huge bounty for every dragon slayed...

...The wizards vowed to keep...

...burned and destroyed all...

...While I find it strange that this story doesn't appear in popular tales, it was recorded by the great sage and historian Tacnitus, so I presume there is some truth in it...


Over here some more screenshots from the dragon in Divinity (Click to enlarge):