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The Dragons

Of all creatures that inhabit our world, dragons appeal the most to people's imaginations. Wise, powerful, aggressive, and cunning are all words that come to mind when contemplating their kind. They are the epitome of all that is beautiful in nature, and if one ever gets to see a dragon, one is considered to be blessed. (At least if he survives) ...


The Vampiric Ghoul

Originally created by the dark archmage Ragon, the madman, the vampiric ghoul is a perfect example of just how far evil will go in its perversity. The story has it that Ragon dedicated his life to the 'assembly' of a female counterpart who would be as vile and evil as himself. Apparently the vampiric ghoul was a byproduct of his experiments, one which the evil archmage found particulary entertaining. Instead of destroying or torturing his creation (as he usually did), he repeated the experiment many times, in the process trying all kinds of variations. Then on one day, he assembled all of his creations, and teleported them to random locations all over the lands, where they went on a killing spree.



Kobolds have perfected magic skills. The small creatures are known all over Rivellon for their magic proficiency. Most of the artifacts and relics come from underground workshops and have been crafted by talented Kobolds. Many Kobolds have psionic abilities and can communicate with animals through telepathy. Over the centuries, the Kobolds have managed to create an alliance with the evil Shantisi. The Shantisi are race of huge spiders. The Kobolds use the Shantisi as mounts and fighting companions.




The Lizard People from the Badlands of Yuthul-Gor have long been the stuff of countless myths and legends. The Lizards live in so-called Quorls, communities of up to fifty members. The struggle for survival in the barren mountains of Yuthul-Gor is very challenging, and the Lizard People are trained in the use of weapons from earliest childhood on. For the male warriors, this training ends with a maturity test that must be finished within one year. The task usually involves retrieving a rare artifact or slaying a dangerous beast. The Lizard People are very shy creatures, and they hardly ever venture into the regions beyond Yuthul-Gor.



Most of the Orcs live in large tribes in the southern parts of Rivellon. All tribes pursue different interests, and inter-tribal conflicts are a regular occurrence. Some tribes even keep contact and trade relations with humans. Once a year, all tribes gather in the Plains of Grak-Nal-Dur, where the brave Orc warriors celebrate their raids and pillages against the rest of the populace. The individual tribe leaders use this gathering to forge new alliances with other clans. Some Orc warlords would like to unite all tribes under one flag, however, this is a dream still seemingly out of reach.

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