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The Succubus


The Succubus

At the end of the Age of Wonders, the Council of Seven and the Dark Circle maintained a delicate balance. Both sides constantly quested to gain the upper hand by relying on ever more powerful magic, and, as anybody with a sense of history knows, this eventually resulted in the Age of Destruction. It was at that time fairly common for the warlocks, witches and sorcerers of the Dark Council to summon demons to their aid. These demons were usually no match for the wizards of the council of seven, but the white wizards could not afford to ignore them. This meant that they had to spend energy on fighting the demons, energy which they then couldn't apply in their battle against the dark council. This relatively successful strategy was developed by the dark wizard, Calislost, one of dark council's leaders. It is with great joy that I report that I have retrieved what appears to be a communication from Calislost to another member of the Dark Council regarding this subject :

"First of all, congratulations on capturing Bloodvale. I don't think the white bitch will enjoy hearing the news that all of here cronies were butchered by our little friends. It is on the topic of our friends that I write to you. Kalton and I have discovered a race of demons who seem to be particular sympathetic to our cause. Instructions for contacting them are included in the scroll you should receive with this message. They behave like most demons, which means you have to be very careful when summoning them, and that you shouldn't forget to feed them. Also, make sure that they are thoroughly under your command, unless you want to end up like Lasal. The demons call themselves Succubi and are quite intelligent. Seen through warlock eyes they look like oversized human females, but an ordinary fellow will see a woman of extraordinary beauty. Their preferred method of destruction is kissing their victim. Yes, you read that right, but it's not the kind of kiss you think. I'll let you discover the nature of their kiss yourself, just make sure you're not the one on the receiving end of their affections. My spies tell me that there's some council vermin gathering at Tenderstorm. I suggest you create a gate for the Succibi in the neighbourhood, point them in the right direction, and then let them do their thing."

Signed : Calislost - Commander of the third wing"

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