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The dwarven community of Rivellon have been living and working Deep in the belly of the Tanoroth mountain. Dwarfes are reknown miners, traders and crafters of extremely valuable armors, weapons and gems. They gained their recognition in battle 150 years ago in the Orc wars, when a troop under King Balin sliced it's way through wave upon wave of Orcs to rescue the duke of Rivellon's cornered and weakened army. The word in Rivellon is that having a dwarf on your side is like having a rock to fight for you, solid and dependable. A Dwarf is not all about work and war, they like to have fun too. For thier size, actually for any size, they can consume vast quantities of booze. Weary has the traveller become when offered to sit down at a dwarfs table in a towns tavern.


Deep in the belly of the Tanoroth mountain for aeons the dwarvencommunity of Rivellon has always been isolated tribes worshipping the elements and especially their beloved ore. The origin is very unknown. They were always there and they probably always will be. Dwarves were long time known as the traders and crafters of very skilled, valuable armors, weapons and gems. Lately with the upcoming racial problems in the entire realm this has stagnated, but there are still a few believers who didnīt follow their King Kelp Dunatrim into the silence of the stone. Among them are the mage priests which carried the cult of the elements over the ages. Always open minded and in good contact to other wizards these still can be found outside their stony realms.

Dwarves are normally very good miners and brave fighters. Everybody recognizes a dwarven soldier by his super ply crafted mithril chain mail and the double sided Battleaxe since hundred fifty years ago in the first big orc wars a big troop under king Balin Thunder axe sliced the encornered army of the duke of Rivellon out the orcish waves they were trapped in. There is a word in Rivellon that having a dwarf in battle on your side is like raising the stones itself to aid you in combat.

But dwarves are as well good fellows when it comes having fun. Favoring a pint of good ale or strong booze a dwarf is always up to drink you under the table. And they will, given the sheer amount of booze consumed before any effect shows. Unfortunately much of those more happy bindings between humans and dwarves are buried now with the latest outbreaks of hate and chaos.

Dwarves are also quite stubborn, conservative and individual. It is said that their love for dark stone halls has made them carving astoning gigantic halls and vaults at the very heart of the mountain no human has ever seen. And no other race will in the near future. Caused by several infiltrations and infestations of imps and orcs in their tunnels during the late past the dwarves allow only few strangers to pass their giant mountain fortresses and there big doubt that this will change in the near future.