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Light candles on the altar
Purify- drum softly smudge stick (sage/cedar)
Cast circle/ invoke Fire Goddess

Earth- Mawu (Goddess of earth and fire)
Air- Akewa (Goddesss of air and fire)
Fire- Pele (Goddess of passion and fire)
Water- Oshun (Goddess of water and fire)
Spirit- Sun Woman (Goddess of immortality and spirit)

The Charge of the Goddesss
Invocation-(w/ soft drumming)
“This is the fullness of summer, the reign of the Mother Goddess. Tonight all wants are fulfilled all wishes come true, all love and abundance reach full passion. Women everywhere on the planet are gathered together tonight to invoke the Goddess. Our many voices embrace her awaken from the long sleep of patriarchy. Listen to her words.”

Meditation- done to drumming the increases in speed
“Feel the movement and heartbeat of the earth at Solstice, feel the rich black earth. Draw black into your body, through your feet, legs, vagina, abdomen, heart, chest, throat, and head. Feel it enter through your feet, travel through your body, release through your crown. Feel the richness of Mother Earth” (repeat w/ each color)… Feel the vibrant orange, color of women’s passion…feel the active yellow, color of women’s will…. feel the color green, color of sympathy and emotion…feel the color blue, color of thoughts and psychic knowing…. Feel the color purple, color of the Goddess… feel the color clear, color of light.
Draw into each charka the colors in turn; connect the colors with other sensory impressions. After clear draw in what you want from the Solstice: what fulfillment’s, passions, abundance? Draw them in from the earth, release them to the universe as they manifest. Then feel the colors stop, knowing they are all within you. Know all wishes have been granted. Come back to now.

Body Ritual- immediately after the meditation, lead in a spiral dance. Keep the spiral moving clockwise steadily, but not at a break-neck pace. The high priestess leads, first taking the hand-holding line of women away from the fire, then in a snake chain around the land, they finally coming into a circle, leading the beginning of the circle in on itself until the women are wound tight against each other. Then start moving outward in the opposite direction, unwinding, the high priestess goes to the outside end to do this. When the spiral is unwound, lead the women in a chain again around the grounds and back to the fire circle. Bring the women back into the ritual circle again. Have them sit down; they will be winded,. The drumming stops

Ground- Direct the power raised in the meditation and spiral dance to fulfillment, passion., and creativity; the fullness of the light and the beginning of the dark. Moving clockwise each seated woman lights her candle at the bonfire with a match. Make a wish, state a banishing, and then blow your candle out. After everyone is through light all the candle again and leave them lit for the rest of the ritual, with the statement “ On Summer Solistice, the Goddess grants all wishes” For this part of the ritual the drums are silent. The candles are placed in front of each woman.

Self-blessing- It may not be possible to use oils in a large groups outdoors; do it without them

Ground- Send excess energy for earth healing and good harvests, food for starving people

Open Circle- thank the elements and spirit and release them Toast marshmallows, send for pizza or have a potluck

Songs for spiral dance:
Air I am.FireI am. Water, Earth and Spirit I am.

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