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Light candles (white) leave a black and white candle unlit in the center
Purify- Franlincese and sandlewood incense
Cast circle/ Invoke Goddes of death

Earth- Hecate (Goddess of ending and beginnings
Air- Ceridwyn (Goddess of rebirth and Karma
Fire- Kali (Goddess of death and re- claiming
Water- Yemaya- Olokun (Goddess of all taking sea
Spirit- Spider Grandmother (Goddess of the web of immortality

The Charge of the Goddess
Go around the circle naming yourself and foremothers “I am ________daughter of ___________, granddaughter of ____________, great granddaughter of ____________. I honor my foremothers and invite them to this ritual” Go around again and invite the presence of the positive Be-ings, livling or not, human or animal, into the ritual. Say a few words of who each is.

This is the night of the grandmother, Goddesses of death and immortality. We invite them into the circle; Ceridwyn, Old Woman, Hecate, Copper woman, Mother Kali, and Oya. We welcome them as friends, celebrating the connection between death and life.”

Invocation Poem

They who are dead were as alive as we and we have not forgotten. We too will ide and we will not be forgot. In our ceaseless file from mystery to mystery, Through the veil of life and death and soft November dusk- Are we all alive or like the dead? Let no one say. I am the seed of the husk the lies dead; I am the husk of those the seeds to come The corn I plant is the bond between us all And may our earth attest their be no stop.

Meditation- Do a past life regression

Body Ritual- Pass around a bowl of salt water and say: ‘’This is a cauldron for banishing fears. Give them to Hecate, to Ceridwyn or Oya, as purification and banishing of the ending year.” Everyone names their fears and put them into the bowl. The bowl goes around until the fears are banished. Then pass around a bowl of seeds, nuts or acorns; “ Take a seed. In the seed are the beginnings and hopes for the New Year, for goals and wishes coming soon to replace the fears that were banished.” Take a seed and name a hope Move close to the scrying bowl ( dark sided bowl w/ clear water nad a crystal) at the center of the circle. “ Go to a place of joy in the past, place of joy in the present and a place of joy in the future( give time to experience each….” Invite a foremother, spirit guide or Goddess to join you. She has a message or gift for you, receive it. When n you have received her gift and her blessing come back to now and the circle Then light the black candle, then the white one ‘”These candles symbolizes the old and the new, the banishing of fear and the invoking of hope, the harvest and plantings to come, death and life. At Hallows we turn the Wheel of the Year and death becomes new life” Take a moment and honor the women who died in the Inquisition and the Holocaust, for all who’ve died for what they believe for all those who’ve died of AIDS. Use songs such as “ The Burning times” Charlie Murphy or Catherine Madsen’s “ Allu Mari Mi Portati

Raise Power- Use humming or drumbeat of the chant “ She changes everything she touches, and everything she touches changes” Send the raised energy to banishing evil in the world, banishing women’s fears, banishing patriarchy, and invoking hope and peace.

Self-blessing/ mirrors
Pass around a pomegranate, cut in half on a plate. Everyone eats some of it. Open the circle/ Ground again


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