Candles are unlit or lit only at the directions and center
Tapers in red, black, and white on the altar are dark
Purify-with incense smoke (pine, cedar)
Casting circle/ invoke sun Goddess for the elements and spirit
Earth- Tonantein, Sun Goddess, Mother of Mexico
Air- Befana
Fire-Amaterasu Omikami
Water- Unelanuhi
Spirit- Isis of Africa
Charge of the Goddess”
We are here to celebrate winter Solstice the longest night of the year. This is the time of women’s rebirth from
darkness, of the Goddess’s rebirth. Light comes from darkness, growth from bareness, and spring from the depths
of winter. Persephone leaves Hecate in the underworld and is reborn to Demeter.Yemaya creates the world a new.
We are here to bring light to the world
- change (old to new) experience birth without pain, be a child, growing up, adult, growing old, experience death
peacefully and be back in the womb and reborn again. Grow up to now return to the circle Go around the circle and
discuss the experience of rebirth. Then go around three times making three wishes. Move clockwise. First wish is
too Hecate to affirm something ending. Then light the black candle. Second wish to Persephone, for something beginning,
then light the white candle. Third wish to Demeter affirm a goal, light the red candle.
Raise cone- hum and drum up the power direct the energy to women’s growth in the waxing year.
Ground- send excess energy to earth for healing.
Self-blessing- Use pine scent oils and mirror
Open Circle Ground again
Potluck dinner