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This page has the following information:

The Elements
Magick by Element

From the UEW
The Pentacle and the Lesser Elements
Visualizations for the Elements
-Grounding: The Earth Visualization-
-The Womb: The Water Visualization-
-Astral Consciousness: The Air Visualization-
-This is only a test...The Fire Visualization-

Elemental Corresondences from many sources


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(from various unknown sources)

The Elements

Our world is viewed of in terms of four physical elements - earth, water, air and fire (which roughly correspond to the four scientific forms of matter: solid, liquid, gas and plasma) - plus spirit. Together, these elements form a united whole, as is symbolized in the pentagram. All are necessary and should be in balance.

Circles are generally cast through the use of all elements. Incense (fire and air) and salt water (earth and water) is the simplest method, with yourself representing spirit. Candles (fire), incense (air), water (water), and (especially if you're outdoors) the ground beneath your feet (earth) also work. The compass points of a circle each represent an element as well, with the circle itself being spirit, uniting and binding all together.

Each of these elements correspond to certain aspects, and when attempting to do work concerning a certain aspect, we address the appropriate element. Ceremonial magic and alchemy have given us a great deal of other correspondences with the elements, everything from tools and colors to numbers and letters. Here I shall restrict myself to common Wiccan usage, what I find useful to religious ritual, and what helps illustrate the interconnections of various cycles. For instance, you will see similarities between the elemental aspects listed here and the aspects of the Triple Goddess listed elsewhere.

One group on the Northeastern New England coast places Water to the East and Air to the West, to recognize the power of the sea and the land winds near their homes. Although most Wiccans begin their Rituals to the east and circle around to represent the passage of the sun, many choose to begin at the North or South, and a group of Bardic Wiccans that I know go North to South to East to West and around, to represent the wandering of the ancient Bards which always brought them home.

The directions vary in the different hemispheres, these are not fixed directions. If there is a large body of water to the north of the place where you perform your ritual then the north can be water. Whatever feels right for you.

The following breaks the elements down and defines their correspondences.


Air is the element of intellect, study, and book-learning, and therefore of the sciences. Air represents mental activity, thoughts, reason and intellect, memory, knowledge, persuasion, birth and friendship, freedom, clarification and expression. It is also the element of youth, creativity, and spontaneity, and of communication and travel.

A low Air person seems without any direction and unable to define or visualize any future and can not reason out the alternatives and objectives.

A high Air person is at ease in complex situations and can sit and think things through, and can carry through with decisions.


Fire is the element of strength, especially physical strength but also strength of will, and energy. Fire represents passion, enthusiasm, desire and courage, force, protection, purification, transformation, chaos, sex, fertility and virility, initiative and rejuvenation. It represents both light and heat. Fire is life and health as well as destruction. It provides the light of intelligence and the courage to follow it.

A low fire person is usually cold, slow to act, without enthusiasm for life or his/herself.

A high fire person is bold, dramatic and passionate in all areas within himself, however this person must be careful as fire can destroy everything in its path.


Ah water, the symbol of our emotions. Water imbibes all life forms and in us we flow with the "tide" of our feelings. It involves intuition, insight, conception and pregnancy, fertility, the womb, health, beauty and divination. Water is the element of wisdom, clarity, and common sense, especially that which comes from experience. It also contains aspects of transformation and purification, and can also represent death and rebirth.

A low water person would appear as a cold calculating one, one who is indifferemt and unresponsive.

On the other hand, a high water person may seem as though at the slightest touch the well is opened and can be over emotional and over dramatic in all areas of life.

A good balance of water here is needed to keep the flow running smoothly.


Earth is the element of stability, order and grounding; the source and provider of all our needs. It is also the element of fertility, both literal and figurative, and therefore of pregnancy, growth, birth, material gain, business, prosperity sustenance, creativity, sensations, decay, patience, stability, strength, health, warmth and comfort, animals and animal instincts, farming and physical labor. As the element from which came and to which we will return, earth is the element of death and rebirth, beginnings and endings, and silence.

A low Earth person can seem confused, insecure and alone, unable to feel wanted and the work may be affected.

A high Earth person seems a practical sort and quite "down to earth"; a hard worker, stable and a good provider. However, a high Earth person can be a little too stubborn sometimes.

Because earth symbolizes endings and beginnings, I cast my circles starting in the north.


Also referred to as Ether or Aethyr. Direction: Center and circumference Tools: Circle, self Major Aspect: Everything and nothing

Spirit is the element of transcendence, transformation, change, the void, everywhere and nowhere, all time and no time. It is the primal force that flows through all of us and all things. It is not often addressed directly in ritual, because it is the element of ourselves, our will, and the gods, all of which are already actively invoked.

Magick by Element

This section gives a brief description of what kind Element you are using when you do different kinds of Magick. It does not tell you how to do the Magick.


Fire magick can bring on the new, bring on courage and passion and destroy the old.

The different types of Fire Magick are Bonfire Magick, which usually involves burning something such as an herb or flower, or a piece of paper or petition on which you have written your desire. It is used for banishing, ridding or destroying negative influences in your life.

Another is Candle Magick, a simple, easy and useful method in bringing about your desires. A color for the candle is chosen and can also include the correct scent in relation to your desire and lit sometimes for up to seven days. This type of Fire Magick is usually for any type of desire.

Another is Sun Magick. Using the Sun in our desires is a beautiful way in which to enhance new beginnings in love, health, work and home, awaken subtle powers and aid in attraction desires.


Different types of Air Magick include Visualizations. An important tool in any magick work, it makes the events happen. For this type, it is important that all the other factors such as color, time, the moon phase, winds, etc. are all in balance. And to have the other tools working such as incense and candle burning or even the right tea or wine to drink in the background. This is because you need to "fix" or "ground" the images or ideas you are using in your visualization.

As our thoughts are extremely powerful, as are our Words. Words can be put together in such a way as to form spells, or used in channeling your power. Words give rise to our desires and can be released upon the winds for attainment. Created and repeated with intensity and concentration the spoken word is a powerful magick in itself. You do not have to be an accomplished linguist, just a simple sentence will do. It creates an atmosphere of concentrated awareness and strength. Words can be used in moments of stress and fear, and will create the magick itself. It does not have to be said aloud, say them to yourself if need or want be.

Another Air Magick is Mirror Magick. It can help in overcoming inner problems and also help with difficult personal decisions. It uses both the Word and Visualization forms and can also aid in being able to visualize a future event. Sometimes, used as a Scrying Tool, in which you are able to "see" possible future events.


Some Water Magick can involve the use of the beach and its sand, shells, animals and seawater. Especially good for love spells and too, when you need to "get a grip" or clarify your own emotions. The use of shells in the practice is widely used. These can hold appropriate herbs or be used as a symbol of Water Magick.

One old tradition is using that of well water. A lot of gems and stones are exposed to this for a period of time and used at night, in full moon or the waxing phases, for Water Magick. Be careful though to know your stones, as some do not react well in water for long periods of time. This type of magick can give you insights to how others think of you, what others are doing and how well they are and to find the truth within yourself. Be careful when using this type also, if there is an intent of maliciousness or control of another, all you will get is a reflection back unto yourself.

Water spells can involve the use of Scrying bowls. This is a bowl of clear or colored water in which you are able to "see" the future and future events or get a clear direction on decisions. Widely used in certain meditations and visualizations.


Earth Magick can involve the use of herbs and plants. Using the correct herb to attain your desire along with the other tools can be very effective. Burying something and making some offerings to the Earth such as planting trees is a form of Earth Magick. Using your gems or crystals and burying them in the Earth under the appropriate tree while making your wish is also effective.

Another type which is considered Earth Magick is any type of routine magick. Anything you do on a routine basis can be used as a magickal vehicle. While performing something you do at the same time everyday, prepare yourself and use this period for clarity on a subject, figure the best course of action in a situation or to find just where you are in the course of your life.

-The Pentacle and the Lesser Elements-

The four elements have a great deal of symbolism attached to them. Individually, they are often represented by shapes or other symbols. Circular symbols, like the ones below, are often used in place of the names of the elements when writing a ritual. When writing in a runic alphabet without capital letters or writing in a second language like the Latin, French or Gaelic, this can make it much easier to distinguish between a fire (light a fire) and Fire (Light a candle to represent Fire.)

Spirit, the Fifth Element, is usually not symbolized. This could be because it is not a part of the boundary of the Circle or because many traditions don't consider Spirit as something invoked by the person casting the circle. It is a more ethereal element, brought to the circle by the practitioner and symbolized by the altar. When represented as a group, the five elements are often symbolized by the pentacle.

In some traditions, The areas between the points on the pentacle encompass what are called the "lesser" elements. "Lesser" Elements are combinations of two Greater Elements, although a subelement is often implied, for instance, smoke, which is suspended pieces of solid matter (earth) is said to be of Earth and Air, but a sub-element of Fire can be implied. In some Fam-Trads, there is mention of the Ever-Continuing Pentacle. In its basest form, this pentacle can be begun by forming a second pentacle within the first, with each of its lines the "children" of the elements. It's important to notice that the Circle or pentagon around the pentacle also represents a series of lines and elements. The following is generally agreed to be the First set of "lesser" elements invoked in some Wicca, but there is little if any corroboration between trads of the lesser elements beyond them.

I've only seen a few Wiccan circles where the "lesser" elements were invoked, and they were either weather-related or large group circles where invoking each of these elements gave more people more to do. They are useful, however, when planning circles relating to things like rain or storms. A blessing ritual I know of has protected one house in a tornado-prone spot for years, and the words "fire" and "spirit" are carved in Theban script on a friend's lightning rod...Do they work? Statistically, we really don't have the numbers to say, but no one offers a "charm" or "spell" as a panacea. My friends in Tornado Alley in Kansas still have a very solid house and a storm cellar, my friend with the lightning rod didn't write the words on his roof to keep the lightning away, because that just wouldn't have worked.

Another friend summed it up this way... "If you see a zealous Christian walking into a Lion's den, you know he's got a lot of faith. If you see a Wiccan walking into a lion's den, you know he's a lion tamer." Now, this isn't meant as a slam against Christians, nor do I believe all lion tamers to be Wiccan, this just illustrates an aspect of our religion. In Wicca, we believe that the Gods fully intend for us to have a plan B, and that using that plan is a part of living within our Religion. The knowledge of things like lightning rods and structural damage capacity are tools to forge our plan Bs... tools given to us by the Gods, and/or the Inner divinity. Using these tools expresses their holiness.

The Elements are also tools, tools that we use to make things work "that much more" in our favor. We do not try to control the Elements, or anything else for that matter. Many feel that the use of Ritual Magick, which is merely advanced prayer, is an attempt to supersede God, and wrest power for ourselves. Yes, we do seek power and control, but only power and control over the one thing we have the right to control...our Self. Remember, Control of other people/things destroys their Will, destroying the Will is causing harm....Wiccans do not harm.

Visualizations for the Elements

In Universal Eclectic Wicca, the elements also represent states to achieve, and in larger circles and some private ones, the elements are invoked as examples of our inner power, "That we may be" like that element. Visualization1 is often used to "initiate" the Wiccan to the path of that element, and the inner powers or "states" discovered are used in Ritual and everyday life. These visualizations include each element, with a focus on the power of one and the state to be achieved. In group situations, these visualizations are read by one person, often with drumming or instrumental music in the background, at home, a tape player should be used to record the words of the visualization until you no longer need them. Wear comfortable clothes, even use a blanket if you wish, and lie on your back with your hands on your stomach. Breathe in slowly, then hold the breath for three seconds, then slowly exhale. You should feel your stomach rise with each breath, if not, put a book or some small weight on your stomach and practice making it move up and down slightly with your breathing. Don't worry about doing the visualizations NOW, just slow down, be still, and wait for it to come. You may wish to practice these breathing techniques without visualization for a short time each night until they become comfortable....if you fall asleep at any point, don't fret, it just means you reached a VERY intense point of relaxation, and you probably needed the sleep more than you needed the visualization.

Distraction during visualization should be avoided, and this includes "Ohmigods I gotta go to work in two hours" so practice visualization with a loose schedule, and turn off the television and the radio. After a while, the states you may achieve through visualization may become instant, and then distraction doesn't matter. Feel free to change any aspects you feel uncomfortable with in the visualization. If sitting in a chair or a Yoga stance works better for you, then do it. These are all suggestions, none of this is written in stone.

-Grounding:The Earth Visualization-

Lie flat on your back in a field, if you do not have access to a field, lay on a floor and first visualize through the steel, wood and concrete. Feel yourself falling until you are lying in the dust below your foundation, and "Touch" the permeable earth that's there.... Reach through the earth into the tiny worm holes permeating the soil. Feel each nerve on your finger extend forward like a root hair system. You cannot move your fingers. The creatures of the soil, things you once feared perhaps, pass over you, through the strands of your hair. Your hair grows impossibly fast, rooting itself to the ground, entangling itself with your fingers. You cannot move your head...

An energy tingles in your chest, and all the stresses and anxieties grow out as roots through your body and hairs, strengthening you, reaching miles and miles down to an underground lake. You feel from above as each root plunges into the earthwarmed water, and as the very last root plunges in, you feel a bitter cold taking over the rest of you, trying to suck every inch of warmth from your bones. You feel the cold sucked through the rest of your body toward the roots, heat slowly returning to your face. You see the cold sucked into the water, forming a silverish slick which bubbles slowly as the pure water milks it from your roots. A wind springs up in the underground cavern, twisting the ends of your roots and tossing the silver about frantically, painting the walls with it and throwing your roots around viciously. Only the knarled roots of your worries are affected, twisting, bending, but never breaking, still holding you as firm as you need.

Without warning, the wind subsides. The silver light covers everything except the water, which is clear once more. The rocks, your roots, even the walls of the cavern all glow with the light. The warmth of the lake pushes into you, replacing what the storm drained. You feel the pulse of the water, though you...though the earth...the beat rushes through every inch of you, and you begin to notice the light flowing, moving with the pulse, slowly creeping toward you. A closer look shows the silver light to be thousands of bioluminescent creatures, no larger than fleas, and they swarm silently to you, covering you in a living, pulsing shield.

A column of steam rises from the water, and you feel the heat blocked by the creatures. They melt into every inch of you as the steam and water buffet you, keeping you from burning and tempering into a solid coat of light. Your stresses thus transmuted, the steam stops, and your roots slowly retract, bringing the light into your body...you feel it just beneath the skin, a tingle of deeper strength. As you open your eyes, you know it's there...you are aware of the difference, and this feeling, this memory is forever. You are changed...you are grounded.

Many (but not all) people experience grounding the first time they practice this visualization. It is not actually a "metamorphosis," but a way of rerouting power into a force you already possess. For some, merely lying in bed, or any other "personal" place, is a way to achieve this state...experiment. When you achieve that "anchored" feeling, try to remember the sensation in detail. Practice will make it come easier.

-The Womb:The Water Visualization-

For this exercise, you want to lie on your back, with your arms crossed over your chest. The Healing state we're attempting to achieve here is the "mental pure" state that some rituals, especially healing rituals call for. If you have already achieved a grounded state, try grounding yourself before attempting the visualization. Transference from one state to the next is easier than transference from "everyday" action to Metaphysical action. I've listed the states in order of easiest to hardest for this purpose.

(If you have a tape of ocean waves, play it now, if you have an Ocean Drum, try sitting in a comfortable chair with the Ocean Drum on your lap and slowly rock in a circular motion, if you have no way to hear waves, you'll just have to listen to your heartbeat and imagine the rushing in and out of sound.)

Breathe in, and let that breath be the slow roll of the waves coming in to shore, breathe out, feel it roll away let this continue, the rolling in and out, until you begin to feel a lightness around your body...imagine the soft feel of body-warm water as it laps at your toes, your feet, your ankles, lifting them from the ground and gently pulling you into the water. Your legs, hips, back, touch the water as you float up, carried on the surface of the water effortlessly, and at once, you're floating, carried by the warm water with no fear of sinking. The Waves increase in speed, pulling you further from land with each new downbeat, and you begin to feel the sun beating upon you, trying to sink you beneath the waves with a heat you feel like a physical pressure. The water beneath you rumbles in fierce protectiveness, and you are rushed upward toward a deep blue sky. Impossibly light, you are tossed off of the cresting waves and into the sky, where you gently lift into an updraft, then spiral down onto a outstretched arm of water, which caresses your body as you land, pulling you down beneath the waves. Your first breath as you sink is difficult, but your body readjusts to the act of water breathing, remembering pre-infancy instinct. The warmth fills you, inside and out, as you are tossed gently, current to current. The water gently flows through your hair, pulling away the dirt of the common world and leaving you pure and innocent. You see yourself rushing toward the skin of the water, the sunlight playing on it like a fragmented mirror, that seems more and more solid as you flow closer. You hit the barrier, and feel it refuse to yield. The pressure builds up behind you, pushing harder, and you are thrust out, taking your first breath of air violently and loud, the pressure exploding from your body. Pulled on by a million gentle fingers, you are carried to the shore, where the earth grows solid beneath your feet. You are truly reborn.

As with the other visualizations, this is only a suggestion, a technique that may or may not help you experience this sensation. Again, we deal here with the difficulty of our languages, for these states, being personal and varied, are indescribable as well.

-Astral Consciousness: The Air Visualization-

Air is not only an element of purification, but is also the element of the free mind. For that reason, students of astral projection often use visualizations as "launching boards" into their astral travels. I make no claims about the validity of Astral Travel, because there is no strict definition of it, and no grounded scientific proof. In no way am I saying it does not exist either, discussion of such levels of metaphysics are best left to metaphysical tomes, not books on Wicca. Let me reiterate here, that Magick, Metaphysics and "New Age" practices are something many Wiccans do, but are not part of the actual religion. Ritual Magick, which is really advanced prayer, will be covered in a later chapter.

Self-hypnosis is recommended for this visualization, or a period of meditation preceding it. If you find that the imagery makes you uncomfortable, but not enough to want to not do it, you may which to cast a circle (next chapter) or wear a "protective" piece of jewelry. Another idea, carry a small stone in your hand, to remind you of "earth" The deep breathing you do here should be enough to keep you from feeling "weird," but if you feel that you are out-of-body prone, do what you need to do to ground yourself or give yourself "protection" from a possible negative experience. If you have enough Metaphysical background to enter "Reverie" while performing this visualization, all the better for you.

Begin with the breathing you've used in other exercises, but with each exhale, feel your extremities slowly begin to go numb...first your fingers and toes, the your hands and feet, all the way up to your neck...try not to move these numb parts, but let twitches, and other unconscious movements happen. When only your head seems moveable, visualize a network of threads of light holding you down. You can feel these threads holding down your power, but as you assert yourself, the tiny threads begin to snap, your body slowly raising as each thread ceases to hold you down. You float carelessly through the air, turning to see your motionless body lying on the floor behind you. You smile, and a few seconds pass before the smile reaches your face below you. You notice a silver umbilical cord tying you to your body, which is safe on the guardian earth, without a further care, you turn and drift up, through the rafters, the roof, whatever, into the night sky. You push yourself up, (optional: past the lights of the city, the smog and heat until you come to pure air) into a black sky dotted with millions of stars. A wind, carrying an electric charge so fierce that you can smell it, pushes you around until you are inches away from a wall of glowing light, which shimmers with pulses of color like minute lightning flashes. You reach out and touch the wall, and are sucked into a fast moving stream of light and air, which carries you impossibly fast. From your position within the wall, you can see the semi-sphere of a far-off earth, blue-green and brown behind you. the lights of cities twinkle like Christmas lights, adding to its splendor, and a network of paths similar to the one you are on encircle it in a warm net. You step out of the wall into another and are pulled in another direction, toward black clouds which butt up against each other in angry protest. You enter these clouds, dropping out of the energy stream, and feel the caress of lightning as it passes through you. A weight begins to fill you, and you drop several inches, the pressure strong enough to make you feel as if you're about to explode. With a great rip of thunder, the rain begins and the pressure begins to ease, the water pouring through the clouds and through you onto the ground below. Rained out, you feel a little drained, so you hook the energy stream once more, feeling its energy revitalize you. You float some more, allowing yourself to be tossed about by the wind and the energy fields, until you see a circle of stones beneath you, like Stonehenge, only smaller. You touch upon the stone at the center of the ring and feel an energy from it, similar to the one in the wall. you allow yourself to join with the stone's energy for a moment, then press off once more, finding an equilibrium between the draw of the earthy stone and the airy fields of energy. You point a finger at the stone, and a line of energy crackles from your hand and reaches it. You can see energy from the stone trickling into the line, and feel it filling your hand, with your other hand, you create a line between your body and the energy field above you, and for a few moments, you are pulled by the two forces, which yield to you and begin to strengthen you. After a few moments, you allow the lines to disintegrate, knowing you can draw in no more power. You place your hands palm to palm and a globe of energy forms around you. You concentrate for a moment, noticing the umbilical that stretches the miles to your body. You watch as it detaches from you and attaches to the bubble. There is a sucking sound, and your ears pop, and you find yourself standing above your body. You stretch out your hands, and the bubble melds into the body as energy crackles from your hands and is pulled into the body. You allow your left hand to drain itself dry, and then watch as your right hand begins to disintegrate, fingers, arms, shoulder, all forming into lines of light, you look briefly before you allow yourself to be fully drawn back, and notice the smile is still there, peaceful, and serene....You notice as you regain control of your limbs that the little threads do not reform, you've escaped them, and if they come back, it will be at your request.

-This is only a test...The Fire Visualization-

The Fire Visualization creates the mindset of a challenger, a very powerful thinking and feeling method, which we train ourselves in. The Fire consciousness is usefully invoked at any time where we must be grounded through pain, or even in so called "lesser stresses" like exams, or defending a thesis. There is a feeling of being drawn or directed in this visualization, like the soul has more important things to do than the body. This can help put you into perspective about your life. Are your greatest worries really as bad as all that?

Begin this visualization like the others, only be sure you're warm when you do it. a friend of mine suggests using the visualization while tanning, but I love my skin too much to try. This visualization is best done during the day, although a more imaginative person might imagine traveling around the world before rising into the sun. If, at anytime, you are uncomfortable, then change the visualization. remember, never do anything you don't want to do!

You feel your body dissolving, breaking down into spherical molecules of black carbon. You are, all at once, more aware of your being than ever. Your heart still beats, your lungs still breathe, but you are made of millions of seething particles. Breathe deep and let the particles float like a flock of swallows into the sky. You curve, you undulate, but all the while you are one, held together by the invisible threads of molecular bonding, You are a great cloud of smoke across the sky, turning the sun blood red as it passes through you. You stand, at once, both under and above yourself. You touch the molecules of smoke and they cling to your mind's fingers, lifting you up, up into the blood red sunlight. Your mind's eyes close for a moment and they are the red of your eyelids, when you open them again you see only the sunlight, impossibly close and impossibly red. The sunlight illuminates your particles as they lift your mind's body toward the red sun, and impossible carpet of red and gold that warms as you approach the sphere. You feel your blood pounding and notice it's the pounding of the sun. In, hold, out, you breathe, red, gold, orange, it flashes. The beat grows louder. Red. Orange. Gold. You stretch your fingers toward the sun and they are tinged with the clear white of diamonds and quartz, the color drained away into the pounding sun. Your body tingles with the heat, like a hot shower after a cool swim, and you breathe through it, in, out, in, until the heat becomes soothing instead of harsh. The colors change, Red. Orange. Gold. Violet. White. Blue. The heat is so intense it actually cools you. This is the heat of wintergreen, of menthol, and the dust of your magic carpet is the crystal blue-white of ash so pure it resembles snow. A yellow haze forms between you and the sun, so large now that you can see nothing else. The yellow haze comes closer and you see that it is a wall of pale fire, it's color the color of fresh lemons, tinged on the outer edge with the blue-white of the hottest flames. With a whoosh you pass through it, and it clings to you like some kind of membrane. The sun is now the deep red color of burning coals and you turn, feet towards the sun and gently float to the surface, held aloft for ages by the heat while pulled forward by the inescapable gravity. Your feet touch the spongy surface of the sun, and you feel no more than the deep heat of your blood. The pounding turns metallic, and you walk towards it. A being of pure fire appears before you, hammering a crystal blade at a forge. He points behind you and you see your footprints lingering on the sun, a patch of black-red coals that ignite slowly into the red of the flaming ground beneath you. You turn back to him and he holds the sword out to you, hilt first. You take it, and he turns into a giant lizard of flame, the great salamander. He roars at you, and you recognize it as a challenge. The sword pulses in your hand as the salamander swipes at you. You dodge and he swishes his lizard tail at you, you dodge once more and swing the sword in a wild arc at the creature. In the moment of connection, the salamander's lizard-like face is aglow with pride in you, his student. His head connects with the blade and disappears in a puff of white smoke. The body fizzles away in a cloud of steam and you find yourself walking through dense orange-tinged fog. The ruins of a great marble temple are before you, and you step up upon a marble dais, soft and cold beneath your ash covered feet. A woman, clad in a white gown nods at you and holds her hand out. You give her the sword and she gestures for you to reach into a small well and remove the huge gem that lies within it. As you lift the gem a jet of white flame pushes you up, up into the sky and away from the surface of the sun. The gem pulls you into blackness, and then, slowly. you approach the earth. The blackness turns to blue as the gem points your feet towards home. It quivers in your grip and pulls away from you, and you find yourself plummeting back toward the earth and slamming you into your body as the gem climbs deeper into space.. Before you can breathe another breath, you see the gem, through the roof, through the sky, as it explodes in white hot fire and a star appears in the heavens. Your star.

This visualization is optional, more so than the others, in a Universal Eclectic Wicca Circle, instead of using visualization to "discover" the fire consciousness, we usually suggest a "test" of some kind, a fear one might need to conquer. A "trial by Fire" often has very little to do with the actual element, and more to deal with what is called its "Sphere of Influence." The Sphere of Influence of an element includes the spiritual and mythological meanings a person attributes to it..

Elemental Corresondences from many sources


Basic Correspondences

Celtic name: Airt
Major Aspect: Intelligence
Attributes: Abstract Learning, Creativity of Mind, Intuition, Breath, Mental Powers, Towers, Rules of Mind, Thought, Visions, Ideologies, Ideas, Wind, Imagination, Physic Powers, Wisdom, Peaks, Theory, Windswept Hills, Plains, High Mountains, Knowledge
Sphere of Influence: Cleansing
Basic nature: Floating, movement, fresh, intelligent, suspending. Sound is a manifestation of this element.
Point of life: Infancy
Gender: Male
Zodiacs: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Feelings: heat and moisture
Sense: Hearing and Smelling
Places: Moutaintops and high mountain peaks, wind-swept plains and hills, cloudy skies,
windy beaches, high towers, airports, schools, libraries, offices, travel agencies, psychiatrist's office
Instruments: All Wind instruments
Attracted by: Oils and Incense

Plants: Primrose, Vervain, Yarrow, Frankincense, Myrhh, Violet, Wind-weeds, Wildflowers for creativity.
Trees: Ash for Peace of mind; Birch, aspen, beech, palms for mental health
Incense: Galbanum
Meditation incenses: Spearmint, Lavander, Clover, Lemon Balm and Sage Oils: Lemongrass, Mace, Peppermint.
Crystals: Amber, Lapis Lazuli, Flourite, Smoky Quartz, Yellow Topaz, Sapphire, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz
Minerals: White or Clear Flourite for Illumination and creativity; Moonstone for Receptivity to illumination; Turquoise for Focus and Awareness; Single-point Crystals for Perception; Amethyst for Meditation and Illumination; Rhodochrosite for Brain stimulation; Royal Azute for Brain Codes; Silver for receptivity; Smooth Sand and Salt

Divine Correspondences

Goddess Aspect: Maiden
Goddesses: Aradia, Arianrhod, Nuit, Kwan Yin, Urania
God Aspect: Inseminator
Gods: Thoth, Zeus, Khonsu, Mercury
Wind: Eurus (Northern Hemisphere) or Zephyrus (Southern Hemisphere)
Angel: Raphael-Archangel of the East, mystic illuminator, star traveler.
King: Paralda- Servant of Raphael, shape changer in the mists of mind.
Faerie: Sylphs- Elemental spirits of Air, ruled by Paralda.
Animals: Birds (Especially Eagles and Hawks) Doves for Messages of peace and illumination; Hawks for Focus, Perception; Eagles for Philosophy, Ideals; Wolves for Communication, Perception; Deer for Perception, Awareness; Raccoons for Thinking; Cardinals for Creativity; Parrots for Communincation; Cats for Dometic and predatory; Foxes for Awareness; Turtles for Creativity


DANU: Goddess of Creativity
MERCURY: God of Communication
ATHENA: Goddess of Wisdom
KWAN YIN: Goddess of Mindfulness.
BUDDHA: Teacher of Illumination
YOD HE VAWHE: Elemental King of Air.

Magickal Correspondences

Direction: East (Northern Hemisphere) or West (Southern Hemisphere)
Time: Sunrise
Season: Spring
Moon: Waxing
Moon phase: First Quarter
Tools: Incense, Censer, Wand, Bells, (sometimes Sword and Athame)
Symbols: Sky, Wind, breezes, clouds, breath, vibrations, plants, herbs, flowers, trees
Color: Yellow
Ritual work: The Mind, All mental, intuitive and psychic work, knowledge, abstract learning, wind and breath, inspiration, hearing, harmony, herbal knowledge, plant growth, intellect thought and growth, travel, freedom, revealing the truth, finding lost things, psychic abilities, instruction, telepathy, memory, to contact the angels, the ability to know and understand, to unlock the secrets of the dead, Zen meditation, brainstorms, beginnings, illuminations
Ritual forms: Tossing objects into the air, Suspending tools in high places, fanning light objects, visualization, positive thinking
Types of magick: Divination, concentration, visualization, wind magic, prophecy, karma, speed.
Activities: Divination, Foretunetelling, Sourcing, Vision Quests, Zen Meditation, Tai Chi Chaun, Martial Arts, Brainstorming, Philosophical Debates, Expressive Arts, Flower Arranging, Oriental Mindfulness, Awareness, Buddha Spirit Vibration and Guides


CREATIVITY: Tapping the energies of expansion
DIVINATION: Learning to read the energies
MENTAL POWERS: Shaping our awareness and perception.
PEACE: Finding and Sharing the flow of harmony.

Tarot Suit: Wands
The Journey: The Journey of perception on chaos
Items: Sunbleached bones (recycled light), White Feathers – Messengers, Amber, honey, tree saps, Sun-ripened, sun-dried, sun-charged items, Tree top branches, Flying insects, butterflies, most birds, bees


Illumination through Creative Communication.
The Mind is Awareness.
Perception is all Philosophy.
Focus for Peace in Chaos.


Basic Correspondences

Celtic name: Iar
Major Aspect: Wisdom
Attributes: Charity, Dreams, Emotion, Love, Intuition, Sorrow, Meditation, Healing, Friendship, Oceans, Tides, Moon, Fertility, Birth, Rivers, Mystery, Fidelity, Womb, Courage, Springs, Wells
Sphere of Influence: Comfort, support, relief of pain or Feminine power
Basic nature: Flowing, purifying, healing, soothing, loving, movement
Point of life: Maturity
Gender: Female
Zodiacs: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio
Feelings: cold and moisture
Sense: taste
Places: Lakes, springs and wells, ponds, streams, rivers, beaches, bathtubs, swimming pools, showers, bedroom (for sleep), health spas, fountains, steam rooms, the ocean and the tides.
Instruments: Rain Stick, waterfalls, water bottle shaken
Attracted by: Water, Washes and Solutions

Plants: Fern, Moss, Rush, Seaweed, Lotus, Water Lilies, Lavender for Summoning
Spirits and Water Plants for Dreams, Magnolia for Dream Work and Gardenia for Spirit Guides, Love
Trees: Willow trees for Journeys, Magick and Pine trees for Emotions
Incense: Myrhh
Journey incenses: Lotus, Sandalwood, Myrrh, Mugwort, Camphor, Vanilla, Violet
Teas: Chamomile, Jasmine (Shamanic Intuitions), Raspberry, Catnip, Cherry, Hibiscus
Oils: Lemon, Camomile, Cherry, Eucalyptus, Jasmine, Lemon, Myrrh, Rose, Spearmint,
Vanilla, and Violet.
Crystals: Amethyst, Aventurine, Aquamarine, Blue Topaz, Chalcedony, Fluorite, Jasper,
Lapis, Moonstone, Pearl, River Pebbles, Rose Quartz, Soladite, Turquoise
Minerals: Aquamarine for inner journeys, serenity, Water-colored crystals for psychic Flow, River stones for Emotions, Silver for Intuition, Amethyst for inner journeys, soothing emotions, Mercury for changeable emotions, White coral for Flexability, Rainbow crystals for Shamanic Journeys, Blue flourite for Shamanic Journeys and Dreams, Double-terminated crystals for Healing energies, Tranclucent, Crystalline stones, River or Ocean Rocks, Platinum, Coral and Shells

Divine Correspondences

Goddess Aspect: Crone
Goddesses: Ahprodite, Isis, Mari, Selene, Yemaya
God Aspect: Sage
Gods: Osiris, Neptune, Manannan, Poseidon, Llyr
Wind: Zephyrus (Northern Hemisphere) or Eurus (Southern Hemisphere)
Angel: Gabriel- Archangel of the West, angel of the Moon and inner vision.
King: Niksa- Servant of Gabriel, fluid shape-changer of the inner worlds.
Faerie: Undines- Elemental spirits of Water, Ruled by Niksa.
Animals: Water creatures for Dreamwork Fish For all types of swimming in the tides of life's emotions ,Dolphins for Seals, Sea mammals for Psychic Communication, Heron for intuition and organization, inner self-knowledge, Jaguar for Shamanic Journeys and Self-Initiations, Raven for dreams and inner knowledge, spirit communication, Bear for introspection and expecially for healing, Spiritual healing and renewal, Elk for feelings and emotions, Panthers for Introspection, Night creatures for Journeys, all other Sea Birds For uplifted emotions, Sea Serpents


POSEIDON: God of oceanic consciousness
NEPTUNE: God of Psychic Flow.
ISIS: Goddess of the rivers of life.
ARIANRHOD: Celtic Goddess of the Moon and Earth.
SELENE: Goddess of the Full Moon
HECATE: Goddess of the Dark Moon
EHEIEH: Elemental King of Water.

Magickal Correspondences

Direction: West (Northern Hemisphere) or East (Southern Hemisphere)
Time: Sunset
Season: Autumn
Moon: Waning
Moon phase: Full Moon
Tools: Chalice, Cauldron, Bowl, Cup, Decanter
Symbols: Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Wells, Springs, Pools, Rains, Mist, Fog, A shell, a Cup of Water.
Color: Blue
Ritual work: Emotions, feelings, love, courage, daring, sorrow, intuition, the unconscious mind, the womb, generation, fertility, plants, healing, smell, absorbing, communication with the spiritual, purification, pleasure, friendship, marriage, happiness, sleep, dreams, the psychic, the inner self, sympathy love, reflection, dreams and dreamtime, currents and tides of life, the power to dare and cleanse all things, Inner Knowing, vision quests, self-healing, inner vision, security, journeys
Ritual forms: Dilution, placing into water, washing away, bathingTypes of magick: Sea, Ice, Snow, Fog, Mirror, Magnet, Rain
Activities: Dream Work, Shamanic Consciousness Work, Earth Journeys, Eastern Void Meditation, Healing Circles, Self-Healing, Love, Personal Healing, Spirit Guides


JOURNEYS: Mapping our Inner Quests
INNER VISION: Finding Formulas for Consciousness
SELF-HEALING: Maintaining personal wellness.
BALANCING: Harmonizing Aspects of Self.

Tarot Suit: Cups
The Journey: The Journey to Inner Vision.
Items: Water treasures, Seaweeds, Roots, Dark Feathers, Void Meditations


Feeling are but tiny trickles,
and emotions gentle brooks
leading to the great rivers
of Inner Knowing and Dreams
All are pulled to the Deep Ocean Mother
by the Lady of the Healing Lights.


Basic Correspondences

Celtic name: Tuath
Major Aspect: Stability
Attributes: Birth, Death, Caves, Caverns, Chasms, Fields, Food, Business, Physical World, Stability, Practicality, Sense of Touch, Rules of the Body, Material Gain, Growth, Employment, Prosperity, Silence, Laws, Understanding, Fertility, Standing Stones, Mountains, Sustenance, Metal, Bones, Structures, Grounding, Centering, Healing, Fortitude, Old Age, Wisdom, Nurturing, Hunting, Groves
Sphere of Influence: Grounding, Focus
Basic nature: Fertile, moist, nurturing, stabilizing, grounding. Gravity is a manifestation of this element.
Point of life: Advanced Age
Gender: Female
Zodiacs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Feelings: cold and dryness
Sense: Touch
Places: Caves, canyons, chasms, forests, groves, valleys, fields, farms, gardens, arboretums, parks, plant nurseries, farmer's market, kitchens, baby nurseries, basements, mines, holes, mountains
Instruments: Drums, all percussion instruments
Attracted by: Salts and Powders

Plants: Comfrey, Grass, Ivy, Grains, Corn, Wheat ETC, Banyan for Luck, Prosperity
Trees: Oak for All magic, ritual, ceremony; Redwood Trees for Sacred wisdom, Turth; Evergreens for Ritual
Incense: Storax
Ceremonial Incense: Myrrh, Sagebrush, Pachouli, Magnolia
Oils: Honeysuckle, Patchouly, Vetivert
Crystals: Agates, Amber, Bloodstone, Geodes, Granite, Hematite, Holy Stone, Jet, Malachite, Picture Jasper, Obsidian, Tigers Eye
Minerals: Crystal formations or clusters for gathering wisdom and energy; Dark Crystals for Sacred Knowledge and Ceremony; Onyx for Practicality; Jasper for Earth Wisdom; Aventurine for Prosperity; Green Jade for Growth and Prosperity; Black Jade for Patience; Deep Violet Flourite for Ritual and Symbols; Royal Azurite for Symbols; Marble for Steadfast practicality; Amythest for Ritual, Wisdom and Ceremony; Geometrically shaped stones, Ores, Earth Rocks, salt and soil

Divine Correspondences

Goddess Aspect: Dark
Goddesses: Ceres, Demeter, Gaea, Nepthys, Persephone, Rhea, Rhiannon
God Aspect: Dark
Gods: Athos, Adonis, Arawn, Cernunnos, Dionysus, Marduk, Pan, Tammuz
Wind: Boreas (Northern Hemisphere) or Notas (Southern Hemisphere)
Angel: Ariel- Archangel of the North, Keeper if the Sacred Wisdom.
King: Ghob- Servant of Ariel, Earth Gnome, guide of the earth journeys.
Faerie: Gnomes- Elemental Spirits of Earth, ruled by Ghob.
Animals: Buffalo for Wisdom and Practicality; Wolf for Teaching Earth Wisdom; Owl for Sacred Knowledge. Wisdom, Clarity, Purpose; Dragon for Symbols, Ritual, Magic; Stag Deer for Ritual or Ceremony, Authority, Magic; Heron for Organized wisdom from intuition; Applied Measured Wisdom; Mythical Beasts Of All types, for Learning the symbols of Wisdom; Moose for Practical Wisdom; Mountain Cats for Earth Walk, Teachers, Bulls, Cows, Goats and Snakes


ATHENA: Goddess of Wisdom
DEMETER: Goddess of Grain and Abundance
RHEA: Mother of all deities.
HERNE: Horned God of the Green Wood.
PAN: God of Joy on Earth.
AGLA: Elemental King of Earth.

Magickal Correspondences

Direction: North (Northern Hemisphere) or South (Southern Hemisphere)
Time: Midnight
Season: Winter
Moon: New
Moon phase: Fourth Quarter
Tools: Pentacle, Drums, Salt Bowl, Stones, Staff, Stang
Symbols: Rocks and Gemstones, mountains, plains, fields, soil, caves and mines
Color: green
Ritual work: The body, growth, naturem sustenance, material gain, money, creativity, birth, death, silence, rocks, standing stones, crystals, jewels, metal, bones, structure, night, riches, treasures, surrenderin self-will, touch, empathy, grounding, mystery, industry, possessions, conservative, incorporation, business, prosperity, employment, stability, success, fertility, birth, healing, combined forces of nature and it's bounty, material abundance, wisdom, runes, strength, practical wisdom, teaching, symbols
Ritual forms: Burying, Planting, Making images in the dirt or sand, walking over miles of countryside while visualizing the need.
Types of magick: Gardening, magnet, image, stone, tree, knot, binding
Activities: Nature Ceremonies, Pagan Festivals, Shamanic Philosophies, Nature Retreats, Woodland Walks, Mountain Journeys, Cave Exploration, Medicine Helpers, Spiritual Guides.


When we ride the wheel of the north, we must learn to weigh and measure our growth and progress on the path of the Shaman. It is in the north that we apply knowledge as well as receive deeper wisdoms. We combine sacred wisdom with practical wisdom to enhance our journey.

SACRED KEYS: Activating symbols and spirituality
PATIENCE: Grounding and personal pacing.
PROSPERITY: Using Energies for material growth,
PRACTICAL WISDOM: Using magic for daily application.

Tarot Suit: Pentacles
The Journey: The Journey of Wisdom.
Items: Shadow Plants, Violet, Night Treasures, Owl Feathers, Night Birds


With Patience do I seek sacred knowledge and wisdom.
With Practicality do I prosper.
With Ceremony do I learn earth wisdom.
With Ritual do I support my soul's growth.
With Symbols of Earth do I teach.


Basic Correspondences

Celtic name: Deas
Major Aspect: Strength
Attributes: Candle flames, Courage, Blood, Energy, Bonfires, Destroying, Health, Will, Lust, Youth, Sun, Spirit of the Flesh, Purification, Transformation, Sexuality, Passion, Strength, Vitality, Volcanoes, Violence, Hope
Sphere of Influence: Justice, Vengeance or Masculine power
Basic nature: Purifying, destruction, cleansing, energetic, sexual, forceful. Heat is a manifestation of this element.
Point of life: Youth
Gender: Male
Zodiacs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Feelings: heat and dryness
Sense: Sight
Places: Deserts, hot springs, volcanoes, ovens, fire places, bedrooms (for sex), weight rooms, locker rooms, saunas, athletic fields
Instruments: Guitar, All Stringed Instruments
Attracted by: Candles, Lamps, Incense, Fire

Plants: Garlic, Onions, Mustard, Red Peppers, Nuts, seeds, pods (for relationships), Cactus, thorn bushes, spiny plants for protection.
Trees: Nut Trees for love and Maple Tree
Incense: Oilbanum
Purification incenses: Sage, Clove, Thyme, Juniper, Cinnamon, Cedar
Guardian Incenses: Sweet-grass, Myrrh, Cedar, Frankincense, Dragon's Blood Resin, Juniper
Oils: Basil, Bay, Cedar-wood, Cinnamon, Clove, Frankincense, Lime, Orange, Peppermint, Rosemary
Crystals: Fire Agate, Fire Opal, Obsidian, Carnelian, Dark Amber, Bloodstone, Ruby, Sunstone
Minerals: PINK CARNELIAN: Kinships and relationships; RED CARNELIAN: strength and protection, faith; GOLD AMBER: clarity in relationships; RED AMBER: courage and faith; BLUE AMBER: shamanic journeys of purification, inner flame; YELLOW & GOLD FLOURITE: personal protection on journeys; CITRINE: clarity and purification; FIRE OPAL: deep inner vision, physical purification and cleansing; STEEL: Strength in trials of life; IRON ORE: courage and protection; LAVA: purification and upheavals; Smokey Crystal, Beach Sands, Gold, Copper, Pyrite, Textured or patterned Stones

Divine Correspondences

Goddess Aspect: Mother
Goddesses: Bridget, Hestia, Pele, Vesta, Tiamat
God Aspect: Provider
Gods: Haephestus, Horus, Giobanu, Prometheus, Vulcan
Wind: Notas (Northern Hemisphere) or Boreas (Southern Hemisphere)
Angel: Michael- Archangel of the South, warrior of the Sacred Flames.
King: Djinn- Servant of Michael, great Fire giant, for protection.
Faerie: Sjalamanders- Elemental Spirits of Fire, ruled by Djinn.
Animals: Squirrels for Vulnerability and Delusiveness (relationships) tricky; Tigers and Lions for Stress, Courage; Porcupines for Protection and to prick you into action, Defense; Badgers for Protection in Conflict, Defense; Coyotes for Protection in tricky situations. Vulnerability and Elusiveness; Foxes for Elusiveness and Innocence. Vulnerability; Hawks for Protection and Relationships; Mice for Vulnerability and Elusiveness. Renewal and Self-Healing; Cats for All sorts, for what Mark Twain called that "Mixture of Innoncence and sin."; Bears for Physical Self-Healing; Rabbits for Renewal, Self-healing; Snakes for Protection; Possums for Renewal and Self-Heal; Horses for swiftness and vitality and Dragons for protection


BRIDGET: Goddess of the inner flame of life and creation.
PELE: Goddess of Purification and Upheavals.
MARS: God of strength and conflict.
ADONAI: Elemental King of Fire

Magickal Correspondences

Direction: South(Northern Hemisphere) or North(Southern Hemisphere)
Time: Noon
Season: Summer
Moon: Full
Moon phase: Second Quarter
Tools: Candle, Athame, Sword
Symbols: Lightning, Volcanoes, Rainbow, Sun, Stars, Lava, A heat object.
Color: red
Ritual work: Energy, spirit, heat, flame, blood, sap, life, will, healing and destroyings, purification, bonfires, hearth fires, candle flames, sun, eruptions, explosions freedom, change, sight, perception, vision, illumination, learning, love, passions, sexuality, authority, destruction, change, will, the will to dare, creativity, loyalty, force, transformation, protection, courage, strength, higher self, success, refinement, the arts, evolutions, faith, phsyical exercise, bodyawareness, work nurturance, vitality, self-knowledge, power
Ritual forms: Burning, Fuming or smoldering of an image, herb or other object, candles or small blazes
Types of magick: Candle, Storm, time and Star.
Activities: Expressive art, Dance, drama, Movement, Exercise, Physical Communication, Sensuality, Love, Western Body Awareness, Philosophies, Spirit Vibration


PROTECTION: Establishing personal security.
LOVE: Balancing the energies of our realationships.
SELF-POWER: Developing our gifts of Strength.
PURIFICATION: Cleaning our Self and Cleaning our Path.

Tarot Suit: Swords
The Journey: The Journey of Purification.
Items: Fire-forged items, Red feathers for courage.


In Innocence I am born
In Faith do I Grow,
In Strength am I Purified
In Protection I walk.

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