
Know your Psychic!
Coco Brown

This is a misconception that many have pertaining to psychics and their abilities. I believe that it is imperative for these individuals to have a full understanding about the various forms of psychic readings that is available.

In this article, I will cover various terms such as clairvoyance, empathy, clairsentience, tarot readings and mediums and define these terms to its entirety so you will be aware of the method that is going to be used to answer your most life altering questions.

A clairvoyant can be defined as someone who has the ability to foresee objects, events or people. The most important thing to remember when trying to define this particular ability is to understand that this individual has an extra sensory ability to SEE. For the most part, when a person says that they can SEE what is in your future, they are usually referring to clairvoyance. This is the most popular/common ability used to practice psychic readings. So, the question is what should you expect when you are receiving a psychic reading of this caliber? Well, this person has the ability to foresee and would be basically feeding off of the energy of a particular person, object or event (which basically covers what most that are looking for psychic readings prefer).

However, even though this seems to be this best type of reading you can receive, it does have its cons as well. The thing that they lack is the ability to look directly at a situation in its entirety and elaborate on the inner feelings of an individual. For example, if one asks about a persons feelings towards them, a clairvoyant can SEE what will be happening between the two individuals such as events, facial expression (mad, happy, sad, etc.). However, they can not tell you per se what they are feeling towards you unless it is plain to see in their visions. This is why allot of psychics (despite their ability) use tarot cards to clarify what they are seeing as well as pick up on things that are being felt.

An Empath is an individual who can FEEL another individuals direct feelings. This particular ability isn't the most common, but is one of the most affective due to the fact that a lot of questions pertain to the feelings of individuals. If a person would like to know of past, present and futuristic feelings of an individual, the empathic reader will be perfect. These individuals are very sensitive to emotions, attitudes of people/animals or any living thing. These people can even tell you if a plant is sick (as funny as it seems). Of course, just like any other psychic with abilities, their are cons. An empath's specialty is feeling and not so much seeing. For example, if you ask an empath what does a specific person look like, they might not be able to tell you that unless they possess both gifts of clairvoyance and empathy. However, if you ask an empath about your sick grandmother or how does someone feel about you, you will get a clear cut answer because they are able to pick on the individuals feelings.

Mediums are individuals who receive messages from the deceased. The term 'spirit guide' is usually used when referring to the deceased spirit of whom they are communicating with. A great example of an individual who possess this ability is Sylvia Browne. Even though these individuals can communicate with the deceased, that is about all. They cannot see the future neither can they feel the future unless they have another ability such as empathy or clairvoyance. They are basically relying on the answers of the spirit guide. If you are looking for someone that can receive messages from the deceased, your best bet is to communicate with a medium.

The tarot is a spiritual and mysterious group of cards that assist individuals with extra sensory abilities better understand what they are picking up pertaining to the past, present or future. Many individuals have the misconception that one can just pick up these cards and get accurate answers. Even though this is partially true, the cards must be handled a certain way as well as by a person who possess an extra sensory ability. For example, an individual with no abilities what so ever will be able to get accurate message from the cards but not be able to get into depth with what the cards are saying. However, a person with most extra sensory abilities will be able to not only get answers from the cards be also be able to get into depth with what the cards is saying. As explained in the previous paragraphs, even though one posses an ability, they may be lacking in an area and therefore limits them to getting the full picture. Tarot cards as well as runes, assist an individual with one of the above abilities to get a clearer outlook on the situation at hand.

I hope that I was able to shed light on the various types of psychics that exist. I believe that the importance of knowing the various types of psychics whom exist will definitely have others select an adviser due to your knowledge of what they are offering opposed to just choosing someone with a cool advertisement.

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