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We are preparing much information on Divination. If you click the Astrology link, for example, you will be taken to the introduction page. From there you may click the links on that page. There is eight chapters and an appendix. These links are not found anywhere else on this site. The only way to access the divination information is through this page. Once you venture off of the main page to each course you will lose the link to this page and can click the link to the main page of that course or the links that are on all pages.

You can't expect to learn everything about each form of divination. This is only the basics, you will need to read up on each art through books or sites that specialize in them. If we have not included a site of such on the links page, there should be one in the future. Soon we hope to add to these courses as well as adding more courses. If you have a course you would like to submit please use the link on the left.

Before you continue, please note that divination is not something you can play with recklessly. It will hurt you if you do not use it properly. This is because Divination is the act of using divine sources and tools to connect you with the spiritual realm and your higher self. This is your warning.

Respectfully using divination will provide rewards. Do not abuse any of these arts.

To save you the trouble, courses already created are:


As I learn more about the different ways to use I Ching I will add some pages and links. The above is for an idea of what I Ching is and what it looks like.
Thanks, Aturqoise

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