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Casting your Etts

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The following can be found in many sources. These are not considered to be spreads, though, they do give you a reading. When I bought my runes I did each of these and then carried the runes with me for a week before I did another reading. I do this again every three moon cycles on the new moon. I do my normal rune reading on Wednesday except when it is time for me to do the Ett castings.

This is my way of "checking in" with Freya, Hagal and Tyr. It also allows me to recharge the runes so they may work their magick while I am not using them. You will not have to do it this way. If you want you can do these as often as you like.

Casting Freya's Eight

Gather the eight upside down. Stir the runes with left hand while looking skyward. Think of a question you would like some insight for. Hold both hands over the runes looking skyward and say:

Guide my hand with the hand of fate,
Goddess drawn from Freya's Eight.

Draw one rune and take action according to what you were told.

Casting Hagal's Eight

Gather the eight upside down. Stir the runes with left hand while looking skyward. Think of a question you would like some insight for. Hold both hands over the runes looking skyward and say:

Guide my hand with the hand of fate,
Goddess drawn from Hagal's Eight.

Draw one rune and take action according to what you were told.

Casting Tyr's Eight

Gather the eight upside down. Stir the runes with left hand while looking skyward. Think of a question you would like some insight for. Hold both hands over the runes looking skyward and say:

Guide my hand with the hand of fate,
Goddess drawn from Tyr's Eight.

Draw one rune and take action according to what you were told.

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