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Bind Runes

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Bind Runes

The use of runes for other than divination requires preparation of a different kind. Bind runes are not used to bind a person to someone or something else. Binding is done to keep negative energies away from someone, binding positive energies to them instead. For instance, if someone is fighting an illness, you would do a bind rune to bring in good health, healing energies, and to get rid of the ill health energy. What runes you use is very dependant on what the person needs. What tools you use is also very important.

Since most of the bindings that are done are for something that we want to happen in the near future, they are an impermanent object, and are meant to be destroyed once the desired effect has taken place. Because of this I make bind runes out of paper and colored ink. When the need for the rune is past, I will burn the bind rune. I will also use candles and incense when making a bind rune.

If you are wanting to make a more permanent bind rune, say for continued prosperity, Then making a bind rune with more enduring materials is just fine. What the binding is for will dictate the kind of material you will use. Color is also very important.

A bind rune can either be a series of runes following each other in a specific order, or they can be put one on top of the other. If you choose to put one on top of the other, be careful that you don’t create a rune that would be counter productive to the binding you are doing.

Here is an example of the kinds of things that I take into consideration when making a bind rune. If I were to do a bind rune to help someone get over a serious illness, the first thing I want to know is if they have a significant other. Everyone who is ill usually has someone with them to help take care of them while they are ill, whether it is a spouse, lover, friend, or other relative, both people should be included in the binding. I will take their initials and use corresponding runes for those initials, these will be on either side of the bind rune itself. I will then pick three to four runes for the binding itself. One for the strength of the relationship between the two people, one to bring health to the ill person, one for spiritual/physical energy, and one for continued good health. The colors used for the runes is just as important as the runes. I will use a color the promotes communication for the runes that are the initials of the two people. For the rune that brings good health, I’ll use a color that is for the flow of energy. The bind runes are drawn on white paper then I put a ring of black ink around them. White is for purity, black is to ward away negative energies.


Colors and Meanings

GREEN: Healing, prosperity, luck, fertility
BROWN: Protection of physical objects, magic for animals
YELLOW: Communications, legalities, attraction
ORANGE: Attraction, luck
RED: Sexual love, protection, courage, vital health
BLUE: Healing, peace
PURPLE: Power, prosperity, healing
WHITE: Protection, purity, truth
BLACK: Absorption and destruction of negativity

Magical Properties of Trees

Apple: Love, fertility
Ash: Protection
Aspen: Protection
Birch: Protection, fertility, new beginnings
Cedar: Prosperity
Elder: Healing, protection, prosperity
Elm: Protection
Juniper: Protection
Maple: Love
Oak: Healing, prosperity
Pine: Healing, prosperity, fertility
Rowan: Protection
Walnut: Healing, protection
Willow: Healing, protection, love
Yew: Protection

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