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Tuna fish or human which one is bigger?


Monster catch

Rod caught 440 kg tuna breaks the record

His reel was spinning out of control. The tugging on the line suggested a monstrous power.
But an exhausting 90 minutes later, Adrian Molly still found it hard to b elieve what he had
managed to land.

Slithering over the deck of his boat was a 3.4m, 440 kg bluefin tuna, thought to be the largest
caught on a rod and line in Britain and Ireland.

Mr Molly won a place in the record books.

When he got back to shore, he discovered the fish easily eclipsed the 68-year-old British
and Irish record for a 386 kg, caught off Whitby in northen England.

His monster was snared off the west coast of Ireland, in DOnegal, and could be worth as much
as $45,000. "People were amazed at the size of the beast. Everybody was wondering who could have
caught such a fish from such a smal boat," he said.

"For years they laughed at me for dreaming it was possible. They ar enot laughing now. This
could start big-game fishing in Ireland."

Mr Molly of Kicar in Donegal has been trying to land a tuna for five years. He believes there are
even bigger fish to be caught in the area. He and his friend Michael Callaghan had been following
a shoal in his 6m boat withoutso much as a touch for several hours when their luck changed.

The world record for the largest bluefin tuna caught by a rod and line is 678kg, taken off Nova
Scotia, Canada in 1979.


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