Im Only 15.Yet look at what an awesome job I did on this Nine Inch Nails page! I have yet to go see NIN live...But as soon as Trent and NIN goes back on a U.S tour (whenever the hell that will be who knows) I am going to get tickets..I just have to see them live.If they are this angry,distorted,loud,moving,and such I can only imagine what they will be like live.
Well I have a pretty good idea because of the Closure Video.That is an awesome piece of art work.Well the music videos on tape two are.As for the live thats a highlight for the tape too.But like I said I have never seen NIN live so I can't compare the tape to what I have seen live.
If you don't have the Closure Video you just Have to get it.But I must warn you if you have a weak stomach.The videos might make you sick if you just ate.Well only a few.
Not to pick favorites, But I think my Favorite videos at this time are...
The Perfect Drug
And Closer Then- (also a tie)March Of The Pigs,and Sin is a weird Video.I like it because the video ties into the song so well.If you have the Closure video watch it and pay attention to both the visual and the audio in it..and tell me if you agree with me.
I Added My Perfect Drug And Edward Gorey Inspired Phots Up on the Art Page. Edward Gorey work Was Gothic Vitorian,Morbid Humor.He was a very tallented Illustrator and writter who drew just about everything for the Perfect Drug video yet he didnt know it..
Edward Gorey And The Perfect Drug
I have the following halos: 1,2, 3, 5, 8,9,10,11, 12,13,14, 15, and 16
Next on my list is Fixed.
Well for now I think thats enough about NIN on the about me page.
Other Bands i like: Marilyn Manson
The Cure,Tori Amos, and others..I can't think tonite
A non-music realted topic..:
I'm Wiccan and I have a Wicca Page
Click On the ArtWork Banner for More of My Art...:
This is a picture I distorted
I think it looks rather like the Fragile Images you can find the The Fragile Booklet