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Here is a link to some stuff about my current online AD&D game set in the world detailed below.

My ongoing Drunken Dwarf Inn Game.

Ok i like to play AD+D, i like the planescape and ravenloft settings the most.
But i like to create worlds of my own, and flavour them differently.
I will for you outline the setting i like the most of my own creation.
It is by no means complete or whole, but the group has always liked it as a slightly different setting.
The world is called Isia, its not really a world, it's more of a land mass and several surrounding islands.
Guilds run almost every aspect of life on Isia, even the king and dukes must pay heed to the guilds.
There are twelve guilds in total, three for each of the charecter class types.
All the classes and kits fit in to the guilds aswell as the alignments.
The guilds are predominantly alignment based.
But enough talk, here is the brief outlay of the whole thing, including the races i allow as player charecters and the kits and sub kits allowed per class.

class- warrior
kit- fighter, paladin, ranger
guild- (evil) furies of the land, (neutral) hunters in the dusk, (good) guardians of the flame
class- rogue
kit- thief, bard
guild- (evil) ebon heart, (neutral) holders of the dawn, (good) keepers of the just
class- cleric
kit- priest, druid,
guild- (evil) dark walkers, (neutral-druids only take this) tenders of the land, (good) order of divinity
class- mage
kit- wizard, specialists
guild- (evil) black robes, (neutral) grey robes, (good) blue robes
multi/duel class charecters chose one kit as the dominant one, and only receive the benifits from ths one but belong to both guilds until the time they drop a kit and concentrate on one specific path.

guild benefits

furies of the land- @ lvl 3 +1 thaco vs any good creatures, @ lvl 6 +2 thaco vs good creatures & +1 thaco vs neutral creatures.

hunters in the dark- @ lvl 1 2 weapon style, @ lvl 4 -1ac & survival (any) skill

guardians of the flame- @ lvl 1 -2 to any fire based attacks, @ lvl 4 +1 extra weapon proficiancy, @ lvl 7 +1 thaco vs evil creatures

ebon heart- @ lvl 3 +2 dammage with small weapons, @ lvl 6 -1 ac

holders of the dawn- @ lvl 2 +10% hs, @ lvl 5 +10%ms & + 1 dammage with ranged weapons

keepers of the just- @ lvl 1 +5% hs & +15% rl, @ lvl 4 -1ac & +1 nwp

dark walkers- @ lvl 3 chant once per day, @ lvl 6 know alignment once per day & curse once per day

tenders of the land- @ lvl 2 +1 spell slot at lvl 1, @ lvl 5 +1spell slot at lvl 2, @ lvl 8 +3 to all saving throws

order of divinity- @ lvl 1 +2 lvl 1 spell slots, @ lvl 4 lay on hands for level d4 points

mages- all @ lvl 2 get +1 spell slot (level one spell) @ lvl 5 +1 nwp, @ lvl 8 +1wp

other guilds/tribes

babarians- @ lvl 1 +1wp for specialization in main weapon, @ lvl 5 -2 ac

true neutral- gain no benifits what so ever so as to keep the balance within themselves

sub kits

subkit- amazon, assassin, babarian, cavalier, explorer, gladiator, mariner, noble, outlaw, rider, scout, soldier, weapon master

kit- ranger
subkit- amazon, explorer, noble, oulaw, rider, scout, sharp shooter, soldier, weapon master

kit- paladin-
subkit- cavalier, noble, rider, weapon master, dragon slayer, undead hunter, beast rider (non humans only)

class- rogue
kit- thief
subkit- acrobat, assassin, begger, explorer, jester, merchant, noble, outlaw, scholar, scout, sharp shooter, smuggler, soldier

kit- bard
subkit- acrobat, animal master, diplomat, explorer, jester, merchant, noble, outlaw, scholar, scout, soldier

class- cleric
kit- priest
subkit- animal master, assassin, begger, cavalier, diplomat, explorer, merchant, mystic, noble, outlaw, scholar, shaman, soldier, undead hunter

kit- druid
subkit- amazon, aniaml master, barbarian, explorer, mystic, noble, outlaw, rider, scholar, scout, smuggler, weapon master

kit- wizard & specialsts
subkit- animal master, assassin, diplomat, explorer, merchant, mystic, noble, outlaw, scholar, scout, smuggler, soldier, undead hunter


the most bountiful of all the races. ruled over by a number of kings in the land, who all fight amongst themselves, who rule the dukes who also fight amongst them selves,they live in all land types, but prefere the warmer climates.

the seven dwarven clans fight for the throne of the missing king. there are several different types of dwarf.
1:deep (dark) dwarves, the most cold and callous of all the dwarves, not having a great deal of contact with those above ground.
2: grey (duergar) dwarves, foul, insidous evil, and treacherous to the very bone. living deeper than even the deep dwarves, but maintianing allies with the drow (dark elves) and many of the other evil races.
3: hill dwarves, the most freindly of the lot, (accents like any one from wales or yorkshire) and the most bountyful of the dwarves. they have an age old hatred for the orks however.
4: mountain dwarves, private and reclusive, but staunch freinds and allies once you meet them, they have little to do with the other races, but mainain good relations with the humans, halflings and reserved cool alliance with the elven nations.

the elven nations live in harmony with their surroundings, and love both scholarly and pleasurly pursuits, they do how ever have a darker kin whom the both love and hate since the dawn of time.
1: dark (drow) elves, like the duergar they live deep under ground and worship dark and malignant gods and godesses, they loathe the sunlight and all that lives above ground.
2: grey (lordanesti) elves, the recluses and most grim of all the elves, studious and aloof. they consider them selves better than the ther races on the world, even other elves.
3: high (silvanesti) elves, like the hill dwarves the high elves are the most bountiful of the elven kind, loving the cities and the open plains, loving all but fierce fighters if any of thier kin are threatened.
4: wood (kagonesti) elves, the most fierce of the lot, tougher than the average elf, geared to survival, living only in the forests never liking the cities, more in touch with the soul than the other elves who would rather practice magik than look at the sky for its beauty.

living in the hils and the woods inbetween the dwarves and the elves live these little creatures, full of mischief and curiosity. the halflings are however when presed good at land husbandry and farming, much to the surprise of the other races who often think them to be thieves fat little smoking drunkards.

The Faiths of Isia

Human Faiths
The human, mostly, follow only two divine figures. The twin Gods Marlea and Daramus.
Marlea is the feminine aspect of the Twin Gods, her priests, all female, are advocates of fertility, love, health, peace, law, families and justice.
Daramus is the male aspect of the Twin Gods, his priests follow the ways of temperance, purity, law, justice, fire, sacrifice, valour, honour and knowledge. The followers of Daramus are of either sex.

The holy calender celebrates four major festivities, each one according to the season start.

Winter: Culltithe: like many winter festivals this one is the end of the harvests, the time when the farmers must weed out the weakest of thier animals so that only the strong ones survive the winter and none are left ill.
The clergy also after this celebration, celebrate the dawn of the new year, called, Gods Head Day.

Spring: Sowforth: this is the start of the farmers year, when new crops are planted, the fields tilled, and when the animals mate.
The Main celebration is called Tillers Day, when all people must help the farmers, it is a time for reflection and offerings to the gods for a bountiful year.
Even the king must help in some way, though he often only helps by allowing them not to pay taxes for that season.

Summer: Maiden Break: this is the time of year when the birthings usually happen, it is considered especially good luck if you have a girl with golden hair and blue eyes during this period, as it is said to reflect the goddess Marlea.
All women enjoy a week long holiday in the middle of the season, which is the time when most folks get ill from the men cooking, so the women often end up tending to the ill.
It is traditional for men to buy women pesents three days after the holiday week, any man who does not buy a present will be refused any marriage proposals he makes for the next year if he fails to buy a present for a woman.

Autumn: ReapFeast: this whole season is spent taking in the crops and preparing for the winter, the earlier half of the season is used for a time of rememberance for the dead.
It is especially fortuitous if any boys are born with black hair and green eyes during the middle of the season, as it said to be likened to the male god Daramus, who was born after his sister.

Dwarven Faiths
The dwarves are not perticulaly relegeous, but all of them celebrate the new year with great gusto.
The dwarves tend to follow the ways of ansestor worship, but all worship the god of the earth Kar-Tus, who it is said that all dwarves descend from.
The dwarves also follow the god of vengence and war, Durother, who it is believed gives his followers might in battle and a great berserker rage when cofronted by his greatest enemy in battle.
There are a number of minor gods, who are considered as ancestors to all dwarves, that have holy days through out the year.

Elven Faiths
The elves believe in only three gods, the godess of good, the godess of evil and the god of knowlege.
The drow worship Lloth, the spider queen, who it is said gave birth to all that is evil and dark.
The other elves worship the two other divinities.
Kabina the Fair is the goddess of all that is good.
There is many holy days for this goddess, they are similar to the humans holy days.
Torven the Wise is the male god of knowlege and magic.
There are only three holy days for this god, the day of Becoming, which is the passage in to elven adulthood, the day of Seeing, which is when the elves chose which apprenticeship they wish to join or if they wish to change jobs, this is the time to do it, and finally, the week of Understanding, which is the week following some ones death, during this time all members of the family must pay homage to the dead relative and tell a tale of that person.

Halfling Faith
The Halflings often follow the other races relegions, having none of thier own, but they are moving more to the human relegion as it follows the time of the seasons, which is what most halflings do also.

Game Mechanics
Human priests may only use blunt weapons or simple ranged weapons, this is the same as normal cleric rules for ad+d.

Dwarf priests may use any weapon that is symbolic of the elders.
Many use axes or hammers as they are traditional dwarven weapons and the elders used them also.
The player may pick ONE weapon that is not a normal clerics weapon as the symbol of his elders.
This must be done at 1st level. for instance, you may pick battle axe, but if you do so then you cannot use hand axes or throwing axes, one weapon, not one class of weapon.

Elfin priests of Lloth may pick whips, hand crossbow or short sword in addition to the normal weapons allowed for clerics.

Priests of Kabina follow the normal rules for clerics.

Priests of Torven may pick one unique weapon to use, this is in following of the ways of knowlege.
This weapon must be picked by the time they reach 4th level (when they gain the third weapon proficiancy)

Halflings follow the ways of what ever faith they follow.

The Dukes
The king rules over most of Isia, except the mountain range and the far western side where the elves dwell. The land was long ago divided in to twelve Duchies, however, as humans are wont to do, they fought amongst themselves and in then end seven of the families lay dead, and only five domains now exist, some are large, others are not.

Ruled by the druids, this is the smallest of the domains, but it is the home of many rare creatures and plants. The druid coven is lead by Aremen Du'Wold, who is a man like the elements, neither harsh nor fair.
Coreeva has the closest ties to the elves as it is a land built with thier ideals and human ideals and nature all mixed together.
The land itself is almost all forest or carefully tendered land. Many cabins and lodges dwell in the forests or Coreeva.
The inhabitants of this duchy are hardy and self sufficiant, taking only what they need and giving back to the land what they can in exchange. They frown on hunting for sport, but will cull the animals if they become a threat to the land as a whole.

The rugged and border mountain land of Halsia is ruled by the Lord Voratia, a noble paladin, who has strong ties to the dwarven lords.
It is said that long ago, the lord of the land saved a dwarf, but that dwarf turned out to be an advisor to the king of the dwarves, for his valour the lord was granted a portion of the mountains and was considered from that day onwards to be allowed to the right to vote in the dwarven council.
That was over 800 years ago, and to this day, the lord of that land herralds from the same family.
The domain of Halsia is home to many of the hill dwarves, and they are exempt from the taxes of the humans.
However it is rumoured that the lord voratia has a nuber of strongholds in the mountains and can comand an army of dwares to his bidding.

By far the largest of the domains is Esteaya, covering all of the eastern side of the land.
This land is ruled by the royal family, but not by the king.
The present duke ruling is as tyranical as his cousin. His name is Guilimo. It is rumoured that he worships dark gods, but no prove has ever come of it.
His army is the strongest in the lands.
Esteaya is typical of any dark medievil setting, brigands, cut purses and bandits roam the roads and streets after dark, constantly fighting off the orks and trolls that dwell some where in the lands.

Much of the duchy is plains land, wandering tribes populate the land, but they all pay tithe-tax to the Lady Bereenna.
Lady Bereenna is new to the lands, but she has some how won the trust of the tribes and gypsies that wander the plains.
The lady her self is an accomplished mage and she as many schools and acadamies for training others in the ways of magic.
It is said that the Lady has elven blood in her due to her beauty and magical prowess.
She some how came to power 8 years ago when her father died suddenly, many suspected foul play but many thought her elder sister would ascend to the place of duchess.
After a long struggle, the sister (mow-renna) was cas out of the land for the death of her father, she was cast out to the southern reach to either survive or die.
Many of the people in Thal-Isi have magical powers, it seems to come from the ground itself, indeed, many of the plants and animals seem magically inclined as well.

Duke Chander rules the wooded hill lands of yreemia with an iron fist, but he is said to be a fair man when met in person.
The duke travels about the land with his wagons, stopping in towns and villages for a week or two then travels on again, he acts like a judge when he is in the towns/villages, meating out fair justice to the criminals.
He does hae a fort but rarely stays there, for it is rumoured that he was cursed by a gypsy when he sent one of them for stealing from the market in the town visiting at the time.

The Other Lands

The High Shires
This is the land where many of the Halflings dwell, the land itself is rolling gentle hills and good farm land.
No one person rules the shires, instead each village/town has a coulcil and mayor, the mayors meet four times a year to discuss many matters (and get drunk).
Each mayor sponsors a constable if they need one, but many take that role on them selves, as well as judge if needs be.

The dwarven lords and thanes rule the mountains and some small land surrounding, they often fight amongst themselves for the throne of the king.
They dally little in human matters as they have the orks and each other to fight, they do however (well most of them) like and trust Lord Voratia and Duke Chander.

The Elven lands are a mixture of all the other land types, but very few humans live in them.
The Queen of the Elves permits ony those with Elven blood in them to live with in her borders.
The elves look down slightly on the humans, like adults do children.
Few who have no elven blood in them ever leave the land alive.
Dwarves are mistrusted in the lands, halflings are treated as cousins.
The Queen has however visited the lands of Thal-Isi a number of times in the last few years.
Little is truly known about the elfin lands, it is said that great ruined cities dot the land scape and that dragons once lied in the Draseel Volcano.

Southern Reach
Many of the dark races live here, in the swamps dwell the lizard folk, apon the coast it is said live frog men, and in the caverns deep under ground the dark elves and evil dwarves live, practicing foul deeds for foul gods.
To The Map

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