Close the door, its cold outside
Seeing as your here i suppose i should offer you a tea or coffe.
Something warm and wet.
Take a while to look around, if you've the courage to do so.
Gaze apon the feinds and angels as they walk these halls.
Look them in the face if you dare, or follow them to strange places where words dance apon glass and pictures Shift apon the wind.
This site is totally renovated every 6 months, but new stuff is added and old stuff taken when the whim strikes me.
Keep an eye out and check back often if you can.
The Line between Reality and Fiction can be blurred, sometimes it can be lost.
I throw a life line to those who need to know where reality isn't, so keep an eye out (but don't poke it out, thats just plain silly of you) for the roleplay section.
Whilst you look around, you may see a path leading to some other place, follow it if you can and you may never look back (well, i hope you do, this is a nice place).
So, sit back, have a beer or some cola and breeze through.
If you don't, i might be forced to send the killer penguins or jumbo jelly babies after you.
Follow the nice lady...