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Molestus Doctrina continued

This ritual was performed by myself and five friends.
It was performed for the Summer Solstice.
It is not however a summer praise ritual, it was designed to draw energy from a multitude of sources and combine them in to one energy to be shared amongst those who watched the ritual.
This ritual draws apon four different sources for its components.
It is really nothing more than a fancy corner calling ritual, which is evident in just about all the major occult groups and paths.
We drew from Wiccan, Hermetic, Satanic and Gnosian (a term applied to it by us, meaning knowledge).

Each corner caller is standing in the centre around cauldron of fire. Each caller holds a torch, unlit. They hold their words upon a piece of parchement. The two centre speakers (M & F) are just behind them. The the male centre speaker carries a blade.

(All four callers light their torches simultaneously, and take several steps back. The centre speakers approach the cauldron)

Gini: We call to all those that gather in this place on this night, To surround this gathering with your essence.
Rob: We summon the essence of those that surround us on this night, To encircle this gathering with your spirits.
Luke: We invoke the spirits of of those that surround us on this night, To encompass this gathering with your force.
Nick: We bring forth the force of those that surround us on this night, To guide us as we call upon the corners.

Terry: (Go to the north, point with sword over caller's right shoulder)
First from the north, from the earth and from the corners; we call the elementals to us, those who represent power.
(Return to centre before continuing.)

Gini: I call to the north, to the watchtower of earth and summon it guardian Ariel. Ariel I ask that you set free your slaves and let them do our work tonight. Break out from the earth potent gnomes, creatures of thinking and strength, lend us your energy and play here tonight.
Rob: I venture into the realms of the north and summon Cerridwen from slumber, for she is keeper of the knowledge of the secrets of the Earth. Grant us the wisdom of the past, teachings of the present and secrets of the future. With this knowledge may we walk with the cycle of life, never fogetting what was, and what is yet to be, and how all is one within the balance.
Luke: Behold Lord Belial of the North! Second to Lucifer you too were struck down with a flaming brand and buried deep. Is this the mercy of a great God? Do you not hanker for revenge? Arise now Lord Belial and be my shield for soon we will march!
Nick: From the north, beyond the ken of man, i ask of Uriel to attend, Angel of earth, angel of purity, come to this place and bring peace

Female: (Go to the east and kiss right cheek of caller.)
From the east, from the air and from the corners we call the gods of knowledge to us, those who represent mind.
(Return to centre before continuing.)

Rob: I venture into the realms of the east and summon Thoth from slumber, for he is keeper of knowledge of the mysteries of the Air. Bless us with your music from which we grow, and your writing from which we learn. With this knowledge may we be disciplined and entertained, never forgetting the importance of either, and how all is one within the balance.
Luke: Arise O'Lord Lucifer of the East, bringer of Light. You who were struck from the heavens by a flaming sword and buried under mountains deep for time eternal! But now it is time to Arise! Listen to the voice of a God that is now a whisper, come forth and be my flaming sword for I have made it my choice to stand in the dark! Open wide the gates of Hell! The lower heavens rip asunder, and the infernals walk! Tear down those who govern and destroy them. No place, shall remain a haven. And as the fallen ones arise to the stars they number the legions of old.
Nick: From east, where swift winds blow, i ask of Raphael to attend, Angel of air, angel of lores, come to this place and bring your tomes
Gini: I call to the east, to the watchtower of air and call upon it's guardian cherub. Cherub I ask that you set free your slaves and let them do our work tonight. Fly free from the air peaceful sylphs. creatures of intuition and wisdom, lend us your energy and play here tonight.

Terry: (Go to the south, point with sword over caller's right shoulder.)
From the south, from fire and from the corners we call the demon princes to us, those who represent strength.
(Return to centre before continuing.)

Luke: In the name of Satan of the South, ruler of the earth, the king of the world, I command the forces of Darkness to bestow their Infernal power upon me! Oh great master of the night, thou who makest my place of comfort, who rideth out upon the hot winds of hell, who dwelleth in the deepest pit and who's name is Wrath, bring forth your legions and come forth this night as we dwellers of earth do call upon you to appear!
Nick: From the south, with great heart and valour, i ask of michael to attend, Angel of fire, Greatest of Angels, come to this place with your sword and be wary of ancient foes
Gini: I call to the south, to the watchtower of fire and summon it's guardian seraph. Seraph I ask you set free your slaves, and let them do our work tonight. Rise from the fire great salamanders, creatures of sensation and power, lend us your energy and play here tonight.
Rob: I venture into the realms of the south and summon Apollo from slumber, for he is keeper of knowledge of the power of Fire.Aid us your prophetic vision and warn us of obstacles that stand in our way. With this knowledge may we make the choices that will shape our lives, never forgetting that our fate lays in our own hands, and how all is one within the balance.

Female: (Go to the west and kiss right cheek of caller.)
From the west, from the water and from the corners we call the archangels to us, those who represent heart.
(Return to centre before continuing.)

Nick: From the west, with prophetic visions, i ask of gabriel to attend, angel of water, bringer of the message, come to this place and open our eyes with your touch
Gini: I call to the west, to the watchtower of water and summon it's guardian Tharsis. Tharsis I ask you set free your slaves, and let them do our work tonight. Swim from the water gentle undines, creatures of feeling and tempus, lend us your energy and play here tonight.
Rob: I venture into the realms of the west and summon Enki from slumber, for he is keeper of the knowledge of the strength of Water.Help us with this power; give it the controlled fluidity that is strong and unstoppable. With this knowedge may we harness this energy and share it's power, never forgetting that power is within us all, and how all is one within the balance.
Luke: Open wide the gates of Hell and come forth O'great Leviathan of the west, from the depths of the abyss. Greet me as your brother and friend! Arise! Awaken! Once again master the seas as Lord of Hell's navy and tamer of Kraken! Clothe me in your scales and prepare me for war as we ready ourselves for battle!

North caller approaches fire and places their parchent into the cauldron.
Moving to the east caller and kissing their cheek, they then return to their place at the north.
East caller approaches fire and places their parchent into the cauldron.
Moving to the south caller and kissing their cheek, they then return to their place at the east.
South caller approaches fire and places their parchent into the cauldron.
Moving to the west caller and kissing their cheek, they then return to their place at the south.
West caller approaches fire and places their parchent into the cauldron.
Moving to the north caller and kissing their cheek, they then return to their place at the west.

The centre speakers kiss on to the left and then to the right of the centre fire.

Terry: Go to north and face the caller, saying
: From the north, from the earth and from the corners; we thank those that represent power.
(Snuff out north candle and return to centre)
Female: Go to east and face the caller, saying:
From the east, from the air and from the corners, we thank those that represent mind.
(Snuff out east candle and return to centre)
Terry: Go to south and face the caller, saying:
From the south, from fire and from the corners, we thank those that represent strength.
(Snuff out south candle and return to centre)
Female: Go to west and face the caller, saying:
From the west, from the water and from the corners, we thank those that represent heart.
(Snuff out west candle and return to centre)

North caller turns to the right to face outside the circle.
East caller turns to the right to face outside the circle.
South caller turns to the right to face outside the circle.
West caller turns to the right to face outside the circle.

Female: So it is done...
Terry: So it has been done...
Female: ...And so it shall be done again.
Both centre callers kneel by the fire and bow their heads.

The corner callers walk off slowly, to their designated directions.

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