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Zen of the Morning Star

If you struggle you will grow stronger from the adversity, but if you go with the flow you learn little that is new and become weak and plyable

When walking in the rain, get wet, enjoy it.
Let each rain drop be as a tear of joy that you are alive

If a freind asks you to keep a secret, tell them that you can not do that for them because knowedge is power and secrets are powerful indeed and are easy to mis-use
They will respect you more for your candid honesty

If you have faith, keep it, even when you feel alone
know that your 'god' is there with you

If trust takes a long time to build but is easily broken, can you really say that you trusted in the first place

Love has many different forms, love of life, love of freinds, love of material goods and love of self, but if you do not love yourself then how can you love anyone or anything else?

Life is _not_ like a box of chocolates, if it were then we would be fat and happy with our choices

Just because you no longer believe in 'god' it doesn't mean that he's forgotten about you

Kill them all, god shall know his own at the gates of heaven, or so they say

The Oak is strong and tall, the Reed is small and weak, but in a storm the Mighty Oak is uprooted and killed whilst the Tiny Reed survives

Know your left from your right when you are drunk and you will always wake up in your own home

Beauty is only skin deep, but so is blood

Life is often an uphill struggle, but the view at the end of it is often worth it

Wise is the begger for he sees everything, foolish is the rich man for he ignores the begger

Let your lover be your freind, but let not your freinds be your lovers

Be proud of your abilities and talents, but always be ready to learn from some one better than you, for there is always something to learn

Never make a promise if you cannot honour it

Don't "blow your own trumpet" unless you know the tune perfectly

Just because you hear it does not mean that you are listening

Just because you see it does not mean that you are watching

Just because tou talk it does not mean you are speaking

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