Albums of Purgatory Interview Abominator's Chris Volcano



Albums of Purgatory: Firstly, whats the band up to?
Chris Volcano: At the moment we are writing new songs for our next full-length album ‘Cascading Carnage’, which isn’t too far away…..we are also finishing off a video clip for an up and coming Osmose DVD. Live performances have been put on hiatus for these reasons.

AoP: How would you describe the Abominator sound?

CV: Our sound is that of absolute chaos, but with a proficient and controlled edge. War metal would be appropriate, as well as black/death, as this is the feeling we are trying to create.

AoP: How did the band begin in '94?

CV: I met up with Andrew in November 94 and we decided we needed to create something to fulfill our lust for carnage! It wasn’t until May 95 that we were rehearsed enough to record the ‘Barbarian War Worship’ demo.

AoP: the band has had a few line-up changes.  Has that ever been difficult to carry on through?

CV: It has never been a problem for us unless the other band members lose interest. That’s why Damon Bloodstorm had to go……he lost the feeling he once had and used. Sad but true. A few other less worthy types have passed through our ranks but only the true now remain!

AoP: Can You remember your first show (how did it go)?

CV: Our first gig was quite a success crowd wise, so it would have been a great night had the snare drum not been stolen! Apart from that, we couldn’t have wished for better.

AoP: What are your favourite Abominator tracks?

CV: I don’t actually have any fovourite tracks since they came from us. All I can say is that I like the music I’m doing now better than other stuff I once did. I can only have a favourite song of another band, I’m sorry if that answer is unsatisfactory!

AoP: What are your favourite all time songs?

CV: Once again, I have too many faves, so to single any few of them would be quite futile.The first metal album I ever owned was BOLT THROWER ‘Realm of Chaos’ when I was 14. Don’t ask me about the first record I ever owned, because you’ll laugh and I’m not going to tell you!

AoP: What would be your dream band line-up?

CV: My dream line up would be any line up I’m involved with now for the simple reason that they are the ones who live nearest to me and who I can actually work with. I do not wish for anyone who is unfeasible to work with.

AoP: What do you think of the position of metal and music in general today?

CV: Music today is, for the most part, crap. But metal will not die, no matter how many worthless voices try to drown it out or discourage it. For such marginalisation, the metal scene perpetuates itself quite well.

AoP: Do you have any funny or unusual stories about the band you can share with us?

CV: Not really, although a fight broke out after our second gig, due to an excessive dose of alchohol and Metal! People in general here are boring, they don’t get up to nearly enough mischief!

AoP: and finally, what do you see in the future for Abominator?

CV: We will continue to bring misery and suffering to the temples of false light, and ravage the judeo-christian hordes with war and pestilence! And we will release more music, too.