Albums of Purgatory interview Blood Duster
Firstly, whats the band up to right now?
well this weekend we put the finishing touches on our latest album.
its gonna be crazier than anything we have done before.
more rock faster grind, better production, more of eberything that makes
blood duster, blood duster.
How would you describe the Blood Duster sound?
we try and keep a good grind sound while delving into elements of rock that
we like.
i have no idea how blood duster works, we dont really think too much about
it, but no matter what anyone says at least we sound like us.
How did you get involved with the band? I started it.
Can you remember your first gig (how did it go)?
the first gig was pretty shit but we had porno on in the background on high
speed and put on a little bit of a show, so people remember it.
playing wise we where shithouse.
Are you involved in any other projects and if so how do they compare to
Blood Duster?
i was doing the band dern rutlidge but we killed that.
it was just a rock band that everone called stoner, so we quit.
probably should have kept it going now that the vines are so big everyone
wants to sign a australian rock band, we could have got a big advance and
then split up.
What are your favourite Blood Duster tracks?
im like every other band il like the new stuff the best.
although i do like kill kill kill from fisting the dead along with bits and
pieces from all the albums.
What are your favourite all time songs?
there are far too many songs that i like, rigtht now im really into 60's
bubblegum pop like "yummy, yummy, yummy" by ohio express and things
by early
cartoon bands like bannana splits and shit like that.
im into collecting all this kind of shit at the moment, if anyone has any of
theis early viynyl stuff let me know im keen for it.
that and early grindcore, im really getting into old shit like impetigo and
shit scum.
What the first record you ever bought?
the first record was metal madness i think a double album of early 80s metal
stuff, i think it came out in 84?? full of w.a.s.p. and motley crue type
stuff, but before then i had heaps of kiss and alice cooper shit, but the
first record that i actually paid for was that.
Which album was it that got you into metal and can you explain why?
there was no particular album because i never actually had a definitive
thought that i was into metal, i just slowly realised i had heaps of
metal/punk stuff and not much else.
Whats the last album you purchased and what did you think of it?
the last album i bought was a a replacement copy of alice cooper goes to
its a classic and i saw it cheap so i got it to replace my old battered
ive started to really get back into alice cooper as im really into the new
turbonegro album, that is fucking good, not as good as "apocalypse dudes"
but its still really fucking good.
i guess i would call them metal in a way. maybe punk/metal. if you aint
heard it you should.
What would be your dream band line-up?
If you could do a cover for a tribute album to any band, which song of
which band would you pick and why?
we just did midnight lambla by turbonegro in the hope that they use it on
beta motherfuckers.
we also did a couple dwarves songs as well, "i wanna be your pimp"
and "lets
i love those bands and the sentiments really suit blood duster.
What do you think of the position of metal and music in general today?
i think its o.k. i mean there is always way too much copycat commercial cash
in bands that affiliate themselves with bigger copycat commercial cash in
bands but hey?
what can you do?
Which other bands stand out for you at the moment?
"earth", australian swedish death metal. really good band, ummm "
dead", drum machine grindcore but they are really good.
not much elsee is really standing out that i can remember off the top of my
Do you have any funny stories about the band you can share with us?
weve got a dvd out thats got some funny shit on it, and the photos on the
new cd have some cool band photos of us getting our dicks sucked by duster
ladies and some cool shots of us with heaps of tits and shit like that.
all that stuff i find pretty funny.
and finally, what do you see in the future for Blood Duster?
a biter break up and some lawsuits, but before that i see some really good
albums and some fucking fun touring.
come and see us if you get the chance!