Albums of Purgatory interview Kill II This' Pete Stone

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Albums of Purgatory: Firstly, whats the band up to right now?

Pete Stone: We've just finished recording the 4th album, Mass.Down.Sin.Drone, which we hope to get out in the Authumn, though we may consider a new year release....we're actually mixing at the's sounding very impressive!!

AoP: How would you describe the Kill II This sound?

PS: I would have to say we've gone for a slightly more natural vibe on this record...It's still VERY Kill 2 This, we've got some samples going on etc, but I guess you could say we're a bit more melodic at the moment...Keep checking our website ( - there'll be some mp3's of the new stuff going up soon...

AoP: How did the band begin in '96?

PS: The line up back then was the remains of a band called China Beach...a band that was NOTHING like K2T! We were more a Skid Row type thing and we just ended up getting heavier and heavier, and K2T was born....

AoP: Can you remember your first gig (how did it go)?

PS: I can't really remember my 1st you mean ever? Or with K2T? I can remember my 1st gig when I rejoined the band last year...I had about 9 days to learn the set for the Fear Factory tour and was shitting myself..I hadn't played live for 3 years or so and I was well nervous. 2 mins into the gig and it was felt like I'd never been away!

AoP: What caused you to leave the band after the debut album?

PS: Lots of things really...I was sick of touring with no / very limited support from our label at the time...I had toured for a few years with China Beach (mainly Europe), then did 2 years with K2T and I was just really in the shit financially and I just ended up being VERY disillusioned with the whole music Industry! Sometimes it seemed like everybody was making money off us, except US!

AoP: Was it hard to find a replacement for Matt Pollock on vocals recently?

PS: Well, we thought 'FUCK' at 1st, sure...and we very nearly called it a day right there and then. Even if we'd had someone in mind, with all the line up changes we'd been through, surely we'd never get away with replacing the front man?! But we had to try...

AoP: the band had some bad luck towards the end of last year, how difficult has it been to carry on from that?

PS: VERY. Basically, after sitting down and looking at our options, we decided that we all liked the new stuff that we'd written so much that it would be criminal never to get the stuff out, so we started advertising like mad to find a singer. We got tons of replies and after loads of mindbending auditioning, we settled on Phil. It was a fairly easy choice really...he stood out as being really energetic and enthusiastic....his voice really suited what we were doing...And he lived fairly local!! We were extremely lucky to find him...

AoP: You have toured with some big names like fear Factory and Godflesh.  Who have you enjoyed working with the most?

PS: For me personally, I would have to say Fear Factory were cool...nice guys, and the shows were fuckin awesome! I guess Mark would probably say SlipKnot maybe...I'm still kicking myself for leaving right before that tour...AND the Megadeth one too...I was gutted!!

AoP: What are your favourite Kill II This tracks?

PS: Old stuff, I'd say The Flood of Deviate and Bleeding of Another Cross II Bare

AoP: What are your favourite all time songs?

PS: Shit-that's a tough one...they change all the time...I'd probably say anything by Alice In Chains of the 1st 2 albums

AoP: What was the first record you bought?

PS: Well apart from daft records when I was a kid, the 1st REAL album I bought was Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same. It still blows me away now...

AoP: What would be your dream band line-up?

PS: Me playing whatever and the 3 chicks out of Destiny's Child dancing for me...

AoP: What do you think of the position of metal and music in general today?

PS: I think that in the UK, it's as fickle as it's ever been. It's still more about the fashion more than the music...and it changes every 6 months or so. It's pathetic! You find that in Europe and USA that metal has much more longevity...The press over here don't help...they seem to set bands up for a a big fall all the time...I mean look what happened to the Lost Prophets...great band, great album and certain magazines put them way up on a pedastal, and sure enough within 6 months they're enduring this massive backlash against them...What the fuck is that all about? It's no wonder they've gone to the states...

AoP: Do you have any funny stories about the band you can share with us?

PS: too many too even begin...K2T have a serious rep for things going awry on the road...if it can happen WILL happen...

There was this one poor roadie, I think he was a lighting guy, and we wound him up that he needed a passport to get into Wales, and coz he didn't have one he was shitting himself. So we made him climb into a flight case and hide as we drove into Wales, then parked up and pretended to be border patrol, banging on the sides of the van and talking in outlandish Welsh accents.... he thought he was going to prison!

AoP: and finally, what do you see in the future for Kill II This?

PS: Plenty more touring when the new album comes out, and hopefully a busy and productive few more years yet!