Albums of Purgatory interview Misteltein

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Albums of Purgatory: Firstly, whats the band up to right now?

Misteltein: Right now weīre writing new material and stuff.  Perhaps some smaller gigs in Sweden will take place, nothing for sure yet.

AoP: How would you describe the Misteltein sound?

M: Aggressive and hateful but still atmospheric and at times slower and more melancholic. I think we have very much variety in our songs, they all differ from eachother. Each one has it purpose.  I peronally hate albums with all songs soundning the same.

AoP: What does Misteltein mean?

M: Misteltein is the arrow that struck and killed Balder, the god of light, in the northern mytology.

AoP: How did the band begin in 96?

M: It began with me, Seron and former members Karagat and Alex. After some line-up changes things went pretty fast. We recorded our first and only demo ”Spawn of the phantom moon” which gave us a deal with NoFashion. Later came the recording of ”Rape in Rapture”. And now ”D.D.R”.

AoP: how do you think the bands sound has changed since the original demo tape 'Spawn of the Phantom Moon'?

M: We have both changed and developed as musicians and song-writers. The music has become more interesting and well-arranged. The lyrics more hateful. Since Iīm the only one writing lyrics these days the lyrics will proberbly more theme-based.  The sound on the demo is in my opinion shit. Of course we have better sound today cause of the possibility we didnīt have –96. In overall the music was more primitive back then. 

AoP: Can you remember your first gig (how did it go)?

M: Well, ous first gig was with a couple of shit bands. It was a small place and we had like a 12 minutes show. The sound was shit and there was   almost no crowd. The show was videotaped and the only thing good about the show  was how tight and well we did it. A first gig is a first gig, always fucked up.

AoP: Why was Baalzephon asked to leave in 99 and was it difficult finding a replacement?

M: He was asked to leave cause we didnīt feel he fit into the band. It dinīt just work along. We developed in different ways. We had no problem findning a replacement, a guitarist is the easiest muscisian to find.

AoP: What sort of reaction have you been getting from your latest release Divine.Desecrate.Complete?

M: The reaction has been good. It has open more eyes for us, from those who thought ”RiR” was to primitive and filthy. Some people still like ”RiR” better. But in overall there has been much more good respons on ”D.D.R”. This time we had some form of distrobution which we didnīt have on ”RiR”. Many people call ”D.D.R” one of the best BM release ever so I guess weīve succeded.

AoP: What are your favourite Misteltein tracks?

M: My favourite tracks is ”Fire in my eyes”, Bloodline Desires” and ”Thy kingdom come”

AoP: What are your favourite all time songs?

M: Slayer  ”Kill again” ”Nerophiliac”
     Malevolent creation ”Multiple stabwounds”
     Deicide ”Kill the christian”
     Bathory ”Call from the grave”

AoP: What do you think of the position of metal and music in general today?

M: I donīt think about it that much, all genres came in waves and trends and I donīt care. In europe thereīs this power metal shit trend I think…

AoP: Do you have any funny or unusual stories about the band you can share with us?

M: Donīt have any…

AoP: and finally, what do you see in the future for Misteltein?

M: At this time weīll continuing writing and later on record it hopefully. Play some gigs etc.