Albums of Purgatory interview Paul Di'Anno


Albums of Purgatory: Firstly what are you up to right now?

Paul DiAnno: Touring with Killers all over the planet.

AoP: You have been involved in several bands in the past.  Which ones are still alive?

PD: Killers

AoP: How did you get involved with Iron Maiden back in the late '70s?

PD: Steve Harris asked me to join, so I did.

AoP: Does it ever bother you to be remembered as the former Maiden vocalist when you have done so much more since then?

PD: Not really, I only get bothered that I never made any money at all from being with Maiden.

AoP: You have toured with some huge bands over the years, which ones have been the most enjoyable to work with?

PD: Kiss.

AoP: What are your favourite Dianno tracks?

PD: The Living Dead (from Nomad Album)

AoP: What are your favourite Maiden tracks?

PD: Running Free and Murders

AoP: What are your favourite tracks from your other projects?

PD: The Beast Arises and Dream Keeper (from Killers -Murder One)

AoP: What are your favourite all time songs?

PD: Don't have any.

AoP: What was the first record you bought?

PD: Can't remember, but possibly an Elvis record.

AoP: What would be your dream band lineup?

PD: Lemmy on bass, Kieth Moon on drums and Chuck Berry on guitar.

AoP: What do you think of the position of metal and music in general today?

PD: I don't really think much about it, as it seems to be the same old story running over and over.

AoP: Which other bands in the metal scene stand out for you at the moment?

PD: Sepultura.

AoP: Do you have any funny stories you can share with us?

PD: Yeah have you seen the size of my royalty statements lately?

AoP: Finally, what do you see in the future for Paul Di'Anno?

PD: The future looks bright and I can see a Giant sunstorm wave coming this way.