Albums of Purgatory interview the prowlers' Claudio Cappabianca

Albums of Purgatory: Firstly, what are you up to right now?

Claudio Cappabianca: After the release of our last 5 Tracks Demo titled "Souls Thieves", we've been contacted by a German Label interested to make us sign a
Recording Contract.  We're waiting for for some details to be solved, then we'll start recordings for our Debut Album (we hope around next October)!

AoP: How would you describe the Prowlers sound?

CC: It's a mix between NWOBHM, Power Metal and Prog Metal!

AoP: How did you get involved with the band?

CC: Me and the two guitar players (Stefano and Fabio), are the founding members of the Band.

AoP: Can you remember your first gig (how did it go)?

CC: Of course! It was around 5 years ago, into a Rock Club in Rome called "Alpheus". It went how it's logical to imagine...The audience was composed by some friends and parents and few "strangers", but we had fun, how we have every time that we play a gig!

AoP: What are your favourite Prowlers tracks?

CC: Incubus, The Maelstrom

AoP: What are your favourite all time songs or albums?

CC: Iron Maiden "Live After Death", Dream Theater "Awake" and Queensryche "Operation Mindcrime"

AoP: What was the first record you bought?

CC: AC/DC - "If you want blood...You've got it!" it was 1982...

AoP: What would be your dream band line-up?

CC: Vocals : Geoff Tate - Keyboards : Jordan Rudes - Guitars : John Petrucci -
Drums : Neil Peart - Bass : Billy Shean

AoP: What do you think of the position of metal and music in general today?

CC: Metal is still an underground phenomena, if compared with other kinds of music you listen to the radio, but, maybe, it's better this way...

AoP: Which other bands in the scene really stand out for you at the moment?

CC: Sonata Artica, Blind Guardian, Iron Maiden...

AoP: Do you have any funny stories about the band you can share with us?

CC: When we were looking for a singer, we tried so many guys that had a so ridiculus way of singing, that we decided to continue looking
 for a singer, even after we'd find it! But, of course, we didn't!

AoP: and finally, what do you see in the future for the Prowlers?

CC: I see a great Debut Album! The rest will come as Destiny wants...