Albums of Purgatory Interview Dead Milkmen's Rodney
- Albums of Purgatory: Firstly, How did Burn Witch Burn start?
Rodney Anonymous: I ran into my old friend, Bill, at a picnic. He told me that he'd become
bored with the guitar
and was playing the mandolin. Vienna plays the violin, and I could tell that the Milkmen
were coming to an end. So, I guess you could say that fate through us all together.
AoP: Do you still speak to any of the other Dead Milkmen?
RA: I just saw Joe on New Year's Eve (we've spend almost every New Year together for the
last 20 years.). I'm going to give him a call and see if he wants to come with me to see
Carfax Abbey. I had lunch with Dean about a year OK, and sometimes we converse via e-mail.
I haven't seen or spoken with Dave in almost 10 years.
AoP: What are your fondest memories from those days?
RA: When we first started (before we could get gigs), we'd all hang out a dean's house;
drink beer (Lord Chesterfield Ale) and sleep (pass out) on the floor. That was great. It
was like having brothers.
AoP: What was your favourite 'Milkmen song?
RA: The Woman who is also a Mongoose.
AoP: What's your favourite Burn Witch Burn song?
RA: Beaumont Arkansas - the only love song that I've ever written.
AoP: What's your favourite all-time song?
RA: Nemesis by Shriekback. It's the only song that I'll dance to. The lyrics are
AoP: What was the first record you bought?
RA: Hmmm... I can remember paying for "Some Girls" by the Rolling Stones and
Talking Heads' "Fear of
Music", but the first record I ever "acquired" (shoplifted) was Bowie's
"Station To Station". By the way, I'm still a chronic Shoplifter. A few weeks
ago, I swiped a copy of Bean for Vienna.
AoP: What would be your dream band line-up?
- RA: Vocals: Vienna (I know, she's my wife, but i love her voice...but she's difficult to
work with)
or Rozz Williams (OK, he's dead)...hmmmm...can I come
back to this?
Lead Guitar: Daniel Ash
Vocals: David Bowie - the old guy's still got some
fight in 'im.
Rhythm Guitar: Ron Wood - What? Sooner or later,
Ron'll climb on stage to jam with the band.
Might as well make him a member.
Bass: Does it really matter? It's going to be on the
DAT with the drums.
Keyboards: Marilyn Manson. It would do Brian some good
to rest up and be a side-man for a while.
Drums: Alesis HR 16 & the guys in Front Line Assembly.
Cello: Melora
Lyrics: Melora...again.
AoP: Which bands have you enjoyed touring with the most over
the years?
- RA: Possum Dixon, King Missile, Mojo Nixon, Thelonious
Monster, Glass Eye, Sorry if I forgot anybody.
AoP: Where has been your favourite place to play?
RA: Clark Park in West Philly.
AoP: Do you have any funny stories you can share with us?
RA: I attended Rodemill Boys' Bible Academy. I work at the city zoo. I seen two of your
pictures. I'm only
eighteen years old, but I already work for the city. My daddy made me com...
AoP: Finally, what you up to now, since Burn Witch Burn broke up?
RA: Well, I record songs at home & stick 'em up on my website:
And I'm hoping to get my new band, Toadvine, up and running this Spring.