Albums of Purgatory interview ex-Morbid Angel vocalist and bassist Steve
- Albums of Purgatory: Firstly, it's been eight months now since you
left Morbid Angel. What have you been up to? Can we expect anything from you in the near
- Tucker: I have been up to a lot actually , I spent a few months in
Ireland getting my shit together, making decisions on what I wanted to do. Yes, you can
expect some new material to come from me very soon , I have been working on songs with
Greg Reed, the former guitarist of Ceremony, and Trym from Emperor, I am very excited
about the material , it is powerful.
- AoP: No doubt you've been asked this over and over but what made
you decide to leave morbid Angel? Was it a difficult decision to make?
- Tucker: Yes, I have been asked ,and yes it was very difficult, I
planned on being in Morbid Angel until it didn't exist anymore , as long as I was able to
contribute and there was a bond between the band members, I was in....I felt that there
was no bond at all......
- AoP: Have you kept in touch with the other guys?
- Tucker: Erik Rutan is one of my very best friends in life, he is
my brother..We talk and hang out when we can, one day I hope to work on some music with
Rutan, I think he is an amazing talent. I think he will be producing the Ceremony stuff
when we do a full length.
- AoP: How did you become a part of Morbid Angel in the first place?
- Tucker: At this point my friend ,I really don't care to duscuss
that anymore...I am no longer in the band .
- AoP: How would you have described the Morbid Angel sound?
- Tucker: Original , I think M.A. has been to death metal what Led
Zeppelin was to Rock
- AoP: What are your favourite Morbid Angel tracks?
- Tucker: As far as songs that were written with me in the band , He
who sleeps was great for me, To the Victor the Spoils was great as well, Chambers of Dis
was sick too..
- AoP: What are your favourite all time songs?
- Tucker: There are way too many, from way too many Genres..But just
about anything off the Killers Record (Iron Maiden) anything from Holy Diver or Last in
Line (Dio) anything from born again (black sabbath) anything from Haunting the
Chapel, Reign in Blood ,well basically anything by Slayer up untill South of Heaven,
fuck man as I said there are way to many songs by way too many bands ,from old
stuff ,to Tool...... I love music ,it means everything to me.
- AoP: What was the first record you bought?
- Tucker: I don't remember....I think it was probably a Kiss record
or something stupid, I was only about 10 years of age..
- AoP: What would be your dream band line-up?
- Tucker: Dream line-up to hear ? or to play in? To hear, man,
that is tough I like a lot of differant stuff, that depends on my mood I guess...To play
.... Man I would love to play with Rutan, Jared Anderson (Hate Eternal),Trym
(Emperor, Zyklon) with Jared and erik on guitars me on bass, and all three of us
doing vocals ,shit that would be sick as fuck !!!!!
- AoP: What do you think of the position of metal and music in
general today?
- Tucker: Same as always , underground metal in particular, it means
everything to a very direct group of extreme people, to the death metal fans there is no
bullshit, it is brutal or it is shit!!!!! and if it is real then they love it .And to me
that is the way it should be!
- AoP: Do you have any funny or unusual stories from the road you
can share with us?
- Tucker:Yes, but I would end up in a lot of trouble if I told them
to you!! hehe
- AoP: and finally, what do you see in the future for Steve Tucker?
- Tucker: A lot! I am ready to do whatever I have to do to get back
out on tour and see the fans !!I miss the fans more than anything man !!!