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Trading Rules

Trading Rules
Bootlegs For Trade
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My Terms:


First and foremost, this is only for fun. Nothing on this site is for sale. I do not sell bootlegs!!!


I do not trade official releases, unless they are out of print. Please support the bands you like by purchasing their official releases, preferably at an independent record store.


I do not trade MP3, shn, or any compressed or downloaded recordings. Only CD or DAT!
Don't convert any trades you get from me into MP3's, or sell them to anyone.


I will only accept trades which use high quality media. I prefer Mitsui or Verbatim CD-R's.


Always record DAO. Never record "on the fly". Don't run any other programs while burning.


I prefer to do medium sized trades (5-10 discs).


Please include artwork and/or track listings, if possible.


If we haven't traded before,  you will need to send first. I'll send the day after I receive.

Please Email me  about any questions or possible exceptions regarding these rules.


Additional Trading Rules Apply To Nirvana Trades and are good standards for all trades.

my sound quality scale:

A+ (10/10)- Could have been an official release, i.e. Stereo, defined bass and treble, good mix of all instruments.

A (9/10)- Better than most bootlegs, Stereo soundboard/studio recording, minimal noise, still sounds good loud.

A- (8/10)- Still enjoyable but has some flaws, maybe an excellent audience recording, a little muddy.

B (7/10)- Mono, what most audience bootlegs sound like.

C (6/10)- For historical importance / collectors only.

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I do not own the rights to any of the music on these pages. And for gosh sake, make up your own website, don't copy mine.
I strive to provide accurate data, however some venue, date, source, quality, or track listing information may be incorrect. Sorry.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact QuaziEvil.
Last updated: 03/27/04.