Jimmy Russo
A.K.A. Jimmy 'Bones'
Lineage - Italian
Height - 5'11
Weight - 175 lbs.
Weapons of Choice - 9 MM Browning & flexible Cobra rod;used for snapping bones
Jimmy grew up in Brooklyn. His grandfather, Salvatore, and the man who would become his sire,
Frank DiNapoli, were business associates. That "business" included gambling and moving liquor
and cigarettes. After being sired, Jimmy's eyes turned that strange, glowing green. Because of
his eyes, he has to wear shades when out in public at all times.
Jimmy is aligned closely with the Brujah Primogen, Erin Conlon. Together with Willie 'Big Willy'
Green, the three of them form the power block of the Camarilla and serve as the Prince's primary
enforcers. Quiet, calculating, Jimmy is not the typical hell-raising Brujah, but has the cold
professionalism of an Assamite.