My Favorite Links
Yahoo groups
To be honest this group was created to find more people
like us. Here are some words to describe who we are and what we are into:
Self-sustainability, intentional community, organic gardening, camping, natural
healing, pagan, LHP, bisexual, polyamory, survivalism, homesteading, herbs,
herbalism, weapons, books, recipes, D/s, BD/SM, dominant, submissive, The Manor
House (TV show), The Marketplace Series by Laura Antoniou, goth, vampire
community, Vlad Tepes, tattoos, alternative medicine, ttc, infertility,
Libertarian, reading, self-reliance, hedonism, philosophy, Jung, Nietzsche, Ayn
Rand, teachings of Anton LaVey, Astrology, candlemaking, soapmaking, Laurell K.
Hamilton's Anita Blake Series, The Sims 2, horror movie special effects,
fantasy, sci-fi, true crime, forensic science, art (Louis Royo, Dorian
Cleavenger, Joseph Vargo, Corvis Nocturnum, Nene Thomas), Epicureanism, elitism.