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Laws of Magick

Laws of Magick

Now, I suppose some of you are saying, "Laws? How can Wicca have laws!!?? It's all about doing what you want and stuff. Having fun!" Well I say to you, yes, it is about making your own choices, etc etc etc, However, if you want rules like that, read the Witches Rede of Chivalry. These laws are more like laws of physics. Read along and you will see what I mean.

Law of Knowledge: to effect/affect a thing you must know the thing. The moreyou know about yourself the more you can know something else.

Law of Identification: with your will you can become anything - be one with anyhing. (Our only tool is the brain)

Law of Contagion: anything that has been in contact with something else maintains contact with that thing through the other.

Law of Names: knowing the True Name of something defines the action you take to focus a function on that thing.

Law of Cause and Effect: under exactly the same conditions using the same actions you will always obtain the same results.

Law of Infinite Data: there is more in theuniverse than we can sense or know. Learning never stops.

Law of Association: if a thing reminds you of something else it can be used as a simulacrum for that something else for magickal purposes.

Law of Infinite Universes: change your perspective in one area and you change your universe. ther are alwyas three choices available.

Law of Incvocation and Evocation: there are forces outside and inside of you that you can tap and direct through your brain.

Law of Pragmatism: if it works, it is true.

Law of Predestination and Free Will: events are predestined, each person chooses whether and to what extent to particiate in them.

Law of Polarity: everything contains and impies its opposite.