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Whispers I hear on the brisk winter breeze...
Times have changed and so have we
Your gifts have been many simple to see
This Transition of you has come with ease
From Life into Death the Cycle must be.

The Wheel of Existence again must spin
Travel you must as the veils do thin
Towards the mysteries you travel therein
Behind you must leave your love ones and kin

Voyage again we all must within.

Tome upon tome life written as art
Life is a journey you took to heart
Your wisdom you shared gave many a start
In bittersweet sorrow you now must depart

In gratitude and joy I say merry part.

Yours was a life of gifts done right
A star that shown ever so bright
Your treasures are ours for our delight
So soar can we to ever-new heights

Illuminating our way with your spark of light.

Adventure was yours and again once more
Great joy will be had when you set to shore
Among your kindred you'll be yet as before
Escapades like this are basis of lore

Passage we all must through this blind door.

From Life into Death we all must flow
Death into Life we learn and grow
Travel we must in this deep winter's snow
Lifetimes are in the wisdom you know

This is the gift that Being doth bestow.

This journey of yours has just begun
Life well loved into death well done
Knowledge and wisdom are the web you have spun
Gifts are great and regrets are none

Travel thee well my Lady's love.