Meet the Participants in this Mad Race
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Read the League of Quotes Logbook?
Where it all began...
It all started with a simple insult.. an annoying chat-person and BANG!! It's now the focus of a league... I'm Grant,your host for The League Of Quotes
This league concentrates upon witty putdowns and saracstic comebacks made in Yahoo! Chat by our participants, if it gets a high enough vote from all the goes into the the top 10
So beware, next time you step into Yahoo Chat, you may be on the recieving end!! In this Site, you can browse the current Top 10 updated as and when a new quote is added and you can also see pics of the participants too
and browse some of their favourite sites too
Well.. Enough of me talking about it!, Go See it! and leave your comments at the door as you leave!