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My Oekakis, page 1!

I left Neopets, due to my immense load of homework... so I drew this picture of me with my 3 best friends in the background, badly drawn. I had to go to bed halfway through the picture, so naturally jpg compression forced me to shade by hand, and I got fed up so I gave up. The quote is © my friend GD, the one with the almost-black hair. I didn't ask her permission to use it. What a wonderful friend I am. That was a long picture comment.

If you're in my class, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??? Grrrr... anyway, you might recognize this pic from that...project thing...that we had to do... at the beginning of grade 8... (yes Scott, I drew it on the computer. Accept it already. And Rob, if you are being sincere when you say that you couldn't even draw those birds, I will laugh at you even more than I did during the green lipgloss incident last year!)
Anywho, if you're not in my class, this pic was part of a project we had to do. It's me. Behold my power.

It's Culumon. With a paintbrush. Need I say more?
*Picture inspired by a comment in GD's DeadJournal

Kouji and Kouichi. My two favourite bishies *huggles* I like this pic cuz it was the first time anyone ever stole my style (don't ask if you don't know)...

More Kouji goodness. For some odd reason, I can't draw his hair down on an oekaki...
*Picture drawn at TACo

My first collaboration, with Growly... obviously, I did Hikari... as you can see, I used watercolours to colour her, a different style than what I usually do. I like this picture cuz it's probably the best I've ever done with a mousey. I also like it cuz of it's collaby goodness and its overall kawaiiness factor.

I suppose I kinda like the way this one turned out. It's FallenAngewomon, H-Hybrid of Twilight!

An old pic from about September that I forgot all about. From when I liked Rob. And we were doing cells in biology. Note my science teacher in the background... XD
There's something weird about this pic that I can't put my finger on...

My 140th oekaki (don't bother counting, I don't post them all here). It's still unfinished. I guess I sorta like this one...

An old pic (very old, as you can see) of Night that I just discovered. It's kinda weird.

A picture of Kouichi holding a bowl of soup that I drew when I was sick to make me feel better...

I was bored, so I thought "If Ranamon was a CC, what would she look like?" and this was the result.

I drew this while listening to "Christmas Night" on repeat. This picture is important to me cuz when I was almost done drawing it, I accidentaly broke my stylus... so that means all my most recent pictures I drew with my magic mousey... ugh...
The head looks weird.

One of my numerous alter egos, Blitzball Girl *smiles*

Another alter ego. Duff Girl, the OTHER Duff Spokesperson. I like Duff. =D~

I gave both KI and Cyrannimon makeovers, so I decided to draw them. The ugly couch is NOT MY FAULT!! Honest.

Ah yes, the dreaded coupling. How I loathe KouKou. But I drew it for Jen's b-day. She never even saw it. Which is good. *Very* good. I hate KouKou. Unfortunately, most of the people at PP love it and this picture was glomped by fangirls numerous times. Foam. Did I mention that I can't stand KouKou?

Me and two of my 'friends'. You might recognise one of them, I draw him all the time. I look like I'm plotting an evil scheme. =P

*clears throat* Not much I can say about this. It's from the days when I was a BlackTailmon, and... uh... it's not what it looks like.

*cackles* Say it, I'm evil. >=D Rob in Pretty Pink Faerie mode, if you didn't get it. I have a printed out version of this somewhere and it has GD's address scribbled on the back o_O why did I say that...?

I was playing with the gradients. Was too lazy to do an actual bg...

Um... it's a girl. On a sidewalk. Walking. She's wearing a shirt I'd kill to have. Yep.
Oekakis, page 2!
Back to the big empty space I used to call my website!