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A magic girl-type-person. With a faerie flying around her head. Funnie. X3

Me and a 'friend' at a party. Congratulating something-or-other. Probably our grade 8 graduation. Yes, I really do own a dress that looks like that, and I go out of my way not to wear it.

Everyone at PP was drawing profiles of themselves, so I did too. Don't ask where the fish background came from.

I...don't...know. Just felt like drawing something frightening that day. She scares me. ><

One of the voices in my head. Pyro. Need I say more? =3

It's Rob. With a fangirl clinging on to his arm. The girl is based on one of my 'friends', but I'm not saying who. XD She'd murder me.

An odd lil pic of some lady (despite popular belief, it's NOT ME ><) holding her baby (whose father, I might add, is a random BHB XD) and picturing what the kid'll look like in about 10 years. Ignore the bg, I was being yelled at in the final stretch of drawing -_-;;

Not much to say about this. I drew it a while ago. It was fueled by my recent obsession with trilliums.

I was sick. So I drew myself. Lying on my bed, which looks like a box cuz I was too lazy to shade it right. Yes, my room was painted that way. Then I moved. Now it's white. Sniff.

An unfinished pic I started on my b-day and couldn't complete cuz of the compression. I was trying to do a perspective, but instead it just looks like I visited the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. ( Note: All pictures from this point on are drawn at TACo, unless otherwise noted. I miss PP.)

A piccie for my Xanga site's current layout. Based on, of course, the song 'Butterfly' from DDR. Using only the colours green, black and blue for her wings was a real pain in the butt. XD

The main character from my Pokemon Sapphire-based fanfic, Moonlight. Tenshi (that girl) is a fifteen-year-old who can't stand Pokemon, but is thrown into the world forcibly by her freakish prep mother. She spends the whole time running from Latias and chasing Brendan, whom she thinks is hot. =D I love her personality. Writing that story was so fun. ^o^

It's me, as a dude. Man I get bored. XD anyway, his name's Anan, and his hairstyle changes more than my favourite song.

...see what I mean? I think I like this hairstyle on him more. But I hate this drawing, except for him and the tree he's on. ^^; the colours of the water got royally screwed up, and I can't do sunsets for crap. And ignore my numerous shading problems (I think this is the first time I've used a light source from that angle) and the fact that he should be sliding off that tree. ^^; let's just say his pants have Superglue on them. XD

A picture personifing (is that a word? o_O if it is, I sure spelled it wrong) my friends' and my personalities. I'm the evil one trying to take over the world (note the outfit stolen from Kouichi X3), Alisa's the one with the thornless rose (she's supposed to have wings, too, but I got kicked off before I could finish), Victoria's the semi-chibi one in the badly drawn Hot Shot outfit (well, I don't watch Armada, give me a break T_T) and Toni's not there cuz she's too busy role-playing. XD

I discovered that I was getting a new tablet (they were on sale, only $100), so I drew a piccie of the Stylus Faerie (no, she doesn't have wings or look even remotely like a faerie) holding a stylus (guhhhh). I used my old broken stylus as a refrence. XD Yes, I still have my old stylus, even though I've moved since it broke. Kwah. X3 ( Note: All pictures from this point on are drawn with a tablet, unless otherwise noted. ^_^)

The guardian of the mouse and the guardian of the tablet duke it out. Mouse girl controls the elements of Fire and Light, and Tablet girl controls Water and Darkness. Someday I'll draw a follow-up pic that shows who wins... someday. o_o;; that pic took closing on five hours to draw, and it was, I think, my first-ever shot at linelessness. And last. ^^;

Ginjika form of MidnightTailmon, which is my username at Xanga and TACo (where I now draw everything I... you know... draw). She can come off as either really cute or really frightening. The eyes in the bg scare the crap outta me...

Just a random scribble of Aurora, the goddess of all things rainbowy and crayony (because this pic, if you couldn't tell, is based on those drawings everyone does at one point or another, where you colour a page and then cover all of it in black crayon [or, for the SPECIAL first-graders, paint] and scratch a picture into it). I'm posting it cuz it makes the rest of my pictures look good. n_nV

It's Kouichi, and he's depressed. o_o;; that's really all you can say about this. Odd bg and odder shading goodness. =D

It's my current MSN profile piccy. Tis me (duh), and... um... can ya tell I was on a real Chobits kick? o_o;;;;

Kajima. You might, but probably won't recognise her as the Guardian of the Tablet. Somewhat of a homework oekaki, for my anime art class. Don't make fun of my handwriting. I get enough of that from my mother. -_-;
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