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Tidus has an unhealthy obsession with moogles. XD I can't honestly say what posessed me to do this one. All I'm really happy with is the moogle (even though I forgot the wings), it was my first time drawing one...

The latest in my profiles. I look kinda chibi... it came out unsettlingly cute. I wish I could remember how I did that background.

Inspired by Gackt's song Hoshi no Suna and the theme song to FFX, Suteki da Ne. In case you couldn't tell, it's a pic of a girl sitting on a hill, and a closer-up version of her in the foreground. I forgot to shade the scarf x.x

Inspired by Gackt's songs Speed Master and Vanilla. >=3
Drawn for the sole purpose of bugging a certain person. The thing embarasses me, and I suppose the only reason it's here is because I like the way I shaded the skin. =3 I made the base colour as close to my own skin tone as I could, and just went from there. It felt kind of strange to only use two colours of shading, I usually do at least three ^_^;;

Oekaki-ing for 2 years already ^_^-- I'm still surprised at how much I've improved since I started (that's not to say that I'm good at this, I just... suck less). I sampled every colour from the outfit except the shoes and the belt (couldn't find suitable screenshots). I also sampled the colours in my hair (from a picture of Ruki). Small explanation: the outfit was one I wore when I haunted a Digimon Frontier IRC chatroom once. I'm still not sure how exactly it came to be. o.O

It's Pocky. Yay for Pocky. =3 b3h0ld t3h bl00 fl4m3yn355. ^o^

An image popped into my head one night around 2 am, of a girl with fragile wings made of stained glass. All around her there was colour, because the light filtering through her wings left rainbows wherever she flew. And so I drew it. I'm pretty sure there's a meaning behind the text, but I forget it at the moment. ^.^

A friend and I were doing a collaboration (she came to my house to do it, as TACo isn't formatted for them) at the beginning of 2004. I finished my part (Dark Chii), and called her in to finish her part (she'd already done the bg, banner, and lineart for Chii). Right as she placed stylus to tablet, a weird blue line appeared on Chii, and the applet wouldn't let her make another line. So it went unfinished. ;.;

Director, the spirit of my Winamp (particularily, its random feature). She's about the size of a laptop persocom. I just wanted to do thick, lavendar lines and those pigtails of hers ^^;

A picture I did for Christmas 2003. It, for some reason, wound up in the Hall of Fame... I honestly don't know why. Well, it's me (the blue thing I'm leaning on is my Surpreme Author Power pencil... yes, my hand is backward, I do tend to do that ><), Kouichi (looking frightened ^^), who was pushed ahead of the rest of us by KI and me, KI, Cyrannimon's nose and a paw, Pocky, and BLT. I'm happiest with how BLT and Pocky's skin came out. =3

A combo gift for my friend Laura. It's... supposed to be Gackt. Kinda.
...he's nekkid. =3

A birthday gift for my friend Taylor. It was supposed to be Satoshi from DN Angel, but instead it's...not.

I was feeling uber-uber depressed one day a while ago (don't even remember what about, now) and... this came out of it. I don't draw Kouichi enough. He's so cute ^.^

Some random girl at night, standing beside a... something. I'm not quite sure what it is--my best guess would be a ghost. The one in the pic is somewhat larger than the ones I've seen in real life, and doesn't look the same--plus, I've never seen one outside before, but whatever. Also used as an experiment with dark, dark shading.

Serious realism attempt number one. I redrew the body about three times, but it refused to get to a proportional size. Erk.

A picture representing a story I wrote at the end of the eighth grade, in which my friend Alisa is taken to a world where everything is coloured in shades of blue--except the blood you cause to spill.

It's me. My interpretation of how I looked in this one RPG I did a while back in which everyone's personalities inversed and their appearances changed--so I became a child of light. W00t.

A picture inspired by Brad Paisley and Alison Krauss' song, Whiskey Lullaby. That song had an incredible impact on me, so of course I had to draw a picture about it.

((Note: From this point forward, unless otherwise mentioned, oekakis are drawn at the Practice oekaki.

This was a request. It's... Link. Yes. All cower in fear of the garden-hose leg.

...Watch The End Part III, then get back to me.

Another request. I'm not too proud of the way it came out. -_-; Terra's Apprentice costume is hard to draw. @_@ and there was no way I could churn out a semi-decent pose for it. Ragh.


Awwww, fluffy. Another request.

Kind of a bit of an abstract piece I did at a fairly... disrupted... time. Green is jealousy, red is hatred, magenta is confusion, blue is loneliness and black is loss/abscence.

Playing with tones...

2am boredom at its finest.

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