Title: Mission
By: Cheska-chan
E-Mail address:
Chapter 8
PG? PG-13?
Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing!
Cheska: I know, I
know..I've been slacking off for awhile but hey!
I'm back to give you Chapter 8!
Well I think that's it to say. *looks around and
smiles* Hey! Yey!! None of the characters came to disturb
me! Whoo-hoo!!
*All of a sudden a loud bang rang out and Duo stepped in
with a grin*
Cheska: *groans*
Duo: What's wrong?
Cheska: *looks crestfallen and starts walking away*
Duo: Hey! Hang on! *starts following and strikes up a
one-sided conversation*
Cheska: *frowns and groans again* Thanks for the kind
back at the last chapter I posted up! I hope this will be
as well...^^ *turns to Duo who hasn't noticed anything and
on talking..and talking...and talking*
*groans once more*
Soon, the five
Gundams stopped and landed nearby the battered-down
"This is where
you're taking us?"Duo scoffed.
"Looks don't
count. It's what lies
inside,"Quatre said before
entering inside.
The five G-pilots
entered and saw nothing but dirt and dust.
"Uh-huh, inside
huh?"Duo said disbelievingly.
"Just follow
me,"Quatre said and led them to a certain room.
Quatre stopped and
stared at the desk lying there and the others
wondered what the heck the Sandrock pilot was doing.
Quatre went to the
desk and inspected it. Until Quatre hit something
and a whirring sound started sounding out and stepped back.
The desk
slowly went down the floor and disappeared from sight and
was now
being replaced by a set of stairs.
"Uhh..."Duo just said, dumbfounded.
you,"Quatre smirked.
Quatre went down
first and was followed by the other four G-pilots.
Slowly, they made their way down the stairs. Heero
carefully carried Serena down as well in his arms, making
sure she
was safe and still in tact.
As they reached the
bottom step, there were five scientists standing
there. Dr. J, Dr. H, Dr. G, Dr. O, and Dr. S. All five
gazed at them with quiet reserve.
"We got 06
back,"Quatre reported.
They nodded.
"Good. She's going to need help. Where's Dr. M?"Dr. G asked.
"She should be
coming soon,"Dr. H answered.
For awhile they
waited until the sound of footsteps soon followed.
From one of the hallways, Dr. M came in with the trail of
her white
labcoat behind her. Beside her, a little girl came. It was Hotaru
"You got her.
Thank you,"Hotaru softly said.
she?"Duo asked outloud.
"Her name is
Hotaru Tomoe. A..pupil of
mine,"Dr. M answered calmly.
"Bring her into
the ward. I will deal with her as soon
as I can,"Hotaru stated.
"A little
girl? Treat the onna?"Wufei said
in disbelief.
Hotaru narrowed her
eyes to Wufei and gave him a glare before turning
around and leaving the room.
"Do what she
says, please. It is a reason why she is
She may be young, but she is different from any other. She
is a gifted child,"Dr. M said.
"Trust her. That's all we can do,"Dr. J said.
The other pilots
just gazed at the young girl in Heero's protective
arms and gave a small sigh.
nothing we can do. We'll just have to depend on her,"Quatre said.
They gave in and
followed Dr. M and the other doctors
to the ward.
After laying Serena
on the hospital bed, Hotaru scanned her before nodding
off toward the scientists and the pilots.
"You may leave
now. I'll see what I can
do,"Hotaru told them and ushered
them all out.
"Don't you dare
let her die,"Heero warned before leaving the room.
"She saved my
life. It's my turn to save
hers,"Hotaru assured him as she
shut the door.
(You better...)Heero
thought within his head before sitting down next
to Quatre and them.
*sigh* "Let's
see..."Hotaru sighed as she observed Serena's body.
(You rescued me from
those men...I can't let you die...)Hotaru said
as she went to Serena's prone form.
At the Moon's Base
"Father,"Treize's voice stated as he walked over to him.
"Treize,"Tanis nodded as he sat there, looking at his
"I've heard
from some of your men that you managed
to capture a Gundam Pilot..a young lady in fact,"Treize
"Ahh...yes, 06.
She managed to escape with her
comrades,"Tanis answered.
"Those pilots
have disrupted several plans..."Treize trailed off.
"Yes, they
have. However, we must keep trying,"Tanis assured him.
"That gundam
pilot..06...what were you doing with her?"Treize asked.
her to turn over to our side,"Tanis answered.
"It is
practically impossible for that to happen! She is
a gundam pilot and they are our enemies!"Treize cried
"If she turns
to our side, she will be difficutlt to beat when
facing her old colleagues. Gundam Pilots such as herself
be great in battle and facing her past associates will be
greater. Having her in our side will give us an upper hand
winning this war,"Tanis told him.
"What makes you
think that she will be easier to get her over
to Oz than the other pilots?"Treize asked.
"...that I can
not say,"Tanis told him and turned around from
Treize bore his eyes
onto his back before turning and leaving him
Treize!"a soldier cried out as he strode over to him.
Treize spun around
and addressed the soldier.
"We have
recieved word that you wanted to go back to
Earth?"the soldier inquired.
He nodded.
"The shuttle is
prepared to leave in fifteen minutes,"the soldier told
well...lead the way,"Treize asserted.
As Treize turned
away from the hallway, a man came striding in.
The man walked up to
the room and went inside after knocking.
Tanis didn't turn
around when he heard it open up.
Khushrenada, I have returned,"the man addressed.
"It's nice to
have you back, Tsu,"Tanis smirked.
The scientists and
the pilots were still waiting outside the
Some pacing, others
(Please let her be
okay..)Dr. M thought as she stared at the closed door.
"There's no
other way. I can't do this..it's time
for phase
two,"Hotaru sighed inwardly.
(Please let this
work...)Hotaru pleaded as she took off the blood-soaked
gloves and moved closer to the unconscious girl.
Gently, Hotaru
placed her arms around the young girl's head and
closed her eyes.
Drawing in a deep breath she bowed her head and
A solemn glow
illuminated the room and especially the two girls. For
several minutes it stayed that way and finally the glimmer
faded away.
Hotaru slumped on the chair she was in, breathing heavily
out of
(I hope it
worked..)Hotaru thought before closing her eyes and falling
into unconsciousness.
After a couple of
hours, Hotaru woke up and stared at the young
patient in front of her. Hotaru examined Moon and saw that
she appeared
to be better than she was before.
Moon's face was
cleared of the blood, cuts, and bruises. Her body
was better off than before with only a couple of healing
bruises left
and some cuts but nothing serious.
Hotaru checked her
pulse and distinguished the small uneven pulse there.
It left her in some worry but drew a sigh of relief
nonetheless with the
knowledge that the Gundam Pilot is still alive for the time
(She's in a
coma...but she still has a chance to live..)Hotaru said
inside her head.
nothing left to do but tell the others,"Hotaru muttered and
turned away from the patient.
The door to the ward
opened and the scientists and pilots turned
to gaze at the young girl there. Her head was downcast and as she
raised it up to stare at them, her eyes held woe.
"Wh-What is
it?"Quatre managed to say.
"Good news and
bad news,"Hotaru spoke up.
us,"Dr. M said.
"Her cuts and
bruises are healing quite nicely...but..she
is in a coma. She
may or may not live. We'll just
have to wait and see,"Hotaru uneasily informed them.
Everything was
hushed for some time.
"You may see
her..."Hotaru said after awhile and moved away
from the door.
The scientists
decided to leave the place and went off, all except
Dr. M who stayed behind.
All five pilots
entered the ward and saw their comrade on the
hospital bed, unmoving.
Hotaru closed the
door after the pilots went inside and leaned
against the wall with a heavy sigh.
"All this power
to heal and I couldn't save her,"Hotaru sighed.
"You did the
best you can and you did save her. You
to rescue her from dying,"Dr. M comforted.
"No I didn't!
If I could...then she wouldn't be in the
position she is right now,"Hotaru cried out.
"It's better
than her being dead at this moment,"Dr. M stated.
"When Moon
defended me from those bullies...I didn't get
left behind hurt and weakened. Now here she is and I left her..
I left her in her prone state,"Hotaru said with
"All will be
well..in the end. You did as much as
you can..
you used your power of healing and that is sacrificing your
energy....you did what you could,"Dr. M soothed.
With that Hotaru
just picked herself up and went away to be
by herself for awhile.
From the other side
of the door, the five pilots quietly
observed the teenage girl on the bed.
Heero tightened his
fist at what he saw and turned and strode
out of the door, followed by Trowa and Duo. Quatre and Wufei
stayed behind but then Wufei left later on.
Soon, Quatre was the
only one left as he sat down on the
unoccupied chair beside the bed.
"I never even
got to know you that well...Serena,"Quatre uttered.
Seeing her there,
helpless and fighting for her life reminded
the pilots about people they lost.
Wufei was reminded
of his wife, Duo about the people who raised
him in the Maxwell chuch, Quatre and his father, Heero about
the little girl and her dog, and Trowa of his secretive
The five scientists
went over and busied themselves with their
work until they got lost in it. That is until they heard
the news from the television. They turned their heads and
to it.
"Soldiers have
inhabited the Moon Base. We have
received word that
the leader in there is building a great machine and planning
to destroy Earth with it! All citizens of Earth must leave
or else face the dire consequences that will come! I repeat!
citizens of Earth must leave!"the reporter warned and
told them.
Dr. O turned the
television set off and faced his fellow scientists.
"We must tell
the pilots,"Dr. J stated.
Heero returned from
walking around the base and now faced the
closed door of the place where Serena layed. He let out his
hand on the
door knob and gave this some deep consideration.
I?)Heero thought.
Mustering up his
courage, he turned the knob and went in. He stood as if
in a trance at the scene before him as he stared at Serena's
form on the bed. He
instinctively closed the door and stood there.
Uneasiness and fear bubbled up inside him. He couldn't move.
(Why am I feeling
this? I'm the perfect soldier! I'm
trained to
not have any void of emotion and yet...I feel this!
Why?)Heero wondered and
tried to fight it off but sighed in defeat.
Heero forced his
feet to move and he sat down on the unoccupied seat
that Quatre and probably the others occupied a long time
ago. All the other
pilots visited her one by one and he was the only one
left. So...here he was.
"What did they
do to you back there..in the prison they have kept
you?"Heero whispered out.
"I have these
emotions stirring up inside of me ever since you
came,"Heero started.
"When you
agreed to Li Tsu of going with him in order to
save Relena..and I saw you leave..."Heero trailed off.
Sounds of footsteps
neared the door and stopped in front of it, then
came a knock.
"Heero? If
you're in there, please come to the main room as soon
as you can,"Dr. M told him before leaving again.
Heero bowed his
(The main
room..)Heero stored within his mind.
"I bet it's
about Oz again..."Heero thought outloud before his eyes
travelled back to Serena.
Serena's bangs
slowly drifted over her closed eyes and Heero reacted
by brushing it away from her face.
"I will not die
until Oz is defeated,"Heero vowed to her as he took
the palm of her hands into his.
For a few seconds he
remained in that position but with a heavy
heart, he let go and stood up to leave.
(Please be
okay..)Heero whispered in his head as he took one
last glance at Serena Usagi.
He closed the door
and strode out.
"Oz has taken
over the Moon base and using a machine to
launch a full out attack on Earth. You must go over there
and not let this happen to Earth. Do you accept or
decline this mission?"Dr. J told them.
"Do you have
any knowledge on who is leading this
operation?"Wufei asked.
scientists answered.
Nothing was said for
"Mission: Accepted,"Heero complied in monotone.
"Accepted,"Wufei and Trowa consented.
Quatre agreed as
well with a nod for affirmation.
"All right!!!
Time to kick some Oz @$$!!"Duo whooped with joy.
today. The mechanics around here will
help reload
the ammo and fix any problems on the Gundams. For today, just
relax and rest..."Dr. H said with some assurance.
Hotaru twisted and
turned in her bed, whimpers escaped from her
lips and her eyes were shut tight.
shouted as she bolted upright from her bed.
(It was a
dream...just a horrible, horrible dream)Hotaru soothed
within her mind as some beads of sweat dripped from her chin
Her purple eyes
softened and she leaned her head to the wall and
breathed a sigh of relief.
"I can't let
her die...I refuse to have that happen to
her..."Hotaru proclaimed in that darkened room as she
out of bed.
She reached for the
dark labcoat that Dr. M left for her and wore
it over her night clothes and slippers.
Hotaru crept along
the dimly lit rooms and finally reached the
ward and went inside.
Hotaru was taken
aback as she saw a figure was already there.
M..."Hotaru gasped.
surprised to see you here at this time,"Dr. M gave
a small, lazy smile.
"Somehow, I
doubt that,"Hotaru countered with a thin line from her lips.
Dr. M shook her head
in amusement.
"I've known you
for some time to figure out that you seem to
know my actions before they even happen..."Hotaru
"Yes, yes...I
figured that. I suppose it's because of
the years we have known each other, young Hotaru..."Dr.
M said with
a glint in her eyes.
"Maybe...maybe.."Hotaru thoughtfully said in a near
Dr. M stared back at
the young girl in the bed with some love in
her eyes.
"I've left
her..she was young at the time and I just left,"Dr. M
said with some guilt.
"You left
because of me..wasn't it?"Hotaru figured.
"Yes, I knew
she would be taken cared of while I helped you
train for your healing abilities and such...I felt so guilty
I came back...I can't blame her anger at me. It had to be
done though.."Dr. M softly and said with some emotion.
"With some time
she'll come to understand and accept it,"Hotaru comforted.
Dr. M glimpsed back
at Hotaru and gave an interesting smile.
"I was here to
help you, not the other way around,"Dr. M said with a
small chuckle.
"Really?"Hotaru inclined her head to the side.
"Really. You came here because you feel bad about the
Serena is in, isn't it?"Dr. M said.
"So her name is
Serena..."Hotaru said and then shook her head,"Yes,
it is why I came."
"Serena is a
strong soldier. One of the best,"Dr.
M assured her.
"Even the best
die,"Hotaru bitterly stated.
"They do...but
she will come out of this okay..I'm sure
of it. It's up to
her now. You did as much as you
could,"Dr. M told her.
"Dr. M you
summoned me from a long way to be here.
was that?"Hotaru suddenly said.
Dr. M stared at the
young girl for awhile.
"I thought you
would already know that, Hotaru Tomoe,"she said.
Hotaru bowed her
"I knew..but I
somehow I hoped it was something else,"Hotaru
hallowly stated.
"The pilots
need someone like you to help them with their
fatal injuries and you are gifted to help them heal whenever
needed. Both with
your magic and without. You are one..no
best there is for the job.
Why did you think I helped
train you? Helped you control the powers you possess as much
I could?"Dr. M said as she stepped closer to Hotaru.
"I know..but I
don't think I can ever get used to this type
of stuff..knowing that a life may be taken away because of
me...because I wasn't good enough,"Hotaru dejectedly
"Stop that! You
shouldn't treat yourself this way. You
what you could and that is all there is to it. At least you have
her in a state where she has a slight chance to live. Other
doctors couldn't compare with it. She would be dead by now
if it wasn't for you,"Dr. M nagged at her as she took
her by the
shoulders and bore down into her eyes.
Hotaru gave a sigh
after staring into Dr. M's maroon eyes
and nodded dumbly.
"I'm sorry for
my actions.."Hotaru faintly apologized.
happens.."Dr. M uttered as she stepped back from Hotaru
and went to the door,"Just try to keep yourself
together, Hotaru."
Then the scientist
Hotaru sat down on
the chair and drifted off to sleep in peace.
Heero woke up as
dawn came around and after getting ready, went
to the room where Serena Usagi was.
As he went inside,
she saw Hotaru asleep on the chair. He figured
he should leave but didn't, instead he went over and did
he came to do.
Heero bent over the
side of the bed and grasped, Serena's warm
but unmoving hand into his.
He was at the other side of the bed
so as to not disturb the resting child sitting on the chair.
(Why do I feel these
feelings? Why am I even in this
room in the first place? I should just leave and forget
this ever happened....but I know I can't...I would just
come back..)Heero fought in his mind but lost once more as
gave a heavy sigh.
He bent his head
over the palm of 06's hand.
(This is really not
me...I'm showing emotion and care for
one person...)Heero whispered in his mind.
"There's no
turning back now.."Heero softly said as he gazed
at Serena's face.
"There is a new
mission and once again I find myself not knowing
if I will live through it...I know I pledged to you that I
am intent
on not letting Oz win this war...but....there are still
those chances when one can not help but break that
Heero held to her
hand more tightly and stayed that way for a long time.
Then he took something
from his pocket after releasing his hold of
Serena's hand and clutched it and studied the object for a
before putting it into Serena's hand.
"I hope you
keep this until I return..."Heero said before getting up
and walking out of the door.
Hotaru opened her
eyes and stared at the door where Heero left only
a few seconds ago then her eyes darted at Serena's form on
the bed,
still holding the object that Heero gave her.
(I wonder what that
object is..)Hotaru wondered but didn't dare
check it out.
She heard everything
from the time he told her that he was unaware
if he will live through this upcoming mission.
(He'll live..surely
he will..)Hotaru had said with some confidence
in her mind.
"I just hope
you shall be there to see him come back.."Hotaru told
Then she went off to
get ready for the day.
"HEEERRRROOOO!!!"Relena's voice echoed through the
hallway as she
madly dashed at him.
"Ooops..."Quatre winced as he saw Relena come around.
"What do you
mean 'oops'"the other three pilots accused and growled.
Wufei just glanced
at Relena's upcoming form.
brought her here,"Quatre meekly told them.
"Ohh...great,"Duo degradedly said.
Heero gave Quatre a
death glare while Trowa turned away as Relena
came closer..and closer..and then...
"Heero!"Relena exclaimed with some cheeriness as she
glomped the
poor boy.
off,"Heero growled.
"Oh..Heero,"Relena sighed as she gave him a death grip
of a hug.
losing oxygen,"Quatre pointed out.
"He's turning
blue.."Wufei smirked.
Just then the six
scientists came around and approached them.
"Miss Relena, I
suggest you let go of 01 immediately!"Dr. J suggested.
PEACECRAFT RELEASE HIM!"Dr.M couldn't take it anymore and just
yelled at her.
Relena got startled
from her dream-like state and loosened her hold
on Heero.
Heero staggered back
and gulped a big amount of air.
better,"Dr. M nodded in approval.
"Are you five
prepared?"Dr. O addressed the five pilots, forgetting about
the previous scene.
They stared at him,
some saying yes while others just gave a brief nod.
"Good, now
then. You know what you must
do.."Dr. S sanctioned.
"You may go now. Your Gundams are ready and the shuttles are
prepared for take off,"Dr. H told them.
The five pilots
turned to go up the stairs when a screech of surprise
erupted through the room.
"WHAT?!"Relena screamed in protest.
me?"Dr. M sternly said.
"Where are they
going, if I may ask?"Relena calmed down a bit and
asked with a regal tone.
"To their
mission of course,"Dr. J said obviously enough.
The five pilots saw
that this was being handled and continued their
way out of there.
"But..but..."Relena stuttered.
"No buts. They have to go,"Dr. M ended it and saw
that the desk was
now in place.
The five scientists
turned to go but Dr. O stayed behind for awhile.
"I suggest you
get back to your room or something, Miss Relena,"Dr. O
told her before attending to the computer in front of him.
Relena was left
alone, so she trotted off dejectedly to her room
"We will be
arriving near the Moon's base in 30 minutes,"Quatre
told the others through the communicators.
Three shuttles were
casted off now too long ago, the scientists
fixed that for them and now they were out in outerspace
for the Moon.
Quatre had his own,
while Heero and Duo shared a shuttle and
Wufei and Trowa shared the other.
All was currently
well...at least for now it was...
"The Gundams
should be arriving soon,"Tanis told Tsu as he observed
the machine that would soon be ready to do its duty.
"Do you think
they'll make it?"Tsu asked.
knows?...but I doubt it,"Tanis answered him.
Tsu didn't say
anything but proudly surveyed the contraption being
made in front of him.
"I hope you're
right,"Tsu finally spoke out.
"I know I
am..."Tanis stated with assurance.
To be continued...
There's Chapter 8!! OOh
please Read and Review!! R&R!!
*signs flashing* R&R...R&R...R&R...*signs
Okay...hope this was
just as good!! *crosses fingers in hope*
Thanks for the reviews last time...thank you, thank you!!