Rabbits and Roses
By: Prophetess Of Hearts
Chapter Four
Rating: PG13
AN: Thank you everyone who has given me a good review so far. You don't know how happy it makes me. Oh, and sorry for any typo's or spelling mistakes.

~~~{~~~~@ July 27th @~~~~}~~~

^_^ Authors PoV ~ Jagged Roses HQ ^_^

"Have you heard?" whispered a brown haired boy, no more then 15 years old to another member. He was almost exstatic at the news which he bared, he couldn't wait for everyone to know what he had over heard two Rabbits talking about.

"Heard what?" asked a blond grey eyed boy named Alazar in return who noticed the other boys excitment. All the while thinking to himself 'What could have Acher so excited? He is usually not this cheery'.

"I heard two Rabbits talkinmg, It turns out their leader collapesed in their Head quarters 2 days ago at like 10am. Appearently She isn't awake yet. They had even tried to wake her!" Acher replied nearly bouncing litterly off the walls. He was excited for the news which he had just conveyed. He knew this could lead to alot of interesting things for his own family. It could be of great benifit to the Roses.

"NANI!? NO WAY!" Alazar exclaimed in shock. He to got caught up in Achers excitment, for this was big news. He automatically went to tell the other Roses the news. Recieving much the same responce as he had given out. It was all of half hour later when EVERYONE heard the news. They were wondering what their leader Mamoru would say in regards to this.

They would soon get their answer.

^_^ Mamoru's PoV ^_^

I had been laying in my bed staring at the cieling of my apartment with thoughts of My little rabbit running through my mind when I got the call. My phone had ringed and after it didn't go away in 3 rings I decided to pick up.

"Mooshi, Mooshi" I spoke into the phone, although I was sure my anger got into it. The nerve of soeone disrupting my valuable free time of thinking about Usagi. They had NO right to do that. Boiy when I find out why I'll give them a peice of my mind.

The voice on the other side was Motoki. He quickly told me of the news that had been passing through the Roses this morning. I vegly recall the words: "The Rabbits leader is still asleep in her rabbit hole". Okay it was basically a code saying that Usagi hadn't shown up anywhere for a little bit. I growled lightly.

"How long and has the rabbit been asleep, and have they awakened her?" I asked in return, I was sure Motoki could hear my hesatancy in asking, but also my worry. What can I say really except that I DID care about the rabbit. Even though I knew all the trouble that it would cause.

"Since 25th at 10am." He replyed quietly and softly. He knew what I would do about this. He knew the difference in what I would say normally and what I would say now that I had a 'crush' on the rabbit. Especially since I had seen her only an hour before the alotted time which she had gone out of it.

"Call a meeting, for 45 minutes from now. We have to talk to them." I replied, of course meaning our little followers. I knew that this would mean trouble if I didn't talk to them as soon as was possble. I cursed myself mentally how could I have done this to her.

"Right" was Motoki's only answer before he hung up. I assumed to call the other members of out family. I hung up right after he all the while mumbling to myself.

I got out of bed now to prepare for the meeting. I took a quick shower and got dressed in black pants and a somewhat tight black t-shirt. I guess I choose it because I hoped to look my best if I happened to see her, even if I had news that she was out of it. I couldn't help but think about her as I got ready, and as I made my way out of my apartment building. She had consumed my thoughts.

I had got to our HQ 5 minutes before the elected meeting time and then waited till exactly the time that I had said to walk out onto the platform that awaited me. The group went silent after a few seconds and waited for my words, my orders, my plan.

^_^ Ami's PoV ~ White Rabbit HQ ^_^

I was passing frantically infront of the door in which my friend, my leader Usagi was laying in. We had discovered her in there at 10:15 after one of us had seen her enter. We had let her lay there for 10 hours then attempted to wake her up. It was no use, she was not able to be woken up.

Guards had been posted outside the door at that moment, it was even more stressing when she had not woken up the next moring. I had already phoned to tell her biological parents that she was sleeping over at my place. Usagi's parents knew and trusted me, I was the responsible type after all.

I continued to pace then wnet inside the room in which Usagi lay, Minako and Rei took my place as guards at the door while I was inside. I approched the bed on which Usagi lay and bit my lip wondering what was happening to my dear friend. This was not like her at all.

As I looked at my friend curled up with 13 Rabbits in her arms or scattered about the bed I knew that she was depressed, VERY depressed. Usa always came into this room, the shrine to the others and taken down one of two deprending on how much confort she needed. The fact she choose all the ones that had been her friends was very distressing as it ment that she was beyond any point of which she had ever been. I started to cry.

"Usa, whats the matter? What is causing your sorrow? What can It possibly be?" I asked out loud as I cried, the tears and gasps racking my body as I did so. I didn't know that to do so I let free all my worry as words and whispered them to her.

Even though I was awear that she would wake up when she felt better I was worried, I didn't know what was going on in her mind. What was I going to do if she never came back? Who would lead us, protect us, take care of us?

I could only prey that she got well soon.

^_^ Usagi's PoV ~ World of dreams ^_^

I remember falling asleep that morning, not really able to do anything, the whole situation with Mamoru had pissed me off, and yet saddened me more then I thought could possibly happen to me. What could be causing this is what I wished to know.

As I looked around the world which I was in, the world of dreams which was strangly blank at the moment I called forth a vision of all the rabbits I knew that had died, and I called forth a picture of Mamoru. I put the Rabbits before me like a jury and put Mamoru in the prossectors place. I laughed because I was the judge, I then used my little hammer thing which judges had to start the trial.

"We are here today to bring forth the feelings of One Tsukino Usagi for this Chiba Mamoru. We shall be hearing his view of things and then hers." I stated as I brought forth a picture of myself into the defences bench. "You have the stand Mr. Chiba."

"Thank you your honor. I would like to call myself to the witness stand please." He stated in a professional tone that seemed to lack any emotions at all. That total cold surface. I nodded to him and created another picture of him in the witness stand. Then nodded again for him to continue.

"Mr. Chiba please raise your right hand and put your hand on the book if you will." Stated the person who would be swearing in any of the witnesses so it would be considered the truth.

After he was sworn in The Prossecuting Attorny Mr. Chiba continued, I decided I would call him just P.A to not befuddle myself. "Now Mr. Chiba did you or did you not try to avoid the person in question, Miss. Tsukino?" He asked in a high class manner, this almost made me giggle which is not befitting for a judge.

"That is true," stated the witness. He was almost as cold as the P.A was! This was a little annoying.

"And was it not Miss. Tsukino who had procedded to run into YOU everyday?" The P.A asked once more, still holding up that cold manner, I gritted my teeth at this.

"OBJECTION YOU HONOR!" My alternate self, Miss Tsukino answered. Who was obviously as upset as I was. "May we approch the bench?" Miss.Tsukino continued.

"You may" I answered wondering how I could possibly stop this question from continuing.

After both the P.A and Miss. Tsukino approched the bench and stated the case in a quiet manner. "Your honor, This is a matter of the defenants view; in the prossecutions view it is obvious that it would be the reversee senerio thereby voiding the question." She continued to state. I was impressed with myself so nodded.

"Sustained." I answered as I watched Miss.Tsukino go back to her seat and stick her tongue out at the P.A. Who in returned laughed at her.

"After the incident on July 25th did not Miss.Tsukino follow you back to your apartment and enter it without permission?" The P.A asked again.

"OBJECTION! Leading the witness!" Miss. Tsukino said in furry, I had to admit that she was right about it though.

"Sustained." I answered to the court then looked to the P.A "Please refrase the question." I said in a stearn manner.

"What happened on the day July 25th Mr.Chiba?" the P.A asked in order to assertain the result of which happened that day.

"I was on my daily walk to the Arcade to visit my friend Motoki. As I turned the courner me and Miss. Tsukino had yet another run in which was becoming a routine. I admit that I was attracted to her. So my hormones had threatened to take control and so I made a hast escape to my apparment seeking a way to rid myself of" He coughs here and I realize that I am being a little bit egotisitcal at the idea of saying that he was attracted to me but I het my mind continue. "an unwanted problem. I had been minding my own business in my appartment when the young lady in question happened to walk in on me durning the shower which had been my attempted way to get rid of the slight problem."

Miss. Tsukino giggled at this and mumbled to herself "SLIGHT problem!? That sure as hell wasn't slight. He could put many guys to shame." She said then realized that everyone had heard her and promptly turned a bright shade of red as the P.A and Mr. Chiba turned to look at her both raising an eyebrow then turned to me. I blushed as well after this, after all she IS me.

"I rest my case your honor." The P.A answered in return after that embaressing moment knowing that it would be proven that the remark had indeed showen that I had payed attention and was attracted to him.

"Miss. Tsukino you now have the stand." I said to her and raised an eyebrow of mine and looked at her.

"I would like to call Tsukino Usagi to the stage." She stated, i nodded and created a THIRD picture of myself in the witness stage and vetod the picture of Mamoru. And waited for the 3rd picture of myself who I decided to call Serena as that was my middle name, to be sworn in.

After which I nodded and smiled at Miss. Tuskino. "You may continue with the witness." I said.

"Would you please tell us your view of what happened that day please." Miss. Tsukino said to Serena.

"I had been walking to get the exercise that I normally try to get, and also thinking of my friend Makoto who had died shortly before. When Mr.Chiba and I had the run in which usually opccured when he just disappeared without a word of apology or anything. So I was upset and decided to confront him about it. I didn't really catch up to him until i saw him go into his apartment. And go being as upset as I was I tried the door and it opened. And so I went in to confront him when I found him in the shower. I was embaressed by seeing him in such a state so tried to flee when I was blocked in by Mr. Chiba. Who launched into a speach after laughing at me. I emediately left after hitting him out of rage. I guess it was the idea that he laughed at me and yelled at me that made me so emotional about it so I emediately left and went to sleep with arms full of stuffed rabbits ment to represent my friends." Serena stated who was trying to withold tears and Miss. Tsukino nodded.

"What are your feelings for Mr. Chiba?" Miss. Tsukino asked after a second trying to allow Serena to regain her wits.

"I....I...don't know!" She stammered and immediately burst into tears. The jury looked back and forth to one another and nodded.

"I rest my case." Miss. Tsukino told me and walked back to her spot.

I looked at Mr. Chiba and smiled. "Would you like to cross examione the witness?" I asked of him who promtly turned it down. "So I shall give the jury the mandatory time for them to assertain wheather she is guilty or not of caring for Mr. Chiba." I said and was about to get up when the Makoto on the jury spoke.

"That will not be nessasary your honor. We find her guilty." She replied, all the other jury members nodded and then Makoto sat back down.

I sighed and mumbled to myself then heard myself declair the sentance. "I hereby sentance you Miss. Tsukino is to love Chiba Mamoru for your whole life." I hit the little hammer once more and then declaired the case dismissed and got up, and made evryone else vansish.

I then settled back into my normal dreams for the rest of the time.