and Roses
By: Prophetess of Hearts
Chapter 20: Epilogue.
Disclaimer: Standard
A.N: I'm slightly depressed or am i angered, i really don't know, so this may
be depressing. I switch at points between english and japanesse, sorry if I get
the grammer wrong.
Watashi (wa) - I (am) Hai - yes
Demo - But Omae o korosu - I will kill you
Dameyo - don't Konnichi'(wa)- good afternoon/hello
Ai - love Onii - brother
~~~~{~~@ September 14th @~~}~~~~
---/--@ Various points in the day @--\---
^_^ Beryl's PoV ^_^
It's been a damn month, a whole shimatta month. They had got me, the baka
police. They think they could hold me, they can't, these padded walls can't
protect that baka forever. Omae o korosu Usagi. They think I'm nuts, they still
wonder how I got out of where the little Rabbit and where the Rose had put me.
oh... they didn't know what I had done, no, they just thought that my guard had
left town, they thought my guard wanted to be away from this. They don't know I
killed her, the don't know the truth. I lured her in so easily, so innocently.
What a lamb to the slaughter. Demo Usagi won't be so lucky, no Watashi wa going
to have my revenge, of yes i will. I'll just pop up one day and say
"Konnichi'wa Usagi. You miss me? you know Omae o korosu for what you
did." they don't know what I am capable of.
Ohhhhhh Nani do you know, it's the little pill-fairy, come to bring me the
little green pills, yellow ones and the red ones too. Dameyo they see it's not
going to work. Ohhhh now I have to choke down the pills, not that Watashi can
do anything to make me though them up... no Watashi wa all strapped down. I'll
get them all, I'll get every last one of them then I'll make sure that Mamoru
REALLY belongs in here... ohhhhhh Hai Watashi will.
^_^ Shingo's PoV ^_^
It's been exactly a month since the battle, it's been a month since Motoki's
death. Watashi saw the whole thing, I really did, no one can keep those images
from my mind. No one can stop me from wondering whats going to happen now. Not
that it really matters, all Watashi know is that Usagi is safe, and for now
that is good enough for me.
Of course, she had Mamoru to lean back on, Watashi dameyo have anyone. But
there is that girl that I like, whats her name... Mika or something? Oh well,
it will happen sometime that I get someone to help me cope. Just not one of
those stupid shrinks, they made me go to this Deena person, she said she knew
what I was going though. HA! It's not possible. Demo for now it doesn't matter,
Iie, for now all that matters is that there is some peace on the streets.
^_^ Kenji's PoV ^_^
Watashi dameyo know exactly what is going on with Usagi, she really didn't say
anything to me about her friends death. Demo she's been visiting Deena still,
seems there is still some comfort in her for Usagi. Even though it didn't seem
to work for Shingo, bit you can't always win these things. What matters is that
maybe in time we will get our daughter back, maybe she'll be our little tenshi
again, until then is is your Usa, we must protect her.
^_^ Ikuko's PoV ^_^
Kenji's been babying Usa, he thinks she needs to be protected. Watashi know the
truth, Watashi know that in reality she is protecting us. And that it is only
really Deena and Mamoru that Usa is trusting even a little, on the bright side
of this Usa is doing okay in school, she decided that she should apply herself,
even if it's for Motoki's sake. I think she thought of Motoki as her onii-san.
We can only hope now that Usa becomes 'normal' again. And for now, that shall
have to keep us going.
^_^ Deena's PoV ^_^
I knew what had been going on before Usa told me, and I knew that she had many
secrets barried, but you see that would have to be put on the back burner, for
now, as a trained phycologist I've decided that it was best if I tried to help
her and any others deal with thier feelings of greif, depression, or guilt.
Watashi will do the best I can, and that is all.
^_^ Mamoru's PoV ^_^
My best friend was murdered a month ago exactly, it hurts like hell, sometimes
Watashi even cry. Demo thats not what he would want me to think of, no Motoki
would want me to suck it up and continue to be with Usagi, after all, thats
what he died for. That made me wonder though, did Motoki ai Usagi like I do, or
was it just like one loves a sibling.
It doesn't matter now, Watashi have been with Usagi for a while now, and
everything seems to be getting better, she's not crying as much, she cried a
hell of a lot during the funeral, and more when Motoki's parents told Usagi and
me that Motoki always talked about us.
I'll always try and live up to my name, Mamoru, meaning protector in english,
I'll always try to protect her, Iie matter what, just like Motoki did, and just
like him, Watashi shall give my life to her if it's needed.
^_^ Usagi's PoV ^_^
Many things have happened in the past month, like Matoki's funeral, Beryl's
incarseration into the insane asylum and other things of the ilk. The only
blessing is that everyone seems to be taking care of my feelings, they all try
to protect me. Even Shingo, my bratty little kid onii-chan, who would ahve
thought it?
At times Watashi think of Matoki, the way I used to have a crush on him when I
was little. I keep thinking back to one thing he said though, it was "No
matter what Usa-chan, I'll always look out for you". He had proved that
right by making the altimate((sp?)) sacrifice for me, he gave up his life. I
wonder now though if he's watching over me with Kami-sama, and minna who were
special to me. Like Makoto. But I have to live, I have to... if only for them.
Oh yeah, and you'll never guess! The White Rabbits and the Jagged Roses have
agreed to come together as one force. We still haven't come up with a name for
us yet, but at the moment the people have taken to calling us 'Rabbits n'
Roses', who knows. Oh yeah, and we've started to help out the community, we're
starting to be like an organization instead of gangs. I wonder if we do become
an organization that we can call ourselves 'Matoki's Tenshi' to immortalize the
person who helped create a better future for us, even if he had to give his
life to do it.
^_^ Matoki's PoV ^_^
I'm dead, this is something they instill in you so you don't doubt it. But you
see Watashi wa not just dead, Iie Watashi wa now a guardian Tenshi. And my
charge(s), isn't it obvious? Mamoru and Usagi. Kami-sama even said that the
possition seemed to have been created just for me. As if it was my destiny to
do what I did. In a way that makes me feel better.
Watashi watched my funeral. It was kind of weird to see, but you know what, it
all has worked out so far. We'll just see if it gets any better, for them. Like
Beryl being perminently out of the way. Watashi wa not NESSASARLY talking about
killing her or her dying... iie, Tenshi dameyo think that way. But still, you
never know.
I'll watch over then for a good long while, maybe cheer them on through the
relationship, blush and turn my back while they are in bed. I mean, even
Kami-sama chooses to let that remain private and between those involved.
Although, I could always sell tickets to the other Tenshi and call it
"Mamoru peice theatre", but then again that would be kind of
embaressing for Usagi, so I can't do that... even if Mamoru DOES deserve it for
some of the pranks he's pulled on me.
Demo we'll see.