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Chriz van Jaarsveld

Sleeze Beez

Chriz van Jaarsveld is currently the guitarist for the Sleeze Beez. Besides being a great guitarist he's a super nice guy! I had the chance to meet Chriz and the rest of the band back in the days of their first U.S. tour. They were a lot of fun. The band broke up in 1996 but reformed in 2010! I had the pleasure of interviewing Chriz recently!


1. Any person (living or dead) that you would like to meet and why?

My cat, coz I dearly luved that animal.

2. Who are some of your favorite musicians?

 Ritchie Blackmore in his Deep Purple days, Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull), Todd Rundgren, Frank Zappa, David Bowie, Pete Townsend, Mick Jagger (ultimate performer), Yngwie Malmsteen, Phil Rudd, and many others.

3. What's your guilty musical pleasure?

 Country & Western, the tear jerking ballads, heard many of those on the radio whilst being on tour in the U.S.

4. Who did you idolize as a child?

 I don't think I did really... I always wanted to be like one of the big, physically strong guys in the neighborhood - they always seemed to have it all, and got a lot of respect. Later on a realized that being a guitarist in a rock band is not much different really, it's even better for that matter.

5. Stranded on a deserted island, what 3 cds would you have with you?

Yeah, I asked myself that question also at times. Once, after a stranded relationship, I started a new life with no money whatsoever in a crappy house with a small hifi system and only 2 records: one was Reckless by Brian Adams, and the other one Back in Black by AC/DC. I played the hell out of those albums, over and over again, and they got me thru that period. But since I have a broad taste in music, I would say: Yes - Close to the Edge, Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon, and last but definitely not least, AC/DC's Back in Black. Hope there is electricity on that island then....

6. The difference between today's music and the music of the 80's?

 I like what's going on nowadaze, I can sense a new turn in music, a lot of young musicians are picking up on late 60's early 70's music - so nothing new under the sun one might say, but I find that very promising really. Although I luved the 80's, much of the music from back then sounds 'dated' to me, with those big drums and all. I always preferred a more natural sound. Some good bands from that era though! (like Motley Crue for instance).

7. Favorite place to perform?

The Paradiso in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

8. What makes a good song?

To me a good song is a song you wanna hear over and over again -sometimes the best songs are the ones that have to 'grow' on ya, but when they do, you're hooked. And speaking of hooks: I like songs with a good hook, catchy, or haunting chorus, and a good sound. A song with a head and a tail.

9. What are your hobbies?

 My hobbies are close to wot I do for a living, which is painting (as an artist) and making music. And sometimes I like to indulge in some "bad" habits I have, with good friends or female company - I won't go into details, but I can reveal that staying up late is involved.

10. Favorite food to eat on the road?

My favorite food on the road is what I like at home as well: pizza(!) and Mexican food. And my favorite guitar is a Fender Stratocaster.

11. The first concert you ever went to?

Black Sabbath in Amsterdam, with madman Ozzy. Sabbath in their glory days, I woz totally blown away.

12. Who's the best person you've met on the road?

That's a tuff question... most people one meets on the road, besides fans, are people from the press, media, or record company reporters, executives etc.. That's all mainly about the business-side of making music. A lot of those persons do not tickle my fancy, if u catch my drift ;-). I did meet a lot of nice people of course (specially the fans, and fellow musicians) but I think the best persons to hang around with on the road are your fellow band mates. You have to stick - and pull thru together, even when the odds are against you. When touring abroad one has to rely on each other, thru thick and thin. By the way, come to think of it: Best person I met on the road must have been ME, myself really... hahaha

13. Any current projects?

 Right now I'm working on a bunch of songs in my home studio. I do have plans to bring some old mates in, and I'll take it from there.
And as an artist I work together with my sister Saskya under the banner PROFUNDUS - the website is under construction at the moment (the English version is a mess ;-) but if u wanna take a look, go to: (the new and refreshed site will be online approximately around may this year).



© Ariann Boisvert. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any content, images or sounds, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited.



"Music is a beautiful opiate if you don't take it too seriously."

~Henry Miller