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Gravely MacCabre

Gravely MacCabre is one of the current caretakers of Castle Blood. What is Castle Blood you ask? When I think of Castle Blood I call it a Haunted Attraction because it's so much more than your typical Haunted House! For the last 10+ years I have blindly traveled there like I was under some kind of spell.. It's my favorite haunt to visit by far. And at this point in time I doubt that will ever change. Filled with talented actors, a great storyline (Yes storyline, not a bunch of Freddies running around aimlessly!), and wonderful sets! Castle Blood will leave you wanting more, along with frighteningly entertaining you! I've become friends with Gravely over the years and it's been a pleasure indeed! Him & the Castle Blood crew can sometimes be found haunting the convention circuit. So the next time you see them do say "HI" or if you're in the Pa. area stop and see them this Halloween season!


 1. What was your favorite thing to dress up as for Halloween in childhood?

Pirates, vampires, and the big surprise is native Americans, I was on a dance ceremonial team in scouts.


#2 What is your favorite horror movie past and present?

Old school, Bride of Frankenstein. Mid school, Fright Night. New school, Let the Right One In.


#3 Who are your favorite horror movie actors/actresses?

Vincent Price, so versatile, comedy, horror, just plain creepy. Hazel Court sexy nurse, snotty baroness, she could do it all as well.


#4 Is there any particular monster that fascinates you?

All versions of the Frankenstein monster, as they are really the victims in the movies. Also, pumpkin head, as a father myself, I look at him as a good guy.


#5 Do you believe in real haunted houses & why?

Yes I do. My old costume shop in New Jersey was haunted, and I knew the person in real life, the previous owner. And in 1996 and 97 when Castle Blood was in Bentleyville, Pa, that place had so many unexplained things happen witnessed by customers and cast alike, I have no reason to say it wasn't haunted.


#6 Who did you idolize as a child?

I didn't really idolize anyone from horror as a kid, except maybe Zacherly, but that was when I was a teenager more. As a kid, I would have to say Mickey Mantle, who I got to meet a few times, and a signed ball from him has been on my nightstand for decades now.


#7 Going to conventions you have met a lot of famous people, who is your favorite?

The people that watch our show of course LOL, but seriously, so many of the guests have been great to me and the castle folks, it's hard to pick. But I guess I will go with Elvira. She sees so many fans, and is asked to do stuff for so many horror hosts, it's amazing that she is still as nice as she is to everyone. Seems like she is a real old time performer, who actually appreciates the life the fans have given her.


#8 How did Gravely MacCabre come about?

Gravely is my own vaudeville-ish, slightly goofy version of Uncle Creepy from the Warren magazines. I knew I wanted a first name that could be descriptive to go with the MacCabre last name. And here's a secret, I had a list of possibilities, and the worst one, that kept with the Irish/Scottish deal I was looking for, was, get ready, cause it sucks...... Maus O'Leum!


#9 Where did you get the idea for Castle Blood?

Castle Blood grew organically from our roots as a trick or treat home haunt. One year when we were pirates, and VERY minimal, kids called the place, a castle, cause I guess, to a 5 year old, the house looks really huge, then the next year as we went to vampire costumes, I thought about the blood thing to go with it. It has been a a blessing and a curse, it is easy to remember, but many people think it means we are a gross out blood and guts haunt, rather than just owned by vampires. Like, you know, if a southern redneck named his place, it would be Castle Bar b Que!


#10 What are some of your favorite haunted houses & why?

Fav haunted houses, well, many of them are gone now; Terror on Church Street in Orlando, Museum of Myths and Monsters Salem Mass. They both were a great blend of beautiful theatrical sets, and never skimped on the scares. So hard to see haunts up and running, as I cant get away during the season..


#11 Current projects?

Current projects include: getting ready for the 19th season of Castle Blood this fall, working hard on the National Halloween convention, which as I write this just finished a few weeks ago, but the work on it never stops. And I am also on the committees for 2 of the next 3 costume cons, which is a great great convention, for people who want to learn how to make stuff.


#12 When did your love of horror start?

When? I have a picture of me as 5 years old, 1964, being Frankenstein, with my friend Keith, who was the Wolfman, just playing in our neighborhood in long branch NJ, so I guess I'll go with that.


#13 What makes Castle Blood different from the rest for people who don't know?

What makes Castle Blood different ( and I do mean different, not better) is that we rely heavily on great sets , costumes and actors, to bring the mortals, a truly interactive tour. The tour is basically a game, where they have to participate in tests challenges and stoopid human tricks to get all the way thru. After all these years, many people have tried to use bits and pieces of our idea, but not been successful, because they are in big city locations where they need to do huge amounts of people, and our style of haunt is at a much slower pace overall. It is not for everyone to be sure, but we have a crazy fanatical fan base that are hugely supportive. I have been very lucky, and it is all due too all the people who have worked here over the years, whether they are still here or not. They all played a big part of where the Castle is today!


© Ariann Boisvert. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any content, images or sounds, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited.



"It's as much fun to scare as to be scared."

~Vincent Price