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CountSam Gregula

(L-R. Countess Gregula, Count Sam Gregula, Nurse Bela Donna & Dr. Svornoff)


1. Where did you come up with your name?
From my parents. Haha. Seriously, I just used my mortal name of Greg as a variation of Count Dracula by adding "ula" at the end of Greg and just put Count in the beginning. I later added the first name of Sam as a nod to Sam Dracula a.k.a. Grandpa from THE MUNSTERS.

2. Where did you come up with your character?
My love for popular vampires such as Bela Lugosi's Count Dracula, Christopher Lee's Dracula and Al 'Grandpa' Lewis from THE MUNSTERS all inspired my look for Count Gregula.

3. Going to conventions you have met a lot of famous people, who is your favorite?
Hmmm, that is tough one. I really enjoyed meeting everyone through the years at various conventions, but if I have to choose my most favorite famous person then it vould have to be the late and great Al 'Grandpa' Lewis. I met Mr. Lewis at a Munster Masquerade in Texas that I vas invited to attend back in October of 2002. Such vonderful memories...

4. What are your favorite horror movies and why?
John Carpenter's HALLOWEEN because it is about my favorite holiday and in my opinion this film is the KING of modern horror movies. Also, the classic Universal film DRACULA of 1931 made me the vampire I am today.

5. Who inspired you growing up?
My personal fiend Svengoolie inspired me the most to even give horror hosting a try. Vatching his old show SON OF SVENGOOLIE vhile growing up vas so much fun! I thought vhen I become an adult vampire I vant to put my claw into the ring to entertain others.

6. What kind of advice would you give to any future horror show hosts?
Be patient because fame doesn't come overnight and don't do this expecting to get rich. Be a horror show host for the love of the genre.

7. Who are your favorite horror movie actors?
Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, Lon Chaney Jr., Jamie Lee Curtis, Bill Moseley, Sid Haig and Robert Englund to name just a few.

8. What in your opinion makes a great horror movie?
A great horror movie has to be scary and believable. Excessive gore is not alvays necessary.

9. What was your favorite thing to dress up as for Halloween in childhood?

10. Is there any particular monster that fascinates you?
A vampire of corpse!

11. How did Count Gregula's Crypt get started?
Vell, Countess and I first made a TV appearance on THE BONE JANGLER and it vas such an enjoyable experience that ve decided to give it a try by filming our very first show on location at Navy Pier in Chicago. That pilot episode of ours vas a collaboration effort vith one other person that vas our first editor. Our show vas originally seen in various parts of Indiana and Illinois. Ve have now expanded to celebrity interviews, entertainment reviews on our own blog, acting in movies and making various personal appearances.

12. Who are the other members on your show?
Countess Gregula, our Children of the Night & Da Crypt Crew.

13. Do you have any upcoming projects in the works?
I'm thinking of doing a live stage show of COUNT GREGULA'S CRYPT at a local theatre. Keep checking my sites for details.


© Ariann Boisvert. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any content, images or sounds, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited.



"Oh, it's night-time. I was having a daymare!"

~Dracula Dracula: Dead and Loving It