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#1. What is your fondest memory from the filming of "Night of the Living Dead"?

I think my fondest and funniest memory is of watching my dad having to do one particular scene over and over again. It was just after he'd been shot and he was supposed to fall down the stairs. He got caught in the coat tree each time and it kept following him down the basement steps. It happened repeatedly and everyone, including him, was in tears from laughing so hard by the time he got it right. Maybe you had to be there, but it really was very funny to watch.

#2. When you were playing Karen the zombie girl and holding the trowel did you ever have the urge to really use it?

I must confess - I was overcome with a desire to become a brick-layer. ;-)

#3. What was your favorite thing to dress up as for Halloween in childhood?

My favorite Halloween costume was a witch costume (with great makeup that my dad did for me). I even had a license plate for my broom.

#4. What is your favorite horror movie past and present?

It's really hard to think of just one movie for each category. There are so many I love. Past- If "Jaws" counts as a horror film, it is my all-time favorite movie. Present- How "present" do you mean? Like within the last 5 years? It would have to be the The Blair Witch Project because it was totally original and it scared the hell out of me the first time I saw it.

#5. Who are your favorite horror movie actors/actresses?

Some of my favorite actors who have appeared in horror movies would be: Max Schreck, Lon Chaney (Sr. and Jr.), Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Vincent Price, Peter Cushing, Julie Harris, Barbara Steele, Duane Jones, Anthony Hopkins, Klaus Kinski, Tony Todd, Gunnar Hansen, Ken Foree, Doug Bradley, shall I go on?

#6. Did you ever imagine that "Night of the Living Dead" would turn into such a cult film and you would have such a following?

I don't think anyone imagined that NOTLD would even be remembered this many years later, let alone have the following it has. I guess it just proves that zombies are lovable characters.

#7. What do you think is so appealing about the movie?

For me personally, and maybe for others as well, the real horror in the film isn't the zombies at the door. The real monsters are the dysfunctional people inside the house. They can't even manage to put their differences and egos aside to work together for just one night to save their own lives. I don't find anything about the movie particularly "appealing". I think it's disturbing because of the human relationships going on inside the farmhouse and I believe that's one of the reasons the movie works so well. Of course, some folks just like watching zombies chow down on body parts, and that is part of the fun, but to me the movie really isn't about that at all. What I see is the potential hopelessness of the human condition and it depresses me.

#8. What did you think of filming as a child? Was it something you wanted to do or was it more like a chore to you?

I wanted to do it. It was a fantasy fulfilled.

#9. Do you have any regrets about being in the movie?

No way! Not one.

#10. What made you choose not to pursue a movie career?

Pittsburgh in the 60s wasn't exactly a film-making mecca. There have been a lot of opportunities in Pittsburgh since then, but by the time that happened, I wasn't interested in acting. I'm not sure I ever really was. It was just something I happily fell into. Right place, right time.

#11. Do you like going to conventions and what is your favorite?

I love going to conventions. I can't possibly pick a favorite because they all have something different to offer. Chiller and Horrorfind are spectacular and they're non-stop parties. Monster Bash gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling. It's near my home and it's always the first weekend of my vacation. It's the first convention of the summer and I see so many people there that I love. I'm doing Cinema Wasteland this year for the first time and I'm really looking forward to it because I love Ken and Pam (Kish).

#12. Is there any particular monster that fascinates you?

I love Pumpkinhead. There, it's out. I've said it.

#13. What are your hobbies?

Making jewelry, snuggling with my dogs and cats, watching cheesy movies on Sci-fi, reading, sleeping.

#14 Do you have any current projects in the works?

Uh....yes. But if I tell you, I'll have to kill you. ;)


© Ariann Boisvert. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any content, images or sounds, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited.



"I Hurt..."

~Kyra Schon as Karen in Night of the Living Dead