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Web of  Deceit
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Bats in the Belfry
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15 minutes of Fame
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Nurse Bela Donna
my horror host days

Carl Spencer Albert
In Loving Memory

Raymond Arthur Gillen
In Loving Memory

Stevie Ray Vaughan
Letter From Beyond

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1. What made you get involved in the horror scene?

I suppose it always held a lurid attraction of sorts for me. And I liked the whole Scream Queen image as opposed to being just the regular type of actress.


2. At what age did you first start to like horror?

When I was around 5 years old ghosts and witches fascinated me. But vampires and monsters would have frightened me back then much would have some of the serial killer types of characters I've played. So I guess I was pretty young when I first noticed the horror scene, it was also when I was 5 years old is when I had decided I wanted to be an actress.


3. What are your favorite horror movies?

To list a few Donnie Darko, The Lost Boys, The Evil Dead series.


4. Who are your favorite scream queens?

I like Jamie Lee Curtis in the earlier Halloween series before Scream Queen meant that you had to shed clothing to be a horror movie actress.


5. Who did you idolize as a child?

Cher and Stevie Nicks.


6. How did you go from being a dom to being what you are now?

I think being a Domina first helped me to ease into this business because I had gotten a lot of internet exposure, ads, interviews, stories, photo shoots, etc. Then once I started to go to conventions and networking I already had something to work off of.


7. As far as your music goes who do you listen to these days?

I listen to a pretty wide variety of music from industrial, pop, punk, 80s music.


8. Who did you idolize music-wise?

Stevie Nicks, Rob Zombie, NIN, Godhead, Faster Pussycat.


9. Out of all the conventions you go to which is your favorite?

Hard to say the Pittsburgh Comicon is always fun as is Dragoncon. But in the past year I've noticed I do really well at the horror based conventions like Frightvision and Flashback.


10. What are your hobbies?

Photography and my pet bunnies (I don't know if the bunnies qualify as hobbies.


11. Who is your favorite person that you have met?

If I said that would build up their ego too much.


12. What advice would you give to someone who wants to become just like you?

Work hard, network, self promote!!!


13. What was your favorite thing to dress up as for Halloween when you were little?

A witch or a beauty queen. I think I've done a fine job of combining the two.


14. What are some of your favorite movies in general?

Again I have to say Donnie Darko, I also like David Lynch films like Blue Velvet. I watch a ton of movies and not just in the horror category.


15. What did you like to watch on t.v. as a kid?

I liked Bewitched & Casper. Not very scary, I know.

16. You have always been very accessible to your fans, do you think you will continue to be in the future?

I'd say. I probably will continue to be pretty accessible to my fans but the past several years I've been doing so much traveling to conventions I think for this year I'm going to cut my convention schedule in half. I need some time to have a personal life as well as a career.


17. What's next for you?

In March we shoot segments for the Bad Movie Police, it should be a lot of fun. These will be set for release later this year and feature myself and Ariauna Albright.


18. What has been the most exciting thing that has happened to you so far?

I cannot pin point any one thing but I'm just happy and excited to still be working in this field. Not everyone is so lucky to work in a field they enjoy.


19. Any parting words?

Make yourself happy, sometimes it is good to be just a little selfish.


© Ariann Boisvert. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any content, images or sounds, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited.



" that which enables us to believe things which we know to be untrue."

~Professor Van Helsing