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Carl Spencer Albert
In Loving Memory

Raymond Arthur Gillen
In Loving Memory

Stevie Ray Vaughan
Letter From Beyond

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With only weeks away from his Hall of Fame Induction I feel that I need to express my love for Mick Foley. He dedicated years of his life and various body parts to entertaining us. Call him a wrestler, call him nuts, call him a glorified stuntman but I like to call him the Evil Kenevil of wrestling! Mick first came into my life via the t.v. as Mankind. My favorite Foley character of all time. Maybe it was the long hair? Maybe it was the fact that he was nuts like another favorite of mine, George "the Animal" Steele? Whatever it was I was hooked.

So hooked that I wanted to meet him. And I actually got to but it wasn't up to my standards. I waited hours in line only to get a quick "hi", told no photos and a quick signature.

It wasn't until many years later that I was led full force back onto the Mick bandwagon. It was his books that did it. I've almost read all his adult books. What I've learned from this experience is how much good he has done for others, something that a lot of people don't know. He's a caring, funny dude. He's also a really good writer. I also found out that Mick and I suffer from a similar disorder OHD. What is OHD you ask? Obsessive Holiday Disorder. Mick has a room dedicated to Christmas while 80% of our house is dedicated to Halloween.

But my recent connection with Mick Foley is what really sealed the deal. Thanks to Twitter I got to connect with Mick and tweet him a few times about my love of his books. This in turn led to the discussion of his two out of print novels that I had never read. Somehow this in turn magically led to him sending me an autographed copy of each for free! This in turn led to extreme happiness and a Charlie Brown sized grin every time he is even mentioned. Still doing nice things for others, still making others smile.. This is why I love Mick Foley!



© Ariann Boisvert. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any content, images or sounds, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited.



"If God built me a ladder to heaven, I would climb it and elbow drop the world."

~Mick Foley