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Mike Christopher is best known for his roles as: Hare Krishna Zombie in Dawn of the Dead! But what most people may not know about Mike is that he's also a musician and a composer. He's done quite a few horror movies since his Dawn of the Dead days. He also enjoys going to conventions & meeting the fans. I had the pleasure of meeting Mike a few years ago & he's a lot of fun to talk to! So the next time you see him at a convention be sure to stop at his table & say "hi"! I also recently had the pleasure of interviewing Mike for your viewing pleasure!


1. What was your favorite thing to dress up as for Halloween in childhood?

I actually don't remember dressing up for Halloween as a child but when I first came to Florida in 1996 I lived with my parents for a few months. The first Halloween there I went to the drugstore and bought a few boxes of gauze, wrapped my head and hands put on a suit coat and hat and passed out candy as the invisible man . . . scared the hell out of the neighbor kids and made quite an impression on their parents as well.


#2 What is your favorite horror movie and why?

I would have to say "Dawn Of The Dead" because it is so much more than a Zombie movie. The scenes Romero created are complex. For instance; when the cop is loading the boat just before the helicopter takes off. That scene could have taken place anywhere but it us at the river just before they take off from the earth into the air. The cigarette bit introduces fire which covers all the elements! Then there is the tension in the beginning between Fly Boy and the SWAT guys which changes to tension between Fran and Fly Boy. The eventual friendship between all of them just seems to disappear naturally with Peter eventually serving Fran and Fly Boy dinner. They continue to relax into their phony consumerism dream until it all falls apart when the hoard of Anarchists arrive. As always, a great movie needs a great story line and a great story can be enjoyed over and over.


 #3 Is there any particular monster that fascinates you?

The monster in "Alien" would have to get my vote for the most unusual however Godzilla will always have a place in my heart.


#4 You've been in quite a few horror movies. Which one was your favorite & why?

Once again DOTD. It was filmed in Pittsburgh with the master himself at the helm.


#5 Who did you idolize as a child?

I really don't remember much of my childhood. A bit later tho I was genuinely impressed with Albert Hoffman . . . the guy who discovered LSD. What a unique gift to humanity to show that a chemical could totally alter your perception of reality. I also respect Ed McCabe for his tireless reporting of the medical uses of Oxygen. Last but not least; Ivan Dryer and Charlie McDaniels, the guys who started Laserium. What a treat it was to sit in a darkened Planetarium, listen to music and watch abstract patterns dance on a sea of stars.


#6 Going to conventions you have met a lot of famous people, who is your favorite?

I would have to say meeting the actors and actresses from all the Romero movies. I didn't get to interact much with anyone in Dawn except Gaylen when she was poking that flare at me and when Scott jabbed me with that rifle butt. Gaylen had no idea the hot sparks from the flare were falling on the floor and I wasn't wearing shoes!


#7 What has been your favorite horror convention that you've been a guest at?

There really isn't a favorite . . . each one has some special moment, a memory or something that makes it unique. For those of you who have never attended one. START PLANNING! They really are an incredible social experience. Stay at the hotel and just immerse yourself in the experience. It is something you will never forget.


#8 Who was your favorite director to work with?

Romero, because he turned me into a Zombie. . . without him I could never say: "I'm the Hare Krishna Zombie" DAMMIT!


#9 What made you get into acting?

George picked me out of a picture of the band I was in 'FLUID" I just thought it would be cool to be a Romero Zombie . . . and it is.


#10 What do you feel makes a good horror movie?

I'm not really a big fan of horror movies sorry, but I would have to say it's the same thing that makes any movie good . . . a good story, believable fx, interesting locations creative lighting and of course, actors and actresses who can become their character. I do recommend "Colin" and "Black Waters of Echo's Pond."


#11 What horror movie character was your favorite to play & why?

I love all the characters I play: The Ticket Scalper in "The Uh-Oh Show," a crazy old bastard in " The Booby Trapper," an Archaeologist in "The River Runs Black," Dr Ping in "Alien Vengeance," Harry C the Asshole Rock Promoter in "A Few Brains More," Captain Nicholson in "Bikini Monsters," the Buddhist monk in "Experyment6" and even the lowly cemetery worker in "Baine." That's quite a variety. Must have something to do with my multi-personality disorder.


#12 Any current projects?

I'll be working with my Ghoulfriend Shade on her horror interview show "These Ghoulish Things Remind Me of You." Everything else is wrapped up for now. I am remastering some songs I created in the early 90's and hoping to write some new stuff . . . and then there's the time traveling story that I need to finish . . . I just don't have enough time . . . DOH!


© Ariann Boisvert. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any content, images or sounds, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited.



"Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills! the people it kills get up and kill!"

~Dr. Foster