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Bats in the Belfry
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15 minutes of Fame
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Nurse Bela Donna
my horror host days

Carl Spencer Albert
In Loving Memory

Raymond Arthur Gillen
In Loving Memory

Stevie Ray Vaughan
Letter From Beyond

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1. What are your favorite horror movies of all time?

Horror...The Exorcist...Sci-Fi...Forbidden Planet


2. Who were your inspirations/idols growing up?

Elvis, The Beatles, Willis O'Brien, Ray Harryhausen and Hugh Hefner. Seeing King Kong and some of Ray's early films made me want to become a filmmaker. Reading Playboy, especially the interviews, made me want to publish my own magazine. Seeing FXRH magazine and Photon finally made me take the plunge and publish SPFX: Special Effects Magazine in 1977.


3. What made you decide to do SPFX magazine?

see above.


4. When did your love of horror start?

Seeing the early animation and sci-fi films. King Kong really started a spark. Not only about how they did that, but wanting to do something like it myself.


5. What made you decide to start making movies?

When I saw what could be done with a Super 8 camera. My early animation films were in Super 8 and later I added sound when Super 8 Sound Projectors came out.


6. How many hours goes into one of your films?

Well, if I write it myself and direct and produce, it takes 6 months.


7. How many movies have you done and tell me a little about them?

I worked with Don Dohler in Baltimore on a few films in the late 70s such as Fiend and NightBeast. Then I made my own film, The Deadly Spawn, in 1982. That film got a theatrical release in 1983. I made that film for only $20,000. The next film was Metamorphosis: The Alien Factor. For that I had over a million dollars. It's got tons of effects and stop-motion in it. Then I did The Regenerated Man, my first film using computer animation. Then Vampire Vixens From Venus a fun film with Michelle Bauer and comedian Charlie Callas. Then I did a mob film called This Thing of Ours starring Vincent Pastore, Frank Vincent, Pat Cooper and James Caan, among others. I'm now working on a teenage hip-hop film called Destination Fame starring Robert Iler from The Sopranos. Next up is a sci-fi film called The Visitor which is a hybrid of The Day the Earth Stood Still and ET.


8. What qualities do you look for in actors for your movies?

A easy natural style and humongous breasts. (just kidding)


9. How would one go about getting into one of your films?

Send in a resume.


10. What advice would you give to future independent movie makers?

Now is the time! Transferring hi-def to film is cheaper than ever. Video films are getting released by Blockbuster and major video chains. Just make them good. The script is the thing.


11. How did the idea of SPFX magazine come about? and how did you go about getting it started?

See above and I just decided to give it a try. I wanted to do a magazine featuring my favorite 50s films and interview my favorite actors and effects techs.


12. Who was your favorite person to work with or interview?

It's always great talking with people like Ray Harryhausen, Jim Danforth, Hugh Hefner, Pat Neal, Chris Walas, Ann Robinson, the Wonka kids, Joan Weldon...gee, I can't remember anyone I didn't enjoy speaking with!


13. How have the conventions been for you and what has been your favorite?

Conventions are always fun and I try to attend as many as I can. Chiller Theatre twice a year for sure, Fanex, Horrorfind, FrightVision, Monster Bash....I hope to see everyone at the Chiller Theatre Halloween convention!


14. Who is your favorite horror film actor?

I don't know, I like them all. John Agar was cool! My favorite overall actor is James Cagney and my favorite film is It's a Wonderful Life.


15. What do you enjoy about the conventions if anything?

Meeting the people and seeing friends who I get together with at various shows. Fred Olen Ray and I always try to get together at Fanex. Frank Dietz at Chiller, etc. The cons are just great fun. You're surrounded with friends, beer, films, beer, toys and posters and model kit and did I mention beer?



© Ariann Boisvert. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any content, images or sounds, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited.



"It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are."

~E.E. Cummings