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Wrestling & Me

George "the Animal" Steele

My love of wrestling started when I was in my teens. I used to watch it with my grandparents. My grandma was especially into it. She would yell at the wrestlers on t.v. Her brother, my Uncle Sam, was also a big wrestling fan and very vocal about it. Him and his son went to many matches but I wasn't allowed to go because my grandma was worried that I'd get killed there! Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka was the wrestler that caught my attention. He kept me mesmerized with his crazy antics and his signature move the "Superfly". Then Shawn Michaels came along and made me swoon. Every week we would watch wrestling. I had every single wrestling figure there was (the old rubber ones) until my grandma lent them to my little cousin Joey. Instead of returning them to me they were sold at a flea market! AAAAHHHHHHH! I collected the wrestling cards and read the magazines. One of many dreams I had back then was to become a wrestling photographer.

Unfortunately I never pursued that dream. In 1989 I got bit by the music bug and started meeting bands, which took up a good many years of my life. Wrestling was forgotten about. Music was eventually forgotten about too for awhile. But they would both find me again. The day before my grandfather's funeral my husband and I were sitting in the hotel looking for something to watch on t.v. We came across TNA (now Impact) wrestling. The storylines were not really my thing and the wrestling I was seeing was pretty bad. Ironically it made me think back to the superior WWE and long to see it again. We never did watch TNA again but WWE has become a weekly ritual in our  house. A few years later I finally went to my first wrestling match. It was incredible! We saw Smackdown in Hershey Pa. and it was being recorded the night we were there. We got to look for ourselves on t.v. 3 days later. If you haven't seen a WWE event live I highly recommend it. Everything you see on t.v. is 10,000 times better live.

Since then we have also met many the wrestlers, both old and new. A few we have met at various conventions. But the meeting that sticks out the most in my mind has to be Wrestlemania Axxess 2011 in Atlanta Georgia. The Undertaker was doing a signing and I want to meet him more than anything. We didn't get to go to the actual Wrestlemania match because we couldn't afford it. But instead we spent the entire trip going to Axxess. It was a lot of fun but pretty disorganized and sometimes frustrating. Due to the amount of people that attended and the limited time that each wrestler was signing autographs we didn't get to meet everyone we wanted. One reason we did not get to meet everyone we wanted involved the WWE changing stars signing schedules at the drop of a hat. Another was that meeting the stars deemed to be big at that years Axxess (said stars change yearly it seems) involved extra money that we didn't have. We did pay extra to meet the Undertaker. In the end it wasn't worth it to me. After wasting the majority of that day sitting in line for 4 hours to be the first to meet him all I got was two words out of him. I thought he would be a little more talkative to the 1st person in line but I was wrong. Kinda a let down. The frustrating part of Axxess was the "security". Little girls, fat guys and elderly men who were supposed to be protecting the wrestlers. What a joke. They liked to try to manhandle the fans as we were trying to meet the wrestlers. Other than that the experience was a nice one. I don't know if I would recommend it to anyone now though. From what I heard you're no longer allowed to get your pictures with most of the wrestlers. We plan on going back one day so I'll have to keep you posted.

I learned pretty fast when I first started watching wrestling that a lot of it was staged. I'm still aware of this but I think now wrestling has a different appeal to me. While some of it is staged a lot of it is real. The wrestlers suffer injuries and live with constant. I was in a car accident in 2007 and I suffer constant pain as well. So I guess I can relate to them in that sense. That in turn makes me respect them on a whole different level.

© Ariann Boisvert. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any content, images or sounds, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited.



"As they say, anything can happen in the World Wrestling Federation."

~Jerry Lawler